16 research outputs found

    Effect of Boiling on the Antioxidant Potential of Cabbage Varieties

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of boiling cooking method on the total polyphenolic content, ascorbic acid concentration, pigments amount and total antioxidant activity of four cabbage varieties (De Buzau cabbage, Buzoiana cabbage, Magura cabbage and De Isalnita cabbage) from Buzau, Romania. As we expect, fresh vegetables presented greater antioxidant capacity than boiled vegetables. For all cooked vegetables, the parameters (polyphenols, ascorbic acid, chloropyll, carotenoids and antioxidant activity) decrease with increase of boiling time. After 15 minutes of boiling, content in nutrients fell below 50%


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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the application of herbal products, especially essential oils (EOs) in agriculture, as an alternative to the use of synthetic pesticides, for healthy crops and environmentally sustainable production systems. This was the main reason why the properties of EOs as natural pesticides for their promotion and use in organic farming were evaluated. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) defines biopesticide as a safer product, with a lower persistence in the environment, biodegradable, less toxic to non-target organisms, less likely to contaminate soil and groundwater. Many EOs obtained from medicinal plants have a wide range of activities against harmful insects, bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi, weeds. Their action varies from insecticidal activities, repellents, antifeedants, growth regulation, etc. This review presents the most effective biopesticides based on EOs obtained from medicinal plants and the future development prospects of this industry.Â

    Relaţia dintre anumite caracteristici morfologice şi producţie la fasolea urcătoare ecologică

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    The “components of yield” approach has been used widely to explain variations in the yield of grain legumes. The study has been conducted at Vegetable Research and Development Station (VRDS Buzau), under the normal testing conditions of 2018. The biological material was represented by 12 genotypes from the climbing beans(Phaseolus vulgarisL.) collectionof the Physiology, Agro-chemistry and Organic Crops Laboratory. A significant genetic variability has been found between climbing bean genotypes, for all indicators which have been analyzed. Some elements which define the pod architecture, the thickness and width have had a significant positive influence on yield indexes for climbing bean genotypes. Two lines of the climbing beans collection(L49M şi L6U) at VRDS Buzau have been identified with a very good performance in yield index on climatic conditions of 2018. These varieties could be used in the breeding program in agro-ecological system for obtaining new cultivars with a good performance in yield

    Results on the use of bacterial biopreparations (biological fertilizers) in agricultural crops in Research and Development Stations for Agriculture, Romania

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    The development and use of strategies for organic fertilization of agricultural crops will lead to a decomposition of insoluble elements in the soil structure, which will lead to an increase in the number of soluble mineral elements in the soil structure, which will lead to significant plant growth and of agricultural production. Soil pollution with chemical elements has led to an increase in pH from a basic / neutral to an acid one. Soil acidification causes a decrease in agricultural production, a decrease in plant resistance to certain pests of soil structure, but especially soil pollution, groundwater with certain chemical elements found in the structure of fertilizers. Thus, following the research carried out within the research-development stations for agriculture in Romania, it was proved that the lots fertilized with biological fertilizer had a much higher production than the lots fertilized chemically

    Economic advantages of using bacterial biopreparations in agricultural crops

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    The ecological, genetic, biological approach proposed by agricultural specialists in order to protect plants and crops has a role in reducing the impact of pests through the process of selection and improvement of genetic resources in the processes of planting, development and introduction of biological means to combat pests in agricultural ecosystems. The strategies proposed by the specialists in the agricultural field aim not at the total extermination of the pests from the agricultural crops but at keeping the pest populations at the optimal damage threshold. The most important advantages of these biological processes are those of the evolutionary stability of the crop systems, the ecological stabilization of the pest and crop populations as well as the assurance of a superior quality of the resulting agricultural products.The present paper aims to present the main advantages of using bacterial biopreparations in agricultural ecosystems (research conducted in agricultural research stations in Romania), reducing soil pollution, environmental crops, use of alternative fertilization and cultivation technologies as well as obtaining additional, ecological productions.The aim of this paper is to present the economic advantages of using bacterial biopreparations in agricultural research and development stations, reducing costs in agriculture and the processes that these bacterial biopreparations have on the agricultural ecosystem, the environment and humans and animals

    Climate changes and methods to protect vegetable crops

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    In the context of the current climate change, it has become urgently necessary to develop adequate systems to protect horticultural crops. In Romania, the losses caused to these cultures by the extreme weather phenomena, as well as the lack of active intervention measures to combat or limit them, represent the main argument for addressing this field in particular. Vegetable crops are generally sensitive to extreme weather phenomena. In the climatic conditions in our country, the extreme phenomena occur between March and September, which coincides with the vegetation period of the crops. Of these, hail causes significant damage, and in some cases, at high intensity and long-lasting, can cause the calamity of vegetable crops. Another effect can arise in the drought years, when, in the absence of rainfall, the weeds enter into a fierce competition with vegetables, as regards the specific consumption of water and nutrients. The paper presents a review regarding the current methods of vegetable crops protection against the extreme weather phenomena and of weed control in these crops, grown in organic system. Combining the available solutions, adopting integrated strategies for non-chemical weed control can be an important premise for researchers and farmers to protect vegetable crops