35 research outputs found

    Sistemi territoriali di socioeconomie locali: il paradigma neorurale come fondamento

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    This paper proposes neo-rural paradigm as a key reference in the construction of a “return to local socio-economic systems”. We have already recognised this fundamental role of neo-rurality from the first step (“return to the earth”) of our journey of ‘returns’, in the meeting with a new peasant actorship and its ‘social accomplices’ that expresses a ‘primary’ motion of ‘care and culture’ of the earth. A new beginning that gives life to neo-rural paradigm thus assuming a general value beyond agriculture, extending to all the territorial socio-economies: these are essentially activities for the construction of the Oikos (root of economy and home, that home of human race we call territory). It is above all a matter of giving way on territories to the neo-rural practices that founded that paradigm. Such a work is already under way but it can be extended in the practice of an exchange between disciplinary and experiential knowledge of neo-rural processes, e.g. through local interactive observatories. Experiences that used to be isolated in their ‘internal’ construction, in their ‘pioneering phase’, now raise the issue of their mutual relationship within a “higher-order local”, matrix of their own extensive and cooperating ‘territorial body’. These are already the first founding projects of local systems under construction that reveal features of alternative local geographies towards the ‘agro-urban bioregion’ scenario

    Neoruralità: radici di futuro in campo

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    Moving from the observation of a change taking place in the way of cultivating, defined as ‘new peasant agriculture’, and placing it in a relational milieu, lively and (inter) active, that tends to completely redefine the (social, institutional, economic, territorial, landscape and cultural) perception of rural world, this ‘vision’ interprets it as the first outline of a ‘return to earth’ path, where we can read plain signs of a possible reappearance of the historical role, authentically ‘primary’, of earth and agriculture. The effort to grasp what, in addition to the transience of parallel worlds, is generating this seed, today beginning to bear fruit, opens then a broad view (both in the diachronic and the synchronic sense) that tries to encompass the ‘long history’ of agriculture, its roots in time - past and present - and its projection towards a viable future.Muovendo dalla constatazione di un mutamento in atto nel modo di coltivare, definito come ‘nuova agricoltura contadina’, e collocandolo in un milieu relazionale vivace e (inter)attivo che promette di ridefinire alla radice la percezione (sociale, istituzionale, economica, territoriale, paesaggistica e culturale) del mondo rurale, questa ‘visione’ lo interpreta come il primo abbozzo di un percorso di ‘ritorno alla terra’ ove si leggono segni certi del possibile riapparire del ruolo storico, autenticamente ‘primario’, di terra e agricoltura. Lo sforzo di cogliere che cosa, oltre alla caducità di mondi paralleli, stia generando questo seme, che comincia oggi a dare frutto, apre uno sguardo ampio (in senso sia diacronico sia sincronico) che prova a ricomprendere la ‘storia lunga’ dell’agricoltura, le sue radici nel tempo - passato e presente - e la sua proiezione verso un futuro percorribile

    Ecodialysis: first strategies to limit damages and reduce costs

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    In the medical field, the attention to the environmental impact of industrial processes and products is still limited. In recent years there has been an increased sensitivity towards the environment; meanwhile, the economic burden of hazardous waste disposal is becoming evident. Dialysis is a "big producer" of waste and it has been estimated that disposal costs can be up to 10-40% of the cost of disposables. So there are several reasons of interest on "ecodialysis": the high amount of waste defined as "potentially hazardous", which requires a very expensive management and the recyclability potential of the non-contaminated waste, that has not yet been fully explored in dialysis. This primary study has been performed in collaboration with the Politecnico di Torino. Its aim has been to define a schedule of activities by a few brainstorming sessions. This schedule is to be readily performed or it should be developed in detail to optimize, by reducing and recycling, the waste production during the dialysis session. The discussion identified seven basic points for the eco-sustainability of haemodialysis to: [1] reduce packaging; [2] facilitate separation of materials, and [3] their discharge; [4] differentiate materials; [5] clearly highlight the potentially hazardous materials; [6] improve the recyclability of plastic products; [7] propose a path of recovery and reuse. Although a full optimization requires a close cooperation with the manufacturers and is achievable only in the long term, the reduction of one pound of potentially contaminated materials could presently lead, on a national scale, to a saving of several million euros, which can be better employed in investments to improve our treatments

    Municipi federati

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    Rivista CARTA Etc, mensile. Introduzioen al tema del federalismo municpale e solidale al centro dell discsuione sociale / istituzionale e della produzione legislativa nel 200

    La città ed il territorio, urbanistica e architettura

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    Lo scritto, tradotto in DVD, è stato prodotto per al sez. "Città e territorio" della Mostra/convegno in ricordo di Roberto Franceschi "La memoria e l'emozione" del dicembre 2002 all'Università Bocconi di Mialano a cura della "Fondazione Roberto Francecshi" di Milano. L'elaboarto si riferisce al periodo attaorno al 1973, anno della ucciisione di Francesch

    La carta del "Nuovo Municipio"

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    none1G. FerraresiFerraresi, Giorgi