4 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Adolescent Satisfaction with Reproductive Primary Healthcare Services in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    Objective: To assess adolescents’ satisfaction with reproductive health services in Mdantsane Township, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Method: A structured questionnaire was used to assess the levels of participants’ satisfaction with reproductive health services. The sample consisted of 200 adolescents within the ages of 16 to 19 years. A response of “yes” indicated that the person was satisfied with the specific item, while a response of “no” indicated dissatisfaction with that item. A spreadsheet was developed to analyse data obtained and 95% was used as a cut off rate to define an appropriate level of client satisfaction. Results: Results indicated that adolescents were dissatisfied with reproductive health delivery at Mdantsane Township. Satisfaction responses on accessibility and confidentiality of services, options available to participants as well as staff friendliness fell below the stated cut off rate of 95%. From each item, the number of responses of satisfaction on reproductive health delivery at the primary health clinic was mostly below 89%. Conclusion: In general, participants in this survey were dissatisfied with reproductive health services at the clinics at Mdantsane Township in the Eastern Cape Province. Keywords: Accessibility, eastern cape province, mdantsane township, reproductive health services, satisfaction "Evaluación de la Satisfacción Adolescente con los Servicios de Atención Primaria a la Salud Reproductiva en Eastern Cape Province, Sudáfrica" RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la satisfacción de los adolescentes en relación con los servicios de salud reproductiva en Mdantsane Township, Eastern Cape Province, Sudáfrica. Método: Se usó una encuesta estructurada para evaluar los niveles de satisfacción de los participantes con respecto a los servicios de salud reproductiva. La muestra constó de 200 adolescentes cpn edades de 16 a 19 años. Un “Sí” de respuesta indicaba que la persona estaba satisfecha con el punto específico, en tanto que un “No” de respuesta indicaba insatisfacción con el punto en cuestión. Una hoja de cálculo fue desarrollada para analizar los datos obtenidos, y 95% fue usado como tasa límite para definir un nivel apropiado de satisfacción del cliente. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que los adolescentes no estaban satisfechos con los servicios de salud reproductiva en Mdantsane Township. Las respuestas de satisfacción sobre la accesibilidad y confidencialidad de los servicios, las opciones disponibles para los participantes así como el carácter amistoso del personal, cayó por debajo del límite 95% declarado. De cada punto, el número de respuestas de satisfacción por los servicios de salud reproductiva en la clínica de atención primaria, estuvo la mayor parte de las veces por debajo de 89%. Conclusión: En general, los participantes en este estudio, se mostraron descontentos con los servicios de salud reproductiva en las clínicas de Mdantsane Township, Eastern Cape Province. Palabras claves: accesibilidad, Easterm Cape Province, servicios de salud reproductiva, satisfacció

    An assessment of adolescent satisfaction with reproductive primary healthcare services in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

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    Objective: To assess adolescents’satisfaction with reproductive health services in Mdantsane Township, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Method: A structured questionnaire was used to assess the levels of participants’ satisfaction with reproductive health services. The sample consisted of 200 adolescents within the ages of 16 to 19 years. A response of “yes” indicated that the person was satisfied with the specific item, while a response of “no” indicated dissatisfaction with that item. A spreadsheet was developed to analyse data obtained and 95% was used as a cut off rate to define an appropriate level of client satisfaction. Results: Results indicated that adolescents were dissatisfied with reproductive health delivery at Mdantsane Township. Satisfaction responses on accessibility and confidentiality of services, options available to participants as well as staff friendliness fell below the stated cut off rate of 95%. From each item, the number of responses of satisfaction on reproductive health delivery at the primary health clinic was mostly below 89%. Conclusion: In general, participants in this survey were dissatisfied with reproductive health services at the clinics at Mdantsane Township in the Eastern Cape Province