29 research outputs found

    Trophic plasticity of omnivorous fishes in natural and human‐dominated landscapes

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    The persistence of diverse communities and functioning ecosystems under increasing anthropogenic pressure relies on food web rewiring and the ability of animals to expand or change their diet in disturbed ecosystems. We combined a suite of diet tracing techniques to study trophic plasticity in omnivorous fishes, ecomorphologically similar species with high competition potential, across different human land uses in subtropical streams. We found that the proportion of native forest cover, associated with intensive land use, altered the isotopic composition of fishes, which were more enriched in 13C, without affecting the carbon isotope ratios of their prey and basal resources. There was also evidence for a nonlinear effect of native forest cover on the δ15N values of basal resources, macroinvertebrates, and omnivorous fishes, indicating that nutrient pollution from agriculture propagated through stream food webs. The most widely distributed fish species shifted their diet from autochthonous resources to terrestrial invertebrates and sedimentary organic matter in disturbed streams. Moreover, the isotopic niche of this fish species was broader in streams with higher fish species richness, indicating the combined impacts of environmental change and competition on species coexistence. Therefore, our findings showed that the dominance and trophic niche breadth of dominant omnivores depend not only on the availability of resources but also on the interactions with their putative competitors

    Linking anatomical and histological traits of the digestive tract to resource consumption and assimilation of omnivorous tetra fishes.

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    This study explores the interplay between digestive tract traits, food intake, and assimilation in omnivorous tetra fishes (Psalidodon bifasciatus, P. aff. gymnodontus, and Bryconamericus ikaa) from the Iguaçu River basin, an ecologically significant region known for high endemism. We hypothesize that variations in digestive tracts across species would be associated with differences in diet, isotopic composition in fish tissues, and overall diet assimilation. To test this, we employed stereoscopic and light microscopy to characterize the gross anatomy, histomorphology, and histochemistry of fish digestive tracts. Additionally, we used stomach content and stable isotope analyses to trace fish diets. While these tetra fishes shared histological structures, disparities were noted in anatomical digestive traits and diet preferences. The smallest species, B. ikaa, with a shorter intestine, had fewer pyloric caeca and primarily consumed animal-based diets. Conversely, P. bifasciatus and P. aff. gymnodontus, with longer intestines, displayed numerous pyloric caeca and consumed a balanced mix of animal and plant items. Despite anatomical and dietary differences, all three species predominantly assimilated animal-origin food. The tetra fishes had histological variations among digestive tract segments, with the esophagus having the thickest muscular layer, gradually thinning towards the posterior intestine. The final portion of the intestine exhibited a significant expansion in the lumen perimeter, while the esophagus had the smallest lumen area. Goblet cells were most concentrated in the posterior intestine for all species. The gross anatomy of these tetra fishes aligns with their omnivorous habit, while diet assimilation was dominated by animal-origin food. These findings provide crucial insights into the structural and tissue characteristics of their digestive systems, laying the groundwork for deeper exploration into the physiological aspects of their digestive tracts and enhancing our understanding of their feeding strategies

    Seasonal feeding plasticity can facilitate coexistence of dominant omnivores in Neotropical streams

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    Coexistence of ecomorphologically similar species in diverse Neotropical ecosystems has been a focus of long-term debate among ecologists and evolutionary biologists. Such coexistence can be promoted by trophic plasticity and seasonal changes in omnivorous feeding. We combined stomach content and stable isotope analyses to determine how seasonal variation in resource availability influences the consumption and assimilation of resources by two syntopic fish species, Psalidodon aff. gymnodontus and P. bifasciatus, in the Lower Iguaçu basin. We also tested the impact of seasonality on trophic niche breadth and diet overlap of these two dominant omnivores. Seasonal changes in resource availability strongly influenced the consumption and assimilation of resources by the two fish species. Both species exhibited high levels of omnivory, characterized by high diversity of allochthonous resources in the wet season. Terrestrial invertebrates were the main component of diet during this season. However, in the dry season, both species reduced their isotopic niches, indicating diet specialization. High diet overlap was observed in both seasons, but the isotopic niche overlap was smaller in the dry season. Substantial reduction in the isotopic niche of P. bifascistus and a shift toward aquatic invertebrates can facilitate coexistence during this season of resource shortage. Feeding plasticity allows omnivorous fish to adjust their trophic niches according to seasonality, promoting the exploitation of different resources during periods of greater resource diversity. This seasonal variation could be an important mechanism that contributes to the resource partitioning and coexistence of dominant omnivores in Neotropical streams