3 research outputs found

    Cytosolic Calcium Concentration Changes in Neuronal Cells Under Clinorotation and in Parabolic Flight Missions

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    All life on earth has been established under conditions of stable gravity of 1g. Nevertheless, in numerous experiments the direct gravity dependence of biological processes has been shown on all levels of organization, from single molecules to humans. To study the effects especially of microgravity on biological systems, a variety of platforms are available, from drop towers to the ISS. Due to the costs of these platforms and their limited availability, as an alternative, numerous simulators have been developed for so called “simulated” microgravity. A classical system is a clinostat, basically rotating a sample around one axis, and by integration of the gravity vector for 360 degree arguing that thus the effects of gravity are depleted. Indeed, a variety of studies has shown that taking out the direction of gravity from a biological system often results in consequences similar to the exposure of the system to real microgravity. Nevertheless, the opposite has been shown, too, and as a consequence the relevance of clinostats in microgravity research is still under discussion. To get some more insight into this problem we have constructed a small fluorescence clinostat and have studied the effects of clinorotation on the cytosolic calcium concentration of neuroglioma cells. The results have been compared to experiments with identical cells in real microgravity, utilizing parabolic flight missions. Our results show that in case of a cell suspension used in a small florescence clinostat within a tube diameter of 2mm, the effects of clinorotation are comparable to those under real microgravity, both showing a significant increase in intracellular calcium concentration