1,587 research outputs found

    Avaliação de híbridos interespecíficos de mandioca para resistência a artrópodes-praga em condições semi-áridas.

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    Este trabalho foi conduzido utilizando-se híbridos interespecíficos de mandioca obtidos de cruzamentos entre espécies silvestres selecionadas e variedades elites de Manihot esculenta, com o objetivo de identificar genes exóticos relacionados à resistência às principais pragas que ocorrem na região semi-árida do Brasil.Edição dos resumos do XII Congresso Brasileiro de Mandioca na Revista Raízes e Amidos Tropicais, v. 3, out. 2007

    Out-of-phase oscillation between superfluid and thermal components for a trapped Bose condensate under oscillatory excitation

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    The vortex nucleation and the emergence of quantum turbulence induced by oscillating magnetic fields, introduced by Henn E A L, et al. 2009 (Phys. Rev. A 79, 043619) and Henn E A L, et al. 2009 (Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 045301), left a few open questions concerning the basic mechanisms causing those interesting phenomena. Here, we report the experimental observation of the slosh dynamics of a magnetically trapped 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) under the influence of a time-varying magnetic field. We observed a clear relative displacement in between the condensed and the thermal fraction center-of-mass. We have identified this relative counter move as an out-of-phase oscillation mode, which is able to produce ripples on the condensed/thermal fractions interface. The out-of-phase mode can be included as a possible mechanism involved in the vortex nucleation and further evolution when excited by time dependent magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 25 reference

    Polaron effects in electron channels on a helium film

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    Using the Feynman path-integral formalism we study the polaron effects in quantum wires above a liquid helium film. The electron interacts with two-dimensional (2D) surface phonons, i.e. ripplons, and is confined in one dimension (1D) by an harmonic potential. The obtained results are valid for arbitrary temperature (TT), electron-phonon coupling strength (α\alpha ), and lateral confinement (ω0\omega_{0}). Analytical and numerical results are obtained for limiting cases of TT, α\alpha , and ω0\omega_{0}. We found the surprising result that reducing the electron motion from 2D to quasi-1D makes the self-trapping transition more continuous.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Clone Embrapa 51: uma alternativa para resistênica à resinose-do-cajueiro.

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    São apresentados os resultados de cinco anos de monitoramento de clones comerciais de cajueiro, quanto à reação de resinose.bitstream/CNPAT/10571/1/cot_130.pd

    Expression patterns of GmAP2/EREB-Like transcription factors involved in soybean responses to water deficit.

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    Soybean farming has faced several losses in productivity due to drought events in the last few decades. However, plants have molecular mechanisms to prevent and protect against water deficit injuries, and transcription factors play an important role in triggering different defense mechanisms. Understanding the expression patterns of transcription factors in response to water deficit and to environmental diurnal changes is very important for unveiling water deficit stress tolerance mechanisms. Here, we analyzed the expression patterns of ten APETALA2/Ethylene Responsive Element Binding-like (AP2/ EREB-like) transcription factors in two soybean genotypes (BR16: drought-sensitive; and Embrapa 48: drought-tolerant). According to phylogenetic and domain analyses, these genes can be included in the DREB and ERF subfamilies. We also analyzed a GmDRIP-like gene that encodes a DREB negative regulator. We detected the up-regulation of 9 GmAP2/EREB-like genes and identified transcriptional differences that were dependent on the levels of the stress applied and the tissue type analyzed (the expression of the GmDREB1F-like gene, for example, was four times higher in roots than in leaves). The GmDRIP-like gene was not induced by water deficit in BR16 during the longest periods of stress, but was significantly induced in Embrapa 48; this suggests a possible genetic/molecular difference between the responses of these cultivars to water deficit stress. Additionally, RNAseq gene expression analysis over a 24-h time course indicates that the expression patterns of several GmDREB-like genes are subject to oscillation over the course of the day, indicating a possible circadian regulation