23 research outputs found

    Visual impairment from fibrous dysplasia in a middle-aged African man: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Fibrous dysplasia is a benign tumour of the bones and is a disease of unknown aetiology. This report discusses a case of proptosis and visual deterioration with associated bony mass involving the right orbit.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 32-year-old Nigerian man of Yoruba ethnic origin presented to the eye clinic of our hospital with right-eye proptosis and visual deterioration of 7-year duration. Presentation was preceded by a history of trauma. Proptosis was preceded by trauma but was non-pulsatile with no thrill or bruit but was associated with bony orbital mass. The patient reported no weight loss. Examination of his right eye showed visual acuity of 6/60 with relative afferent pupillary defect. Fundal examination revealed optic atrophy. Computed tomography showed an expansile bony mass involving all the walls of the orbit. The bony orbital mass was diagnosed histologically as fibrous dysplasia. Treatment included orbital exploration and orbital shaping to create room for the globe and relieve pressure on the optic nerve.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Fibrous dysplasia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of slowly developing proptosis with associated visual loss in young adults.</p

    The haemochromatosis gene: a global perspective and implications for the Asia-Pacific region

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    Mutations in the haemochromatosis (HFE) gene cause most of the cases of hereditary haemochromatosis among people of Northern European ancestry while remaining a rare cause of iron overload among indigenous persons of the Asia-Pacific region. Advances in understanding of the role of the HFE protein product and other recently cloned iron transporters signify an exciting period, as previously unknown components of the iron metabolism pathway are revealed one by one. Epidemiological studies have shown that this gene is more widespread than its phenotypic expression would suggest and that the heterozygous state may be implicated in the expression of other diseases of the liver such as porphyria cutanea tarda, hepatitis C virus infection and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. The diagnosis, management and ethical implications for clinical practice in the aftermath of this discovery are discussed. (C) 1999 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd