14,755 research outputs found

    Clustering at high redshift

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    The addition of deep near infrared images to the database provided by the HDF-S WFPC2 is essential to monitor the SEDs of the objects on a wide baseline and address a number of key issues including the total stellar content of baryonic mass, the effects of dust extinction, the dependence of morphology on the rest frame wavelength, the photometric redshifts, the detection and nature of extremely red objects (EROs). For these reasons deep near infrared images were obtained with the ISAAC instrument at the ESO VLT in the Js, H and Ks bands reaching, respectively, 23.5, 22.0, 22.0 limiting Vega-magnitude. A multi-color (F300, F450, F606, F814, Js, H, Ks) photometric catalog of the HDF-S has been produced. Photometric redshifts have been generated both fitting templates to the observed SEDs and with neural network techniques. Spectroscopic observations of the 9 candidates with I_AB <24.25 have confirmed all of them to be galaxies with 2<z<3.5. The photometric redshifts for all the galaxies brighter than I_AB< 27.5 have been used to study the evolution of galaxy clustering in the interval 0<z<4.5.Comment: 2 pages Latex, To appear in the proceedings of "The mass of galaxies at low and high redshift", Venice, Oct 24-26, 2001,eds. R. Bender and A. Renzini (ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer-Verlag

    The absorption spectrum of the QSO PKS 2126-158 (z_em = 3.27) at high resolution

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    Spectra of the z_em = 3.268 quasar PKS 2126-158 have been obtained in the range lambda lambda 4300-6620 A with a resolution R = 27000 and an average signal-to-noise ratio s/n = 25 per resolution element. The list of the identified absorption lines is given together with their fitted column densities and Doppler widths. The modal value of the Doppler parameter distribution for the Ly-alpha lines is = 25 km/s. The column density distribution can be described by a power-law dn/dN \propto N^{-beta} with beta = 1.5. 12 metal systems have been identified, two of which were previously unknown. In order to make the column densities of the intervening systems compatible with realistic assumptions about the cloud sizes and the silicon to carbon overabundance, it is necessary to assume a jump beyond the He II edge in the spectrum of the UV ionizing background at z = 3 a factor 10 larger than the standard predictions for the integrated quasar contribution. An enlarged sample of C IV absorptions (71 doublets) has been used to analyze the statistical properties of this class of absorbers strictly related to galaxies. The column density distribution is well described by a single power-law, with beta=1.64 and the Doppler parameter distribution shows a modal value b = 14 km/s. The two point correlation function has been computed in the velocity space for the individual components of C IV features. A significant signal is obtained for scales smaller than 200-300 km/s, xi(30< Delta v < 90 km/s) = 32.71 +- 2.89. A trend of decreasing clustering amplitude with decreasing column density is apparent, analogously to what has been observed for Ly-alpha lines.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX (l-aa.sty), 13 ps figures, included in text with epsf, Fig. 1 can be retrieved at http://www.sissa.it/~dodorico/paper.html, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic
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