13 research outputs found

    Awareness through movement: health exercises for personal growth

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    Feldenkrais provides a modern-day, practical program for the perennial ideal of a healthy mind in a healthy body. His down-to-earth method carefully avoids any mystical component and never obliges any pupil to master abstruse theories. Exercises for posture, eyes, imagination, and more will simultaneously build better body habits and focus new dimensions of awareness, self-image, and human potential

    La Conscience du corps

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    'Learning to learn,' a unique introduction to the Feldenkrais Method of Awareness through Movement created by Garet Newell

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    The Three-Day Course, ‘Learning to learn,’ is a unique introduction to the Feldenkrais Method of Awareness through Movement, created by Garet Newell. Through re-experiencing the extraordinary amount of learning which takes place in the first year of human life, participants will gain a greater appreciation of what a child accomplishes in this short time. This early learning is non-verbal and takes place through movement and interaction with the environment. Participatory lessons in Awareness through Movement will recall the progressive stages of development from stabilizing the head, rolling over, coming to sit, crawling and making the transition to standing. Interesting audio-visual material will assist in understanding the importance as to how fundamental this time of learning is and how it influences the rest of one’s life. There will be Illustrations of how the organic learning process can be hindered or interfered with and advice as to how to enjoy and understand this process as a parent, or carer - and to be sure that a child has the best possible start in life! The Feldenkrais Method has been integrated into drama and music schools across the UK. It can benefit musicians in discovering more comfortable and efficient ways of playing an instrument—which can create a more expressive sound and make playing more enjoyable. Performers and singers will find that more harmonious ways of moving and of using the voice will enhance their presence