21 research outputs found

    Problematizing the multidisciplinary residency in oncology: a practical teaching protocol from the perspective of nurse residents

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    Objective: To investigate practical teaching of nurse residents in a multidisciplinary residency in oncology. Method: A qualitative descriptive study grounded in the problematization methodology and its steps, represented by the Maguerez Arch. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Results: Potentiating and limiting elements of the residency guided the design of a practical teaching protocol from the perspective of residents, structured in three stages: Welcoming and ambience; Nursing care for problem situations; and, Evaluation process. Conclusion: Systematization of practical teaching promoted the autonomy of individuals and the approximation of teaching to reality, making residency less strenuous, stressful and distressing

    Impact of exposure to cold on layer production

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    Infrared thermographic images were used to evaluate the effect of the exposure of layers to cold. In this trial, 540 Isa Brown® layers with an average age of 69 weeks were housed in a conventional layer house typically used in Brazil during a period of cold environmental temperatures. Environmental and heat-transference data were recorded between July 13-16, 2010. It was verified that layers under cold stress conditions lost four times more energy that the recommendations trying to maintain their body temperature. Due to their reduced feed intake capacity, hens are not capable of increasing the availability of the metabolic energy required to maintain their body temperature and egg production, consequently resulting in economic losses


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    ABSTRACTThe pre-slaughter period is considered critical in broiler production. Several factors contribute to increase the birds' stress, such as handling, harvesting, and transportation, negatively affecting their welfare. This study aimed at evaluating the addition of lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratusStapf) to the drinking water of broilers during the pre-slaughter period on their behavior, blood cortisol, and surface temperature. The study was carried out at the experimental farm of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), Dourados, MS, Brazil. In total, 2594 broilers were distributed according to a completely randomized experimental design, in a 3x2x2 factorial arrangement, with four replicates per treatment. Treatments consisted of three different lemon grass levels (Cymbopogon citratus Stapf) used in the form of an infusion (0, 0.1, and 5 g per L of water), sex (male or female), and genetic strain (Ross(r) 308 or Cobb(r) 500). The infusion was offered when birds were 42 days old. On that day, blood was collected for blood cortisol level determination, broiler surface temperature was recorded, and an ethogram was applied to register broiler behavior. Blood cortisol level and broiler surface temperature were not affected by treatments (p>0.05). The behavior of beak opening was different between the genetic strains (p<0.05), being more frequent in Ross(r) 308 broilers. Lemon grass water content did not affect broilers' surface temperature when consumed during the pre-slaughter period

    Welfare of Broilers Ingesting a Pre-Slaughter Hydric Diet of Lemon Grass Santana MR I Nääs IA II Caldara FR II

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    ABSTRACT The pre-slaughter period is considered critical in broiler production. Several factors contribute to increase the birds&apos; stress, such as handling, harvesting, and transportation, negatively affecting their welfare. This study aimed at evaluating the addition of lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus Stapf) to the drinking water of broilers during the pre-slaughter period on their behavior, blood cortisol, and surface temperature. The study was carried out at the experimental farm of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), Dourados, MS, Brazil. In total, 2594 broilers were distributed according to a completely randomized experimental design, in a 3x2x2 factorial arrangement, with four replicates per treatment. Treatments consisted of three different lemon grass levels (Cymbopogon citratus Stapf) used in the form of an infusion (0, 0.1, and 5 g per L of water), sex (male or female), and genetic strain (Ross® 308 or Cobb® 500). The infusion was offered when birds were 42 days old. On that day, blood was collected for blood cortisol level determination, broiler surface temperature was recorded, and an ethogram was applied to register broiler behavior. Blood cortisol level and broiler surface temperature were not affected by treatments (p&gt;0.05). The behavior of beak opening was different between the genetic strains (p&lt;0.05), being more frequent in Ross® 308 broilers. Lemon grass water content did not affect broilers&apos; surface temperature when consumed during the pre-slaughter period

    Demandas de atendimento psiquiátrico em um hospital universitário Demandas de lo atendimiento psiquiátrico en un hospital universitario Demands of psychiatric care in a university hospital

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    Estudo transversal que objetivou descrever a demanda psiquiátrica em um hospital universitário de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, e conhecer a situação atual de atendimento a essa demanda. Os dados foram coletados nos prontuários dos pacientes internados em um hospital universitário, de junho-agosto de 2009, constituindo uma amostra de 551 prontuários. Apesar de apontada pela literatura como despreparada, a enfermagem é a categoria profissional que mais identifica a demanda psiquiátrica existente neste hospital. O plano de tratamento a essa demanda se restringiu a medicação, nove avaliações de psicologia e 13 de interconsulta médica psiquiátrica, sem participação significativa da enfermagem. A abordagem de aspectos emocionais e/ou mentais repercute em melhoria na qualidade da assistência de enfermagem, sendo necessário que os enfermeiros se capacitem para isto. Para viabilização disto sugerimos uma reflexão sobre a necessidade da interconsulta de enfermagem psiquiátrica neste hospital.<br>Estudio transversal, tuvo como objetivo describir la demanda psiquiátrica en un hospital universitario de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil, y conocer la situación actual de atendimiento para esa demanda. Con datos colectados en los prontuarios de los pacientes internados en un hospital, de junio- agosto de 2009, constituyendo una muestra de 551 prontuarios. A pesar de apuntada por la literatura como sin preparo, la enfermería es la categoría profesional que más identifica la demanda psiquiátrica que existe en este hospital. El plan de tratamiento a esa demanda se restringió a la medicación, nueve evaluaciones de psicología y 13 de interconsulta médica psiquiátrica, sin participación significativa de la enfermería. El abordaje de aspectos emocionales y/o mentales repercute en mejorías en la calidad de la asistencia de enfermería, siendo necesario que los enfermeros se capaciten para esto. Para hacer viable esto sugerimos una reflexión sobre la necesidad de la interconsulta de enfermería psiquiátrica en este hospital.<br>This is a cross-sectional study that aimed to describe the psychiatric demand in a university hospital in the city of Cuiabá, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, and to know the current situation of the service to this demand. The data were collected from the inpatient medical records in a university hospital, from June to August, 2009, in a total of 551 records. Despite being considered by the literature as unprepared, nursing is the professional category that most identifies the psychiatric demand in this hospital. The treatment plan to this demand was restricted to medication, nine evaluations of psychology and thirteen consultation-liaison psychiatric service, without a significant involvement of nursing. The approach of emotional and/or mental aspects results in the improvement in the quality of nursing care, and there is a need for the nurses to qualify for that. To make it happen, we propose a reflection on the need for the consultation-liaison psychiatric service in this hospital

    Lesões desportivas no atletismo: comparação entre informações obtidas em prontuários e inquéritos de morbidade referida Lesiones deportivas en el atletismo: comparacion entre las informaciones obtenidas en historias clinicas y consultas de la morbilidad referida Sports injuries in track and field: comparison between information obtained in medical records and reported morbidity inquires

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    Para compreender as lesões desportivas (LD) é necessário quantificá-las, associando-as a fatores causais particulares ao esporte. Contudo, faltam registros sobre tais agravos nas instituições esportivas, sobretudo no atletismo brasileiro, em que poucos clubes possuem serviços de assistência à saúde. Na ausência de tais registros, estudos na área de saúde pública, utilizam-se de outros recursos epidemiológicos para coletas, tais como os inquéritos de morbidade referida. A partir dessa escassez de informações e a facilidade de obtenção de dados junto aos próprios atletas, objetivou-se, para esta pesquisa, levantar informações sobre LD referidas por atletas de alto rendimento, retrocedendo em oito meses, e compará-las com os registros de prontuários clínicos. Para tanto, foram tomados 25 atletas de elite, 16 do gênero masculino e nove do feminino, com idade de 25,7 ± 4,4 anos, altura de 1,74 ± 0,10m, peso 70,4 ± 13,15kg e tempo médio de treinamento de 8,38 ± 4,06 anos. Dois fisioterapeutas foram treinados separadamente para coletar informações sobre LD. Um deles em prontuários e o outro dos próprios atletas, através de entrevista (inquéritos de morbidade referida - IMR). Estudo de concordância de respostas para as duas formas de coleta foi realizado pelo teste da proporção binomial, estabelecendo-se limites de 95% de confiança para a concordância. Os resultados mostraram que em todas as variáveis estudadas os valores estavam dentro dos limites de confiança estabelecidos pelos testes estatísticos, sendo: 88,33% para as variáveis tipo de lesão ou agravo e mecanismo de lesão ou aumento dos sintomas, 90% para a variável qualidade do retorno às atividades desportivas e 91,67% para as variáveis local anatômico e período de treinamento. Concluiu-se que houve elevada taxa de concordância entre as informações levantadas, mostrando a eficácia do IMR para a coleta de informações sobre lesões desportivas para a população investigada.<br>Para comprender las lesiones deportivas (LD) es necesario cuantificarlas, asociandolas a factores causales particulares al esporte. Aún así, faltan registros sobre estas patologías en las instituciones deportivas, sobretodo en el atletismo brasileño, donde pocos son los clubes que poseen servicios de asistencia de la salud. La ausencia de tales registros, estudios en el área de Salud Pública, se utilizan otros recursos epidemiológicos para colectas, tales como las consultas de morbilidad referida. A partir de esta escasez de información y de la facilidad de obtención de datos junto a los propios atletas, se objetivó, para esta pesquisa, levantar informaciones sobre las LD referidas por los atletas de alto rendimento, retrocediendo ocho meses, y comparándolas con los registros de historias clínicas. Por lo tanto, fueron tomados veinticinco atletas de elite, dieciseis de género masculino y nueve del femenino, con edades de 25,7 ± 4,4 años, altura de 1,74 ± 0,10 m, peso 70,4 ± 13,15 kg e tiempo médio de entrenamiento de 8,38 ± 4,06 años. Dos fisioterapeutas fueron entrenados separadamente para recolectar información sobre LD. Uno de ellos en historias clinicas y el otro de los propios atletas a través de entrevistas (Interrogatorio de Morbidade Referida - IMR). El estudio de concordancia de respuestas para las dos formas de colecta fué realizado por el test de proporción binomial, estabeleciendose límites de 95% de confianza para la concordancia. Los resultados mostraron que en todas las variables estudiadas los valores estaban dentro de los límites de confianza estabelecidos para los tests estadísticos, siendo: 88,33% para las variables tipo de lesión o agravio y mecanismo de lesión o aumento de los síntomas, 90% para la variable calidad del reintegro a las actividades deportivas el 91,67% para las variables local anatómico y período de entrenamiento. Se concluye por lo tanto, que ha habido una elevada tasa de concordancia entre las informaciones recogidas, mostrando así, la eficacia del IMR para la recolecta de informaciones sobre lesiones deportivas para la población investigada.<br>To understand sports injuries is necessary to quantify and associate them with specific risks factors from sports. Although, formal records about sports injuries are rare overcoat in Brazilian track and field athletes where few clubs have health care service. This fact could not be a problem, because public health researchers adapt with epidemiological methods, like report inquires morbidity, to collect data. From this fault of control about sports injuries records and the facility to have information together athletes, the aim of this study was to collect information about sports injuries, reported by high performance athletes, going back until eight months and compare them with their records. Twenty-five athletes were analyzed (sixteen men and nine women), age 25.7 ± 4.4 (years), height 1.74 ± 0.10 (m), weight 70.4 ± 13.15 (kg) and time of practice 8.38 ± 4.06 (years). Two physiotherapists were trained separately to collect information about sports injuries, one in records and another with the athletes in interview. The binomial proportion test by agreement was used to compare the information with 95% of confidence. After analyzed the agreement between that two collect forms, that variables values were within the limits of confidence established for statistics tests with the following values: 88.33% to the variables injury tip and injury mechanism or high of symptoms, 90% to the variable quality of return to the sports practice and 91.67% to the variables anatomical place and period of training. There was high rate of agreement between collected information, showing reported morbidity inquire efficiency in collect data about sports injuries

    Conhecimento, atitude e prática sobre dengue, seu vetor e ações de controle em uma comunidade urbana do Nordeste Knowledge, attitude and practice on dengue, the vector and control in an urban community of the Northeast Region, Brazil

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    Este artigo apresenta os resultados do estudo sobre conhecimento, atitude e prática (CAP) sobre a dengue, em uma comunidade urbana do Nordeste, e as situações de risco envolvidas com a sua transmissão. O estudo foi observacional e utilizou um questionário semi-estruturado, composto por questões sobre a doença, o vetor e as medidas de controle, e foi respondido pelos residentes nos domicílios selecionados (IC 95%) da comunidade de Santa Rosa, município do Cabo de Santo Agostinho (PE). As variáveis do CAP foram dimensionadas em adequada, regular e insuficiente. Há um conhecimento adequado sobre as características do vetor e regular no que se refere à doença e às atividades de controle. A população desconhece que o larvicida utilizado nos reservatórios de água é o químico e, ainda, utiliza essa água no consumo doméstico e para beber. Em relação à atividade do governo, o conhecimento dessa população mostrou-se insuficiente. Demonstra, também, atitude não adequada quanto à prevenção da dengue e prática insuficiente de prevenção do vetor no domicílio. A prática de cuidado com a água mostrou-se adequada para 41% dos residentes. As situações de risco locais levantadas são relacionadas à intermitência no abastecimento de água e também comportamentais.<br>This article presents the results of the study on knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) on dengue in an urban community in Northeast of Brazil, and the risk situations involved in its transmission. The study was observational and used a semi-structured survey composed of questions about the disease and vector control measures, which was answered by residents of selected households (IC 95%) of the community of Santa Rosa, in the city of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco State. The variables of the KAP were classified into appropriate, regular and insufficient. There is adequate knowledge about the characteristics of the vector and regular regarding the disease and the activities of control. The population does not know that the insecticide used in water is chemical and uses this water for domestic consumption and drinking. Regarding government activity the knowledge was insufficient. It also demonstrates a non appropriate attitude regarding the prevention of dengue and insufficient practice in the prevention of the vector in the household. The practice of water care was adequate for 41% of residents. The local risk situations raised are related to the intermittency in water and also behavioral