89 research outputs found

    Imaging review of the lung parenchymal complications in patients with IPF

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, pulmonary-limited, interstitial lung disease with a poor prognosis. This condition is characterized by different clinical scenarios, ranging from the most typical slow and progressive deterioration of symptoms to a rapid and abrupt decline of lung function. Rapid worsening of clinical course is due to superimposed complications and comorbidities that can develop in IPF patients, with a higher incidence rate compared to the general population. These conditions may require a different management of the patient and a therapy adjustment, and thus it is fundamental to recognize them. High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) is sensitive, but not specific, in detecting these complications, and can evaluate the presence of radiological variations when previous examinations are available; it recognizes ground glass opacities or consolidation that can be related to a large spectrum of comorbidities, such as infection, lung cancer, or acute exacerbation. To reach the final diagnosis, a multidisciplinary discussion is required, particularly when the clinical context is related to imaging findings

    Gergelim: qualidade de grãos cultivados em Mato Grosso em função do tipo de colheita.

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    Resumo: O estado de Mato Grosso é o principal produtor de gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.) do Brasil. Entretanto, apesar do interesse pela cultura e do crescimento na produção, diversas lacunas de manejo ainda precisam ser preenchidas de forma a permitir maior expansão e rentabilidade desta cultura. Uma operação crítica na produção de gergelim é a etapa de colheita que pode influenciar diretamente a quantidade e qualidade de grãos. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade de grãos de gergelim produzidos comercialmente em Mato Grosso na safra 2019/2020, colhidos de forma mecânica e manual. A qualidade dos grãos, de seis materiais genéticos comerciais, foi avaliada pela determinação de suas propriedades físicas e fisiológicas e pela determinação da composição química. Foram avaliadas 20 amostras, sendo quatorze provenientes de colheita mecânica e seis de colheita manual. As propriedades avaliadas dos grãos de gergelim produzidos no estado de Mato Grosso, colhidos mecânica ou manualmente, permitirão o desenvolvimento ou aprimoramento de equipamentos para expansão da cultura. | Abstract: The state of Mato Grosso is the first producer of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in Brazil. However, despite the interest in the culture and the growth in production, several management gaps still need to be filled in order to allow greater expansion and profitability of this culture. A critical operation in sesame production is the harvest stage, which can directly influence the quantity and quality of grains. In this way, the present work aimed to evaluate the quality of sesame grains produced commercially in Mato Grosso in the 2019/2020 harvest, harvested mechanically and manually. The grain quality of six commercial genetic materials was evaluated by determining their physical and physiological properties and by determining their chemical composition. Twenty samples were evaluated, fourteen from mechanical harvest and six from manual collection. The evaluated properties of the sesame seeds produced in the state of Mato Grosso, harvested mechanically or manually, will allow the development or improvement of equipment for the expansion of the culture

    Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) combined with swimming training improved the lipid profile in rats fed with high-fat diet

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    Obesity and associated dyslipidemia is the fastest growing health problem throughout the world. The combination of exercise and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) could be a new approach to the treatment of obesity and associated disease. In this work, the effects of LLLT associated with exercises on the lipid metabolism in regular and high-fat diet rats were verified. We used 64 rats divided in eight groups with eight rats each, designed: SC, sedentary chow diet; SCL, sedentary chow diet laser, TC, trained chow diet; TCL, trained chow diet laser; SH, sedentary high-fat diet; SHL, sedentary high-fat diet laser; TH, trained high-fat diet; and THL, trained high-fat diet laser. The exercise used was swimming during 8 weeks/90 min daily and LLLT (GA-Al-As, 830 nm) dose of 4.7 J/point and total energy 9.4 J per animal, applied to both gastrocnemius muscles after exercise. We analyzed biochemical parameters, percentage of fat, hepatic and muscular glycogen and relative mass of tissue, and weight percentage gain. The statistical test used was ANOVA, with post hoc Tukey–Kramer for multiple analysis between groups, and the significant level was p < 0.001, p < 0.01, and p < 0.05. LLLT decreased the total cholesterol (p < 0.05), triglycerides (p < 0.01), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p < 0.05), and relative mass of fat tissue (p < 0.05), suggesting increased metabolic activity and altered lipid pathways. The combination of exercise and LLLT increased the benefits of exercise alone. However, LLLT without exercise tended to increase body weight and fat content. LLLT may be a valuable addition to a regimen of diet and exercise for weight reduction and dyslipidemic control

    Diagnóstico da necessidade de informação do setor moveleiro do Rio Grande do Sul: estudo do usuário

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar as necessidades de informação técnica e tecnológica da indústria moveleira gaúcha. Para tanto, foram entrevistadas 80 empresas caracterizando o panorama do setor. Este cenário possibilitará ao Centro Tecnológico do Mobiliário Senai, em especial ao Núcleo Setorial de Informação Tecnológica em Mobiliário e Madeira a adequação dos serviços prestados, garantindo maior qualidade ao atendimento de seu usuário Palavras-chave Diagnóstico de necessidades de informação.Setor mobiliário. Estudo de usuário. Informação tecnológica. Informação industrial. Relatório de pesquisa. Diagnosis of Information needs of the furniture sector of the State of Rio Grande do Sul: a user study Abstract The purpose of this research was to identify the technical and technological Information needs of the gaucho furniture industries. For this goal to be reachead, interviews were conducted with personnel who deal with 80 enterprises characterizing the furniture panorama in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The research will optimize the services of the Senai Furniture Technological Center in general and of the Technological Information Nucleus in particular, thus bringing better services to all their clients. Keywords Diagnosis of information needs/Furniture sector/Brazil. User study. Technological information. Industrial information. Research report
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