116 research outputs found

    A particle-number-conserving Bogoliubov method which demonstrates the validity of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation for a highly condensed Bose gas

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    The Bogoliubov method for the excitation spectrum of a Bose-condensed gas is generalized to apply to a gas with an exact large number N N of particles. This generalization yields a description of the Schr\"odinger picture field operators as the product of an annihilation operator AA for the total number of particles and the sum of a ``condensate wavefunction'' ξ(x)\xi(x) and a phonon field operator χ(x)\chi(x) in the form ψ(x)A{ξ(x)+χ(x)/N}\psi(x) \approx A\{\xi(x) + \chi(x)/\sqrt{N}\} when the field operator acts on the N particle subspace. It is then possible to expand the Hamiltonian in decreasing powers of N\sqrt{N}, an thus obtain solutions for eigenvalues and eigenstates as an asymptotic expansion of the same kind. It is also possible to compute all matrix elements of field operators between states of different N.Comment: RevTeX, 11 page

    Ideal Stars and General Relativity

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    We study a system of differential equations that governs the distribution of matter in the theory of General Relativity. The new element in this paper is the use of a dynamical action principle that includes all the degrees of freedom, matter as well as metric. The matter lagrangian defines a relativistic version of non-viscous, isentropic hydrodynamics. The matter fields are a scalar density and a velocity potential; the conventional, four-vector velocity field is replaced by the gradient of the potential and its scale is fixed by one of the eulerian equations of motion, an innovation that significantly affects the imposition of boundary conditions. If the density is integrable at infinity, then the metric approaches the Schwarzschild metric at large distances. There are stars without boundary and with finite total mass; the metric shows rapid variation in the neighbourhood of the Schwarzschild radius and there is a very small core where a singularity indicates that the gas laws break down. For stars with boundary there emerges a new, critical relation between the radius and the gravitational mass, a consequence of the stronger boundary conditions. Tentative applications are suggested, to certain Red Giants, and to neutron stars, but the investigation reported here was limited to polytropic equations of state. Comparison with the results of Oppenheimer and Volkoff on neutron cores shows a close agreement of numerical results. However, in the model the boundary of the star is fixed uniquely by the required matching of the interior metric to the external Schwarzschild metric, which is not the case in the traditional approach.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Kinetic Theory III: Quantum kinetic master equation for strongly condensed trapped systems

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    We extend quantum kinetic theory to deal with a strongly Bose-condensed atomic vapor in a trap. The method assumes that the majority of the vapor is not condensed, and acts as a bath of heat and atoms for the condensate. The condensate is described by the particle number conserving Bogoliubov method developed by one of the authors. We derive equations which describe the fluctuations of particle number and phase, and the growth of the Bose-Einstein condensate. The equilibrium state of the condensate is a mixture of states with different numbers of particles and quasiparticles. It is not a quantum superposition of states with different numbers of particles---nevertheless, the stationary state exhibits the property of off-diagonal long range order, to the extent that this concept makes sense in a tightly trapped condensate.Comment: 3 figures submitted to Physical Review

    Damped Bogoliubov excitations of a condensate interacting with a static thermal cloud

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    We calculate the damping of condensate collective excitations at finite temperatures arising from the lack of equilibrium between the condensate and thermal atoms. We neglect the non-condensate dynamics by fixing the thermal cloud in static equilibrium. We derive a set of generalized Bogoliubov equations for finite temperatures that contain an explicit damping term due to collisional exchange of atoms between the two components. We have numerically solved these Bogoliubov equations to obtain the temperature dependence of the damping of the condensate modes in a harmonic trap. We compare these results with our recent work based on the Thomas-Fermi approximation.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures included. Submitted to PR

    Nonergodic Behavior of Interacting Bosons in Harmonic Traps

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    We study the time evolution of a system of interacting bosons in a harmonic trap. In the low-energy regime, the quantum system is not ergodic and displays rather large fluctuations of the ground state occupation number. In the high energy regime of classical physics we find nonergodic behavior for modest numbers of trapped particles. We give two conditions that assure the ergodic behavior of the quantum system even below the condensation temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 3 PS-figures, uses psfig.st

    The Bogoliubov Theory of a BEC in Particle Representation

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    In the number-conserving Bogoliubov theory of BEC the Bogoliubov transformation between quasiparticles and particles is nonlinear. We invert this nonlinear transformation and give general expression for eigenstates of the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian in particle representation. The particle representation unveils structure of a condensate multiparticle wavefunction. We give several examples to illustrate the general formalism.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Approach to the semiconductor cavity QED in high-Q regimes with q-deformed boson

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    The high density Frenkel exciton which interacts with a single mode microcavity field is dealed with in the framework of the q-deformed boson. It is shown that the q-defomation of bosonic commutation relations is satisfied naturally by the exciton operators when the low density limit is deviated. An analytical expression of the physical spectrum for the exciton is given by using of the dressed states of the cavity field and the exciton. We also give the numerical study and compare the theoretical results with the experimental resultsComment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Sterile neutrino production via active-sterile oscillations: the quantum Zeno effect

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    We study several aspects of the kinetic approach to sterile neutrino production via active-sterile mixing. We obtain the neutrino propagator in the medium including self-energy corrections up to O(GF2)\mathcal{O}(G^2_F), from which we extract the dispersion relations and damping rates of the propagating modes. The dispersion relations are the usual ones in terms of the index of refraction in the medium, and the damping rates are Γ1(k)=Γaa(k)cos2θm(k);Γ2(k)=Γaa(k)sin2θm(k)\Gamma_1(k) = \Gamma_{aa}(k) \cos^2\theta_m(k); \Gamma_2(k) = \Gamma_{aa}(k) \sin^2\theta_m(k) where Γaa(k)GF2kT4\Gamma_{aa}(k)\propto G^2_F k T^4 is the active neutrino scattering rate and θm(k)\theta_m(k) is the mixing angle in the medium. We provide a generalization of the transition probability in the \emph{medium from expectation values in the density matrix}: Pas(t)=sin22θm4[eΓ1t+eΓ2t2e1/2(Γ1+Γ2)tcos(ΔEt)] P_{a\to s}(t) = \frac{\sin^22\theta_m}{4}[e^{-\Gamma_1t} + e^{-\Gamma_2 t}-2e^{-{1/2}(\Gamma_1+\Gamma_2)t} \cos\big(\Delta E t\big)] and study the conditions for its quantum Zeno suppression directly in real time. We find the general conditions for quantum Zeno suppression, which for mskeVm_s\sim \textrm{keV} sterile neutrinos with sin2θ103\sin2\theta \lesssim 10^{-3} \emph{may only be} fulfilled near an MSW resonance. We discuss the implications for sterile neutrino production and argue that in the early Universe the wide separation of relaxation scales far away from MSW resonances suggests the breakdown of the current kinetic approach.Comment: version to appear in JHE

    Condensate fluctuations in finite Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperature

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    A Langevin equation for the complex amplitude of a single-mode Bose-Einstein condensate is derived. The equation is first formulated phenomenologically, defining three transport parameters. It is then also derived microscopically. Expressions for the transport parameters in the form of Green-Kubo formulas are thereby derived and evaluated for simple trap geometries, a cubic box with cyclic boundary conditions and an isotropic parabolic trap. The number fluctuations in the condensate, their correlation time, and the temperature-dependent collapse-time of the order parameter as well as its phase-diffusion coefficient are calculated.Comment: 29 pages, Revtex, to appear in Phys.Rev.