7 research outputs found
Diagnostic performance of imaging investigations in detecting and differentiating cardiac amyloidosis: a systematic review and meta鈥恆nalysis
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Prevalence of cardiac amyloidosis among elderly patients with systolic heart failure or conduction disorders
- Author
- Aitor Hernandez-Hernandez
- Alejandra Restrepo-Cordoba
- Almudena Amor-Salamanca
- Enrique Lara-Pezzi
- Esther Gonz谩lez-L贸pez
- F. Javier de Haro-del Moral
- Fernando Dominguez
- Garc铆a-Pav铆a P
- Ignacio Fernandez-Lozano
- Isabel Krsnik
- Jorge Toquero-Ramos
- Luis Alonso-Pulpon
- Luis Ruiz-Guerrero
- Marta Cobo-Marcos
- Moral FJ de H-d
- Pablo Garcia-Pavia
- Victor Castro
- 脕ngela L贸pez-Sainz
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Imaging Findings and Literature Review of 18F-FDG PET/CT in Primary Systemic AL Amyloidosis
- Author
- A Grubstein
- A Mekinian
- A Mekinian
- A Wei
- A Yoshida
- AW Glaudemans
- AW Glaudemans
- AW Glaudemans
- BP Hazenberg
- C Rapezzi
- CH Park
- DP Dutka
- E Hachulla
- F Costantino
- FJ Haro-del Moral de
- GP Currie
- GP Ollenberger
- H Tan
- J Jeong
- J Kung
- JH Seo
- L Lobato
- M Baqir
- M Morooka
- M Soussan
- MB Pepys
- P Iozzo
- PN Hawkins
- PP Mainenti
- S Yadav
- WA Aljaroudi
- YM Son
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Analogies and disparities among scintigraphic bone tracers in the diagnosis of cardiac and non-cardiac ATTR amyloidosis
- Author
- A Castano
- A Galat
- A Galat
- A Gucht Van Der
- A Gucht Van Der
- Agnese Milandri
- AW Glaudemans
- B Pilebro
- BW Sperry
- C Rapezzi
- C Rapezzi
- CC Quarta
- Christian Gagliardi
- Claudio Rapezzi
- DF Hutt
- DF Hutt
- E Perugini
- F Cappelli
- F Cappelli
- FJ Haro-del Moral De
- JC Yang
- JD Gillmore
- JT Willerson
- M Abulizi
- M Puille
- MA Stats
- OB Suhr
- S Bokhari
- SG Ferreira
- V Papantoniou
- VW Lee
- Y Yamamoto
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diagnostic accuracy of bone scintigraphy in the assessment of cardiac transthyretin-related amyloidosis: a bivariate meta-analysis
- Author
- A Castano
- A Casta帽o
- A Casta帽o
- A Galat
- A Galat
- A Liberati
- A Martinez-Naharro
- AK Mankad
- Andor W. J. M. Glaudemans
- AV Kristen
- AW Glaudemans
- B Pilebro
- B Pilebro
- Bouke P. C. Hazenberg
- BW Sperry
- C Gregorio de
- C Rapezzi
- C Rapezzi
- DF Hutt
- DF Hutt
- E Cariou
- E Gonz谩lez-L贸pez
- E Gonz谩lez-L贸pez
- E Panagiotidis
- E Perugini
- F Caobelli
- F Minutoli
- FJ Moral de Haro-del
- Francesco Bertagna
- G Bella Di
- G Bella Di
- G Bella Di
- G Habib
- Giorgio Treglia
- HV Desai
- JB Selvanayagam
- JD Gillmore
- John O. Prior
- JP Donnelly
- JP Higgins
- Luca Ceriani
- Luca Giovanella
- M Abulizi
- M Fontana
- M Puille
- M Russo
- M Tuzovic
- MS Maurer
- OK Siddiqi
- Paola A. Erba
- PT Moore
- R Sadeghi
- Raffaele Giubbini
- Riemer H. J. A. Slart
- S Bokhari
- S Bokhari
- TA Treibel
- TA Treibel
- V Papantoniou
- Y Bennani Smires
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cardiac amyloidosis
- Author
- Al Suwaidi J
- Amirreza Solhpour
- Ando Y
- Ansari-Lari MA
- Ardehali H
- Bellavia D
- Brenner DA
- Cezar Iliescu
- Chamarthi B
- Chen W
- Cheng ZW
- Coelho T
- Cornwell GG
- Cotran RS
- de Haro-del Moral FJ
- Dietrich S
- Dispenzieri A
- Dubrey SW
- Dubrey SW
- Dubrey SW
- Dubrey SW
- Dubrey SW
- Dubrey SW
- Falk RH
- Falk RH
- Falk RH
- Feng D
- Gertz MA
- Gertz MA
- Gregoratos G
- Hemminki K
- Herlinius G
- Hongo M
- Hongo M
- Iqbal S
- Jacobson DR
- Jean-Bernard Durand
- Johnson SM
- Jose Banchs
- Juan C Lopez-Mattei
- Kieninger B
- Koyama J
- Kristen AV
- Kristen AV
- Kusunose K
- Kyle RA
- Kyle RA
- Kyle RA
- Lachman HJ
- Lang RM
- Leone O
- Liao R
- Libbey CA
- Maceira AM
- Maciver DH
- Madan S
- Migrino RQ
- Mueller PS
- Murtagh B
- Muzaffar H Qazilbash
- Neben-Wittich MA
- Ng B
- Nishimura RA
- Nordlinger M
- Palladini G
- Palladini G
- Park SJ
- Patel AR
- Pollak A
- Pomerance A
- Pomerance A
- Porciani MC
- Rocken C
- Ruberg FL
- Rubinow A
- Saamir A Hassan
- Sanchorawala V
- Sattianayagam PT
- Selvanayagam JB
- Shah DJ
- Sipe JD
- Siqueira-Filho AG
- Skinner M
- Specter R
- Steiner I
- Suhr OB
- Sun JP
- Swanton RH
- Syed Wamique Yusuf
- Tapan U
- Tyberg TI
- Wechalekar AD
- WHO-IUIS Nomenclature Sub-Committee
- Yamano S
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
ASNC/AHA/ASE/EANM/HFSA/ISA/SCMR/SNMMI expert consensus recommendations for multimodality imaging in cardiac amyloidosis: Part 1 of 2鈥攅vidence base and standardized methods of imaging
- Author
- A Castano
- A Castano
- A Casta帽o
- A Casta帽o
- A Flotats
- A Galat
- A Galat
- A Galat
- A Hartmann
- A Martinez-Naharro
- A Martinez-Naharro
- A Martinez-Naharro
- A Mekinian
- A Senapati
- A Tendler
- A Van Der Gucht
- A Van Der Gucht
- AA Satoskar
- AD Wechalekar
- AD Wechalekar
- AD Wechalekar
- AG Siqueira-Filho
- AM Maceira
- AM Maceira
- Andor W. J. M. Glaudemans
- Angela Dispenzieri
- Arnt V. Kristen
- AS Arbab
- AS Flett
- AV Kristen
- AV Kristen
- AV Kristen
- AW Glaudemans
- B Pilebro
- B Pilebro
- BA Austin
- BC Varr
- BK Schaadt
- BO Olofsson
- Bouke P. C. Hazenberg
- BT Fitzgerald
- BW Sperry
- BW Sperry
- C Aprile
- C Chew
- C Fournier
- C Rapezzi
- C Rapezzi
- C Rapezzi
- C Rapezzi
- C Rapezzi
- C Tei
- C. Cristina Quarta
- CA Coutinho
- CC Quarta
- CC Quarta
- Claudio Rapezzi
- CM Kramer
- D Adams
- D Bellavia
- D Bellavia
- D Bellavia
- D Bellavia
- D Bellavia
- D Bodez
- D Dingli
- D Liu
- D Liu
- D Liu
- D Mohty
- D Mohty
- D Mohty
- D Phelan
- DB Richards
- DF Hutt
- DF Hutt
- DF Hutt
- DR Jacobson
- DR Messroghli
- DR Osborne
- DS Goldstein
- E Gonzalez-Lopez
- E Gonzalez-Lopez
- E Muchtar
- E Perugini
- E Piekarski
- Edward J. Miller
- F Cappelli
- F Cappelli
- FAD Siepen
- FJ de Haro-del Moral
- FL Ruberg
- FL Ruberg
- Frederick L. Ruberg
- G Antoni
- G Lin
- G Merlini
- G Treglia
- G Zumbo
- Giampaolo Merlini
- GSM Sundaram
- H Leinonen
- H Vogelsberg
- H Watanabe
- Hein J. Verberne
- IS Syed
- J Al Suwaidi
- J Koyama
- J Koyama
- J Koyama
- J Koyama
- J Lekakis
- JA Sallach
- JA Vrana
- JA White
- James C. Moon
- Jamieson M. Bourque
- JC Moon
- JD Carroll
- JD Gillmore
- JD Gillmore
- JD Sipe
- JE Rahman
- JH Pinney
- JH Pinney
- JH Riffel
- JJ Liepnieks
- JN Dungu
- JN Dungu
- JN Kirkpatrick
- JS Child
- JT Kowallick
- JU Voigt
- Julian D. Gillmore
- K Hu
- K Nakajima
- K Nochioka
- KM Alexander
- KM Modesto
- L Cueto-Garcia
- L Lin
- L Zhao
- LG Rudski
- M Abulizi
- M Fontana
- M Fontana
- M Fontana
- M Fontana
- M Grogan
- M Haq
- M Hongo
- M Hongo
- M Puille
- M Tanaka
- MA Gertz
- MA Gertz
- Marianna Fontana
- Mathew S. Maurer
- Mazen A. Hanna
- MB Pepys
- MC Coutinho
- MD Benson
- MD Benson
- MDC Azevedo Coutinho
- MJ Henzlova
- MM Ochs
- MN Vranian
- MR Patel
- MS Maurer
- N Arenja
- N Delahaye
- N Delahaye
- N Delahaye
- N Ezawa
- N Kawel
- N Kawel-Boehm
- OB Suhr
- OK Siddiqi
- Olivier Gheysens
- P Eriksson
- P Kellman
- P Milani
- PA Pellikka
- PN Hawkins
- PT Moore
- R Li
- R Morgenstern
- R Takahashi
- RA Kyle
- Raymond Y. Kwong
- RH Falk
- RH Falk
- RH Falk
- RH Falk
- RH Falk
- Riemer H. J. A. Slart
- RL Comenzo
- RL Comenzo
- RM Lang
- Rodney H. Falk
- RQ Migrino
- RQ Migrino
- RQ Migrino
- RY Kwong
- RY Kwong
- S Barros-Gomes
- S Bokhari
- S Dorbala
- S Dorbala
- S Han
- S Kumar
- S Longhi
- S Longhi
- S Madan
- S Minoshima
- S Okamoto
- S Perlini
- S Raina
- S Schiff
- SA Goldstein
- Sabahat Bokhari
- Sanjiv J. Shah
- SD Braun
- SF Nagueh
- SG Ferreira
- Sharmila Dorbala
- SJ Buss
- SM Banypersad
- SM Banypersad
- SM Banypersad
- SP Lee
- SS Mitter
- SW Dubrey
- T Bach-Gansmo
- T Damy
- T Damy
- T Kotecha
- T Nakata
- T Pandey
- T Wagner
- TA Treibel
- TA Treibel
- TA Wizenberg
- TD Karamitsos
- TF Cianciulli
- TG Neilan
- TP Quock
- V Algalarrondo
- V Algalarrondo
- V Mor-Avi
- Venkatesh L. Murthy
- Victor A. Ferrari
- VW Lee
- W Noordzij
- WP Law
- Y Bennani Smires
- Y Inoue
- Y Yamamoto
- Yukio Ando
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study