80 research outputs found
Beim Erlernen der deuschen Sprache muss man die Grammatik beherrschen, um die vier Sprachfertigkeiten zu stützen. Eins der wichtigen Grammatikelemente ist der Artikel. Die Beherrschung vom Artikel spielt eine wichtige Rolle, denn jedes Nomen im Deutschen hat einen Artikel. Dies verursacht die Schwierigkeiten für die Deutschlernenden. Einer der Wege, der von den Lehrern verwendet werden kann, um dieses Problem zu lösen, ist die Anwendung der interessanten Lernmethode oder Lerntechnik u.a. das „Damespiel“. Diese Untersuchung hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, um herauszufinden: nämlich (1) die Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler vor der Anwendung des „Damespiels“, (2) die Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler nach der Anwendung des „Damespiels“, und (3) die Effektivität des „Damespiels“ zur Steigerung der Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler. In dieser Untersuchung wurde die Pre-Experiment-Methode mit dem One-Group-Pretest-Posttest-Design verwendet. Die Population in dieser Untersuchung waren alle Schüler der Klasse XI der SMAN 16 Bandung und als Probanden wurden 25 Schüler der Klasse XI-Deutsch A genommen. Als Instrument der Untersuchung wurde der schriftliche Test verwendet, der aus 30 Aufgaben besteht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zeigen, dass die Durchschnittsnote beim Pretest 57,12 ist und beim Posttest 72,8 ist. Das bedeutet, dass die Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler nach der Behandlung steigt. Nach der Berechnung mit der Probe-t ergab sich, dass T-Rechnung gröβer als T-Tabelle (tRechnung 11,28 > tTabelle 1,71) ist. Dies zeigt, dass es einen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen dem Ergebnis des Pretests und dem Ergebnis des Posttests gibt. Dies bedeutet, dass das „Damespiel“ zur Steigerung der Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler effektiv ist. Basierend auf den Untersuchungsergebnissen könnte das „Damespiel“ als Alternative beim Unterrichten des Artikels angewendet werden
Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya kelebihan beban kerja yang dirasakan guru BK. Latar belakang lulusan guru BK juga menjadi fenomena yang harus diperhatikan karena kompetensi guru BK akan berdampak terhadap kualitas pelayanan BK di sekolah. Minimnya pemahaman akan peran dan fungsi BK dari stakeholder sekolah ternyata berdampak pada pelimpahan semua permasalahan peserta didik kepada guru BK. Fenomena tersebut mengindikasikan kompleksnya kendala pelaksanaan BK di sekolah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian mengenai self-efficacy guru BK karena self-efficacy akan berdampak pada optimalisasi pelaksanaan BK di sekolah. Dukungan sosial merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi self-efficacy guru BK. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan sosial dengan self-efficacy guru BK. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, metode deskriptif korelasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) kecenderungan dukungan sosial guru BK berada pada kategori tinggi, (2) kecenderungan self-efficacy guru BK berada pada kategori tinggi, dan (3) terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara dukungan sosial dengan self-efficacy, (4) terdapat hubungan yang positif dan siginifikan antara dukungan sosial dari atasan,sahabat, orang tua,anak dan saudara dengan self-efficacy, (5) terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara bentuk dukungan sosial dengan self-efficacy. Rekomendasi penelitian ditujukkan kepada asosiasi profesi dan peneliti selanjutnya. ;---The study is grounded of perceived work overload guidance and counseling teachers. The educational background of teachers' guidance and counseling is also a phenomenon that must be considered because competence guidance and counseling teachers will impact on the quality of guidance and counseling services in schools. The lack of understanding about role and functions of guidance and counseling from stakeholder in schools have also impacted on the transfer of all the problems of students to guidance and counseling teachers. The phenomenon indicates the complexity of the constraints of the implementation of guidance and counseling in schools. Therefore, necessary research on self-efficacy guidance and counseling teachers because it can be impact on the optimization of implementation guidance and counseling services in school. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between social support and self-efficacy of guidance and counseling teachers. The study was conducted with a quantitative approach and descriptive correlational method. The results showed: (1) the tendency of social support guidance and counseling teachers at the high category, (2) the tendency of self-efficacy guidance and counseling teachers at the high category, (3) there is a positive and significant between social support and self-efficacy, (4) there is a positive and significant correlation between social support from principal, friends, parents, childrens and siblings with self-efficacy, (5) there is a positive and significant correlation between types of social support and self-efficacy
Beim Erlernen der deuschen Sprache muss man die Grammatik beherrschen, um die vier Sprachfertigkeiten zu stützen. Eins der wichtigen Grammatikelemente ist der Artikel. Die Beherrschung vom Artikel spielt eine wichtige Rolle, denn jedes Nomen im Deutschen hat einen Artikel. Dies verursacht die Schwierigkeiten für die Deutschlernenden. Einer der Wege, der von den Lehrern verwendet werden kann, um dieses Problem zu lösen, ist die Anwendung der interessanten Lernmethode oder Lerntechnik u.a. das „Damespiel“. Diese Untersuchung hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, um herauszufinden: nämlich (1) die Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler vor der Anwendung des „Damespiels“, (2) die Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler nach der Anwendung des „Damespiels“, und (3) die Effektivität des „Damespiels“ zur Steigerung der Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler. In dieser Untersuchung wurde die Pre-Experiment-Methode mit dem One-Group-Pretest-Posttest-Design verwendet. Die Population in dieser Untersuchung waren alle Schüler der Klasse XI der SMAN 16 Bandung und als Probanden wurden 25 Schüler der Klasse XI-Deutsch A genommen. Als Instrument der Untersuchung wurde der schriftliche Test verwendet, der aus 30 Aufgaben besteht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zeigen, dass die Durchschnittsnote beim Pretest 57,12 ist und beim Posttest 72,8 ist. Das bedeutet, dass die Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler nach der Behandlung steigt. Nach der Berechnung mit der Probe-t ergab sich, dass T-Rechnung gröβer als T-Tabelle (tRechnung 11,28 > tTabelle 1,71) ist. Dies zeigt, dass es einen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen dem Ergebnis des Pretests und dem Ergebnis des Posttests gibt. Dies bedeutet, dass das „Damespiel“ zur Steigerung der Artikelbeherrschung der Schüler effektiv ist. Basierend auf den Untersuchungsergebnissen könnte das „Damespiel“ als Alternative beim Unterrichten des Artikels angewendet werden
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi mempengaruhi segala bidang kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. Dalam bidang pendidikan pemerintah melakukan perubahan kurikulum dengan tujuan memperbaiki mutu dan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Kurikulum terbaru yang diterapkan pemerintah adalah kurikulum 2013 dimana bahan ajar menjadi komponen penting dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan buku elektronik berbasis android dengan pendekatan saintifik pada mata pelajaran administrasi pajak kelas XII Akuntansi di SMK Negeri 2 Buduran. Model yang digunakan dalam pengembangan e-book adalah model pengembangan 4-D (Define, design, develop, dan Desseminate) oleh Thiagarajan, Semmel, dan Semmel, namun penelitian ini hanya dilakukan sampai pada tahap develop. Hasil pengembangan ini menunjukkan hasil kelayakan materi sebesar 81,69% dengan kriteria sangat baik, kelayakan Bahasa sebesar 90% dengan kriteria sangat baik, dan kelayakan grafis sebesar 85,45% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Rata-rata ke-tiga komponen tersebut adalah sebesar 84,71%. Rata-rata persentase respon peserta didik adalah sebesar 90,90% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah e-book berbasis android dengan pendekatan saintifik pada mata pelajaran administrasi pajak dapat dinyatakan sangat baik digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
Kata Kunci: E-Book berbasis android, Pendekatan Saintifik, Administrasi Pajak
The development of science and technology has affected all areas of life, including education In the education sector, the government has made curriculum changes aimed at improving the education system in Indonesia. The latest curriculum applied by the government was the 2013 curriculum where teaching material was one of important components in learning activities. This research was categorized as development research that aimed to produce android-based electronic book with scientific approach to tax administration subjects in class XII Accounting at SMK Negeri 2 Buduran. The model used in the development of electronic book was a 4-D development model (Define, design, develop, and Desseminate) by Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel, but this research was only carried out until the develop stage. The results of this development showed the results of material feasibility of 81.69% with very good criteria, Language feasibility of 90% with very good criteria, and graphic feasibility of 85.45% with very good criteria. The average of those three components was 84.71%. The average percentage of respondents responses was 90.90% with very good criteria. The conclusion of this research wad that Android-based electronic book with a scientific approach to tax administration subjects could be stated to be very well used in learning activities.
Keywords: Android-Based Electronic Book, Scientific Approach, Tax Administratio
Representasi Elemen-elemen Jurnalisme dalam Film Boston Strangler
The existence of films is not only used as an entertainment medium. In film, there is information, both educational and persuasive, that can be used as a lesson. Educational information itself is usually packaged in historical or news films such as the Boston Strangler film which is based on true story around the 1960s by taking the perspective of two female journalists. This research aims to find out the representation of journalistic elements contained in films. The research method used is a qualitative method using Charles Sanders Pierce’s semiotic analysis based on three things, namely representation, object and interpretant. The results of this study revealed that there were eleven scenes that represented the elements of journalism in the Boston Strangler film. Each scene analyzed is able to show the character of journalists who are responsible for their profession and follow the existing elements of journalism
The development of flip book maker-based e-module in computer applications course for elementary education student teachers
The inconsistent implementation of e-modules within the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at Syiah Kuala University (USK), particularly in the Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) program, highlights a crucial gap in adapting to technological advancements. In response to this, the authors identified the need for digital teaching materials aligned with information technology (IT) for effective instruction. This study focuses on the development and evaluation of flip book-based e-modules for the Computer Application course (APLIKOM) within the PGSD program. Utilizing a research and development (R&D) approach, the study employed the ADDIE development model. Initial testing involved a small-scale group of 10 students, while a larger cohort of 30 students participated in subsequent evaluations. Validation from material and media experts produced an impressive average score of 86.5%. Student responses, assessed through both small and large-scale tests, exhibited a commendable average of 89.5%. Evaluation tests demonstrated the effectiveness of the flip book-based e-module, yielding an overall average score of 88. Notably, 100% of students in both test groups met the minimum criteria for mastery learning. The findings suggest that the developed flip book-based e-module for the APLIKOM course is valid, practical, and effective in delivering teaching materials to students. This research contributes valuable insights into the integration of digital tools in teacher education programs, addressing the pressing need for IT-based instructional materials in contemporary educational setting
Model Blended Learning berbasis Wordwall meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Matematis dan Self-Efficacy
The assessment that is currently being developed in the world of education is (KLM) or mathematical literacy ability and is measured from (SE) or self-efficacy of students. This study aims to determine whether students' abilities can increase with the model that has been implemented. The researcher used a quasi-experimental design with a "pretest-posttest control group design". All members were used as a population of 84 students from SMA Angkasa 1 Lanud Soewondo Medan with 56 tenth grade students as samples. two Classes were divided into 2 groups, namely experimental and control. The instruments or measuring instruments used are description tests and questionnaires. Samples are taken at random. From the overall results obtained by students in the experimental class in mathematical literacy skills, it was obtained 32% of students who reached a high level, 65% medium levels and 3% achieved low levels. While the results in the control class were 3% of students who achieved high levels, 40% of sedans and 57% of students who achieved low levels. In addition, because learning is accompanied by wordwall applications (learning games), students find learning more enjoyable and eager to repeat it.Keywords: Mathematical Literacy Skills, Self-Efficacy, Blended Learning, Wordwal
Students’ Performance in the Indonesian National Examination and Career Choice among the First Year Students in Non-Religious Affiliated Universities
This research study investigated the role of the four components of the Indonesian National Examination to students’ career choice. Around 310 respondents participated in the study using their overall scores in the National Examination. Anchored in Holland’s (1997) RIASEC Theory, a quantitative method was employed to gather data using a research instrument tool. Analysis of data included descriptive statistics and Spearman’s product moment correlation using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. Findings of the study revealed that there was significant difference in the national examination between high and low performing students and their career choice and there was a significant relationship between socio-demographic profile, four components of Indonesian National Examination and Indonesian students’ career choice. Results mostly suggest that students with high scores in the National examination tend to choose numeric courses in academics
Nasionalisme Bangsa dalam Perspektif Hadits Riwayat Imam Bukhari, Ibnu Hibban dan Tirmidzi
The purpose of this research is to find out specifically about nationalism from the perspective of the hadith of Imam Bukhari, Ibnu Hibban, and Tirmidzi. The research method used is a descriptive analytical method that applies a qualitative approach and uses various relevant references as data sources. Data were collected using literature study techniques, which were then analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that Islam is the first religion to realize the concept of citizenship, including nationalism. The assumption that Islam is not compatible with nationalism and that the value of nationalism has no basis in Islam, either in the Qur'an or Hadith, is incorrect. According to the Hadith that have been researched showing that the Messenger of Allah highly respected the value of nationalism, it is explained that when the Messenger of Allah returned from traveling and SAW the walls of Madinah, he accelerated the pace of his camel. Because of his love for Madinah, he moves the camel when he rides it. In another hadith, it's said that the proof of the love of the Prophet was when he was forced to leave the city of Makkah. The Prophet actually did not want to leave the city of Makkah because he loved the city so much, but he was forced to leave because the people of the city of Makkah were expelled. The Hadith shows that the Prophet was a person who upheld the value of nationalism and had great love for his country.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara khusus mengenai nasionalisme bangsa dalam perspektif Hadits Imam Bukhari, Ibnu Hibban dan Tirmidzi. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif analitis dan mengaplikasikan pendekatan kualitatif, serta menggunakan berbagai referensi yang relevan sebagai sumber data. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik studi literatur yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa agama Islam adalah agama pertama yang merealisasikan konsep kewarganegaraan termasuk juga nasionalisme. Anggapan bahwa Islam tidak kompatibel dengan nasionalisme dan nilai nasionalisme tidak memiliki landasan dalam agama Islam baik di dalam Al Qur’an ataupun Al Hadits itu tidak tepat. Menurut Hadits-Hadits yang telah diteliti menunjukkan bahwa Rasulullah sangatlah menjunjung nilai nasionalisme, dijelaskan bahwa ketika Rasulullah kembali dari bepergian, dan melihat dinding-dinding madinah beliau mempercepat laju untanya. Apabila beliau menunggangi unta maka beliau menggerakkanya (untuk mempercepat) karena kecintaan beliau pada Madinah. Dalam Hadits lainnya dikatakan bahwa bukti kecintaan Rasulullah ketika beliau di paksa meninggalkan kota Makkah Rasulullah sebenarnya tidak ingin meninggalkan kota Makkah karena beliau begitu mencintai kota tersebut akan tetapi beliau terpaksa pergi karena di usir oleh masyarakat kota Makkah. Hadits tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Rasulullah merupakan orang yang menjunjung tinggi nilai nasionalisme serta kecintaan terhadap negerinya begitu besar.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh CAR, BOPO, NPF Dan
FDR terhadap ROA. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah Bank Umum Syariah Di
Indonesia Periode 2009-2012. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 44 dengan
menggunakan metode total sampling dan jenis datanya adalah data sekunder.
Data yang digunakan berasal dari laporan keuangan, adapun metode analisa
yang digunakan adalah model regresi linier berganda (multiple linear
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CAR, BOPO, NPF dan FDR secara
Simultan pengaruh signifikan terhadap ROA. Secara parsial pengaruhnya
berbeda-beda, CAR dan FDR mempunyai pengaruh positif yang signifikan
terhadap ROA sedangkan BOPO dan NPF mempunyai pengaruh negatif yang
tidak signifikan terhadap ROA.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa variabel independen
yang diteliti memiliki pengaruh yang kuat karena Koefisien Determinasi (adjusted
R2) sebesar 0.611, yang berarti variabilitas dari variabel dependen dapat
dijelaskan oleh variabilitas dari variable independen sebesar 61.1%. Sedangkan
sisanya sebesar 38.9% dijelaskan oleh variable lainnya yang tidak diteliti atau
tidak masuk dalam model regresi serta sebab yang lain diluar model.
Kata Kunci : CAR, BOPO, NPF, FDR dan RO
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