29 research outputs found

    Effect of human leukocyte antigen heterozygosity on infectious disease outcome: The need for allele-specific measures

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    BACKGROUND: Doherty and Zinkernagel, who discovered that antigen presentation is restricted by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC, called HLA in humans), hypothesized that individuals heterozygous at particular MHC loci might be more resistant to particular infectious diseases than the corresponding homozygotes because heterozygotes could present a wider repertoire of antigens. The superiority of heterozygotes over either corresponding homozygote, which we term allele-specific overdominance, is of direct biological interest for understanding the mechanisms of immune response; it is also a leading explanation for the observation that MHC loci are extremely polymorphic and that these polymorphisms have been maintained through extremely long evolutionary periods. Recent studies have shown that in particular viral infections, heterozygosity at HLA loci was associated with a favorable disease outcome, and such findings have been interpreted as supporting the allele-specific overdominance hypothesis in humans. METHODS: An algebraic model is used to define the expected population-wide findings of an epidemiologic study of HLA heterozygosity and disease outcome as a function of allele-specific effects and population genetic parameters of the study population. RESULTS: We show that overrepresentation of HLA heterozygotes among individuals with favorable disease outcomes (which we term population heterozygote advantage) need not indicate allele-specific overdominance. On the contrary, partly due to a form of confounding by allele frequencies, population heterozygote advantage can occur under a very wide range of assumptions about the relationship between homozygote risk and heterozygote risk. In certain extreme cases, population heterozygote advantage can occur even when every heterozygote is at greater risk of being a case than either corresponding homozygote. CONCLUSION: To demonstrate allele-specific overdominance for specific infections in human populations, improved analytic tools and/or larger studies (or studies in populations with limited HLA diversity) are necessary

    Full-Exon Resequencing Reveals Toll-Like Receptor Variants Contribute to Human Susceptibility to Tuberculosis Disease

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death worldwide due to an infectious agent. Data have accumulated over decades suggesting that variability in human susceptibility to TB disease has a genetic component. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a critical role in initiating the innate immune response to many pathogens in mouse models, but little is known about their role in human infections. Human TLRs have been reported to recognize mycobacterial antigens and initiate an immune response. We tested the hypothesis that amino acid-altering polymorphisms in five TLRs were associated with susceptibility to TB disease using a population-based case-control study with 1,312 adult TB patients and controls. Full-coding region sequencing of the five TLR genes in all 1,312 subjects yielded a data set in excess of 16 Mb. Rare nonsynonymous polymorphisms in TLR6-TLR1-TLR10 were significantly overrepresented among African-American TB cases compared with ethnically-matched control subjects. Common nonsynonymous polymorphisms in TLR6-TLR1-TLR10 also were significantly associated with TB disease in certain ethnic groups. Among African Americans, homozygotes for the common-variant haplotype TLR1-248S, TLR1-602I, and TLR6-249S had a significantly increased TB disease risk. A transmission/disequilibrium test on an independent sample found that the TLR1-248S variant was preferentially transmitted to diseased children, thereby confirming disease association. These results are consistent with recent reports implicating TLR1 variants, including TLR1-602, in significantly altered innate immune responses. Also consistent with disease association, rare TLR6 variants were defective in their ability to mediate NF-κB signal transduction in transfected human cells. Taken together, the data suggest that variant TLRs contribute to human susceptibility to TB disease. Extensive full-exon resequencing was critical for revealing new information about the role of TLRs in human-pathogen interactions and the genetic basis of innate immune function

    IL10 Haplotype Associated with Tuberculin Skin Test Response but Not with Pulmonary TB

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    Evidence from genetic association and twin studies indicates that susceptibility to tuberculosis (TB) is under genetic control. One gene implicated in susceptibility to TB is that encoding interleukin-10 (IL10). In a group of 2010 Ghanaian patients with pulmonary TB and 2346 healthy controls exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, among them 129 individuals lacking a tuberculin skin test (PPD) response, we genotyped four IL10 promoter variants at positions −2849 , −1082 , −819 , and −592 and reconstructed the haplotypes. The IL10 low-producer haplotype −2849A/−1082A/−819C/−592C, compared to the high-producer haplotype −2849G/−1082G/−819C/−592C, occurred less frequent among PPD-negative controls than among cases (OR 2.15, CI 1.3–3.6) and PPD-positive controls (OR 2.09, CI 1.2–3.5). Lower IL-10 plasma levels in homozygous −2849A/−1082A/−819C/−592C carriers, compared to homozygous −2849G/−1082G/−819C/−592C carriers, were confirmed by a IL-10 ELISA (p = 0.016). Although we did not observe differences between the TB patients and all controls, our results provide evidence that a group of individuals exposed to M. tuberculosis transmission is genetically distinct from healthy PPD positives and TB cases. In these PPD-negative individuals, higher IL-10 production appears to reflect IL-10-dependent suppression of adaptive immune responses and sustained long-term specific anergy

    Supernova remnants: the X-ray perspective

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    Supernova remnants are beautiful astronomical objects that are also of high scientific interest, because they provide insights into supernova explosion mechanisms, and because they are the likely sources of Galactic cosmic rays. X-ray observations are an important means to study these objects.And in particular the advances made in X-ray imaging spectroscopy over the last two decades has greatly increased our knowledge about supernova remnants. It has made it possible to map the products of fresh nucleosynthesis, and resulted in the identification of regions near shock fronts that emit X-ray synchrotron radiation. In this text all the relevant aspects of X-ray emission from supernova remnants are reviewed and put into the context of supernova explosion properties and the physics and evolution of supernova remnants. The first half of this review has a more tutorial style and discusses the basics of supernova remnant physics and thermal and non-thermal X-ray emission. The second half offers a review of the recent advances.The topics addressed there are core collapse and thermonuclear supernova remnants, SN 1987A, mature supernova remnants, mixed-morphology remnants, including a discussion of the recent finding of overionization in some of them, and finally X-ray synchrotron radiation and its consequences for particle acceleration and magnetic fields.Comment: Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Reviews. This version has 2 column-layout. 78 pages, 42 figures. This replaced version has some minor language edits and several references have been correcte