238 research outputs found

    Pelecehan Seksual Nonfisik Sebagai Suatu Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual Menurut Pasal 5 Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2022 Tentang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana cakupan pengaturan dari Pasal 5 Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2022 tentang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual dan bagaimana sanksi pidana dalam Pasal 5 Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2022 tentang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Cakupan pengaturan dari Pasal 5 Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2022 tentang tindak pidana pelecehan seksual nonfisik, yaitu pelecehan seksual dengan tidak melakukan suatu kontak fisik atau sentuhan anggota tubuh antara orang yang melecehkan dan yang dilecehkan, melainkan pelecehan seksual berupa:  pernyataan,  gerak tubuh, atau  aktivitas. 2. Sanksi pidana dalam Pasal 5 Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2022, yaitu: Jika pelakunya orang perseorangan, diancam dengan pidana penjara maksimum 9 (sembilan) bulan dan/atau pidana denda maksimum Rp10.000.000,00 (sepuluh juta rupiah); yang diperberat dengan ditambah 1/3 (satu per tiga) untuk hal-hal tertentu. Jika pelakunya Korporasi diancam dengan pidana denda minimum Rp5.000.000.000,00 (lima miliar rupiah) dan maksimum Rp15.000.000.000,00 (lima belas miliar rupiah), ditambah restitusi dan beberapa macam pidana tambahan. Kata kunci: Pelecehan seksual nonfisik, tindak pidana, kekerasan seksual

    The Formulation and Stability Test of The Balm Emprit Ginger (Zingiber officinale var. amarum) Essential Oil

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    Emprit ginger (Zingiber officinale var. amarum) is a rhizome plant that is much of the time tracked down in the locale. Tanasitolo, Kab. Wajo. Its utilization is most generally utilized as a cooking zest, defeating joint inflammation, muscle torment, treating colds, treating hacks, as a characteristic cell reinforcement and warming the body. The compound parts contained in emprit ginger (Zingiber officinale var. amarum) are zingiberene, shagaol, sap, and gingerol which are adequate as cancer prevention agents and mitigating or then again reflexology. This study aims to decided how to of ginger emprit (Zingiber officinale var. amarum) as a salve form of a natural balm. This type of research is a direct observation in the laboratory using the distillation method to obtain the essential oil in ginger emprit (Zingiber officinale var. amarum) was then made in the form of a balm with different concentrations of essential oils, namely F1 (0 g), F2 (1.5 g), and F3 (2 g) using accelerated stability testing on the balm preparation, stored for 6 days with 3 cycles (40C and 400C) the observations included organoleptic tests (shape, smell, and colour), homogeneity test, pH test, spreadability test, adhesion test, and specific gravity.. This study indicate that a stable balm preparation that meets the standard requirements based on SNI with accelerated stability testing is formula F3 with a concentration of 2 grams of ginger essential oil. Emprit ginger (Zingiber officinale var. amarum) can be formed in a balm preparation


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas teoritis dan validitas empiris instrumen penilaian berbantuan Google Form untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir kreatif fisika peserta didik SMA yang telah dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Subjek uji coba pada penelitian ini adalah 32 peserta didik kelas XI MIPA di SMAN 1 Krian yang sudah mempelajari materi fluida dinamis. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan lembar validasi dari instrumen penilaian yang dikembangkan dan lembar tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen penilaian yang dikembangkan valid secara teoritis berdasarkan validitas logis dengan persentase rata-rata kriteria pada ranah materi, konstruksi, dan bahasa masing-masing sebesar 99,17%; 100,00%; dan 99,67% dalam kategori sangat valid. Instrumen penilaian valid secara empiris berdasarkan validitas empiris butir soal, reliabilitas tes, tingkat kesukaran butir soal, dan daya pembeda butir soal. Validitas empiris butir soal menunjukkan sebanyak 70% soal memiliki kategori tinggi dan 30% soal kategori cukup. Reliabilitas tes diperoleh koefisien sebesar 0,7115 sehingga instrumen penilaian dinyatakan reliabel. Tingkat kesukaran butir soal menunjukkan sebanyak 80% soal memiliki kategori sedang. Sedangkan daya pembeda butir soal menunjukkan 50% soal memiliki kategori sangat baik, 40% soal kategori baik, dan 10% soal kategori cukup. Berdasarkan keempat kriteria pada validitas empiris, maka dapat disimpulkan sebanyak 80% dari keseluruhan soal dinyatakan valid. Kata kunci: Validitas, Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif, Google Form, Fluida DinamisAbstract This study aims to describe the theoretical validity and empirical validity of the Google Form-assisted assessment instrument to measure the creative thinking abilities of physics in senior high school students that have been developed. This study uses the ADDIE development model. The test subjects in this study were 32 students of Class XI MIPA at SMAN 1 Krian who had studied dynamic fluid material. Data collection techniques using validation sheets from assessment instruments developed and test sheets. The results showed that the assessment instruments developed were theoretically valid based on logical validity with an average percentage of criteria in the realm of material, construction, and language respectively 99.17%; 100.00%; and 99.67% in the very valid category. The instrument of empirical valid validation is based on the empirical validity of the items, the reliability of the test, the difficulty of the items, and the distinguishing features of the items. The empirical validity of the items shows that 70% of the questions have a high category and 30% of the questions are enough categories. The reliability of the test obtained a coefficient of 0.7115 so that the assessment instruments were declared reliable. The level of difficulty items show as much as 80% of the questions have a medium category. Whereas the differentiation of items shows 50% of the questions have a very good category, 40% of the good category questions, and 10% of the enough category questions. Based on the four criteria in empirical validity, it can be concluded that as much as 80% of all questions are declared valid. Keywords: Validity, Creative Thinking Ability, Google Form, Dynamic Flui

    Efektivitas ekstrak etanol bayam merah (amaranthus tricolor l.) Terhadap glukosa darah Tikus putih ( rattus novergicus) jantan Yang dipapar dengan asap rokok

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    Research has been carried out on the effect of giving ethanol extract of red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) on blood glucose of male white rats (Rattus novergicus) exposed to cigarette smoke for an interval of 15 days with the administration of ethanolic extract of red spinach. This study aims to determine the effect of ethanol extract on blood glucose levels of male white rats which were divided into 4 groups. Group I as a positive control that was not given any treatment, group II was given ethanolic extract of red spinach 200 mg/kg BW, group III was given ethanolic extract of red spinach 400 mg/kg BW, and group IV as a negative control was only given cigarette smoke exposure without any treatment. extract administration. From the research that has been done, the results of the decrease in blood glucose in group I is 63,3 mg/dl, group II is 98 mg/dl, group III is 116 mg/dl, and group IV is 155 mg/dl. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the decrease in blood glucose caused The most effective is red spinach ethanol extract with a concentration of 200 mg/kg BW, which is 98 mg/dl

    Pengaruh Penambahan Air Perasan Jeruk Nipis (citrus aurantiifolia) dalam Air Minum sebagai Acidifier terhadap Profil Lemak Darah pada Ayam Broile

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi manfaat air perasan jeruk nipis dalam air minum sebagai acidifier terhadap kadar kolesterol, LDL, HDL, dan trigliserida darah ayam broiler. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Januari sampai 7 Maret 2017 di kandang Laboratorium Ternak Unggas Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. Materi yang digunakan yaitu 90 ekor day old chick (DOC) broiler dengan bobot rata-rata sebesar 38±0,1 g, pakan komersial yang diproduksi PT. Charoen Pokhpand dengan merk dagang “BR1-CP511” untuk fase starter dan “201-C” untuk fase finisher, air perasan jeruk nipis, tempat pakan dan minum, hygrometer, termometer, timbangan, vaksin, spuit, tabung vakutainer, kapas, alkohol, dan cooler. Rancangan penelitian yaitu rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak 6 kali. Perlakuan terdiri dari T0 (pakan dan air minum tanpa penambahan perasa jeruk nipis), T1 (pakan dan air minum yang ditambahkan dengan 0,5% perasan jeruk nipis), dan T2 (pakan dan air minum yang diberi 1% perasan jeruk nipis). Parameter yang diamati adalah profil lemak darah yaitu kadar High density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), trigliserida dan kolesterol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan berbagai level perasan jeruk nipis dalam air minum tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kadar kolesterol, HDL, LDL, dan trigliserida darah ayam broiler. Rata-rata kadar kolesterol pada T0, T1 dan T2 masing-masing yaitu 127,37, 115,2, dan 113 mg/dl. Rata-rata kadar HDL pada T0, T1 dan T2 masing-masing yaitu 59,32, 52,48 dan 58,2 mg/dl. Rata-rata kadar LDL pada T0, T1 dan T2 masing-masing yaitu 45,22, 47,88 dan 42,49 mg/dl, sedangkan kadar trigliserida pada T0, T1 dan T2 masing-masing yaitu 114,32, 82,75 dan 64,22 mg/dl. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan air perasan jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantiifolia) sampai 1% dalam air minum selama 2 minggu memasuki periode finisher belum dapat menurunkan profil lemak darah ayam broiler

    A comparative study of takeover regulation in the UK and France.

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    There has been a great deal of cross-border takeover activity in the EU over the past years. This is fortunate since the Commission views the increase of such activity and the ensuing restructuring of firms as vital to implement its aim of making Europe the most competitive economy by 2010. The Commission is concerned, however, by the fact that most Member States still have legal, cultural, or other structures, which either impede or reduce the occurrence of takeovers. The Commission is also concerned that the level of protection afforded to offeree shareholders in the context of takeovers differs from one Member State to another. Indeed, the offeree shareholders in some Member States enjoy a far better protection than their counterparts in other Member States. This thesis analyses these two aspects of takeover regulation from the point of view of the UK and France. The latter countries have had a significant impact upon the drafting of the Directive on takeover bids, as well as of numerous individual European countries' takeover regulations, due to their solid experience with national takeover regulation. It is therefore believed that the comparative analysis of the takeover regimes of these two jurisdictions will offer a better understanding of both the Directive on takeover bids and other European countries' takeover regulations. Such comparative analysis is further believed to offer an insight into how the level of growth of a particular market and the different ownership structures impact upon the rules governing takeovers. This thesis begins by explaining the regulatory framework of takeovers in the UK and France as well as the ownership structures prevailing in these two jurisdictions. It subsequently analyses in a comparative manner the role of the offeree management and the equality of shareholders in these two countries. This thesis concludes with the gradual convergence of takeover regulations in the UK and France and throughout Europe more generally

    Similarity Forecasting Using K-means Clustering and RNN Methods with PCA Feature Selection

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    Artificial Neural Networks is a computing system that is inspired by how the nervous system works in humans and continues to grow rapidly until now. Just like the nervous system in humans, artificial neural networks work through the process of studying existing data to formulate new data outputs. An artificial neural network using the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) method is one of the popular models used today, especially in forecasting cases. In simple terms, the forecasting flow using the RNN method begins by dividing the test data and training data, the forward calculation process, the backward calculation process, the optimization calculation, and the evaluation calculation of the forecasting model. The main obstacle of the RNN method is the presence of a vanishing gradient which can cause poor forecasting results. In this study, the authors propose a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dimension reduction method to obtain the most influential variables and become inputs for the prediction model that is built to minimize existing errors. The author also uses the K-means clustering method to divide the data with similar trend variations. To increase the clustering effect, the researcher used similarity calculation based on Euclidean distance. So that in an effort to build optimal prediction results, first time series data with the most influential variables will be selected using the PCA method. Furthermore, the data are grouped using the K-means method and will be included in the prediction model that is built. In the RNN prediction model, the data will be trained using the Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT) method and the optimization method used is Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). Forecasting with the RNN method with PCA produces an accuracy of 93%, while forecasting using the RNN method without PCA produces an accuracy of 82%. The experimental results show that the RNN method with PCA achieves higher predictive accuracy and flexibility than RNN without PCA

    Evaluasi Kelayakan Proyek Berdasarkan Analisis Kriteria Investasi

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    Perkembangan hunian dari waktu ke waktu semakin meningkat Hal ini seiring dengan perkembangan proyek apartement dengan tujuan guna untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan hunian yang nyaman. Namun dalam pelaksanaaanya investor atau pihak pengembang perlu mengetahui kepastian akan investasi yang ditanamkan menyangkut sejumlah besar dana, dengan demikian dapat memperoleh gambaran sebagai acuan bagi para investor dalam pengembanganya pada tahap berikutnya. Sehubungan dengan itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi, guna untuk menganalisis terhadap proyek yang akan direncanakan, atau pun yang sedang berjalan sebagai bahan penilaian pelaksanaan proyek tersebut. Evaluasi kelayakan proyek berdasarkan analisis kriteria investasi, dalam penulisan ini ditinjau dari aspek financial, evaluasi proyek hanya menganalisis biaya (cost) dan keuntungan (benefit). Adapun kriteria investasi yang dipakai untuk menilai benefit dan cost yaitu Groos Benefit / Cost Ratio (Groos B/C), Proifatibility Ratio, Nert Present Value, Imternal Rate Of Return and payback periode. Setelah diadakan analisis dengan mengunakan metode tersebut maka diperoleh, GroosBenevit / Cost Ratio >1, Profitability Ratio >1, Net Present Value > 0, Internal Rate Of Return 22,3% Lebih Tinggi dari discount rate yang diambilyaitu 9% - 18%, dan Payback Period untuk investasi yang bernilai Rp. 200.848.061.120,- diproyeksikan dapat kembali pada 3,3 Tahun kedepan, dengan memenuhinya setiap criteria investasi tersebut diatas maka proyek apartement dapat dikatakan menguntungkan dan layak untuk dilaksanakan

    Escrito en los objetos, latiendo en los espacios. Historia de vida y memoria de Paulino Roa, vecino múltiple de Pipaón (Álava, España)

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    The article presents an experimental life story and offers theorethical-methodological reflections about its construction. When Paulino Roa talk about his life, assimilates the character of exceptionality and representativity that social researchers, journalists and neighbors of Pipaón town has granted to him, and following this process, ends up being a character of this story himself. However, his tale lacks of a linear narrative which is a characteristic of the conventionallife stories. Five are the existential spaces where Paulino’s life occurs (vegetable garden, kitchen, workshop-entrance, church and museum), the objects found there organize, thanksto the memory, a story that condense two superposed temporalities: the immediate present and the daily life -Paulino’s life, his wife, his son, his granddaughter, the town today-; and an actualization of the historic memory of the community -the war, the rural jobs, the splendor of Pipaón and its traditions-. The problems presented during the elaboration of the story are the starting point to explore textual possibilities, innovative and creative, to develop the biographic method in the Anthropology.Este artículo presenta una historia de vida experimental y ofrece reflexiones teórico-metodológicas sobre su construcción. Al narrar su vida, Paulino Roa asimila el carácter de excepcionalidad y, al mismo tiempo, de representatividad que investigadores sociales, periodistas y vecinos del pueblo de Pipaón le han otorgado, siguiendo un proceso por el que termina convertido en su propio personaje. Pero su narración omite la estructura lineal y cronológica de las historias de vidaconvencionales. Son los cinco espacios existenciales donde transcurre su vida (huerto, cocina, taller-portal, iglesia y museo) y los objetos allí contenidos los que organizan, gracias a la memoria, un relato que condensa dos temporalidades superpuestas: el presente inmediato y cotidiano –las vida de Paulino, su esposa, su hijo, su nieta, el pueblo de ahora–; y una reactualización de la memoria histórica de la comunidad –la guerra, los oficios rurales, el esplendor de Pipaón y sus tradiciones–. Los problemas surgidos en la elaboración de la historia son el punto de partida para explorar algunas de las posibilidades textuales, innovadoras y creativas, del método biográfico en antropologí