16 research outputs found

    Efficacy of a specific rehabilitation protocol in postural control of a young woman with multiple fragility vertebral fractures: a case report

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    The fragility vertebral fractures have a considerable impact on an individual's health-related quality of life due to pain, limitations in activity, social participation, altered mood and balance impairment. Physiotherapy interventions may have an important role in improving quality of life, balance and reducing the fracture risk in people with osteoporotic vertebral fractures. In literature there are only a few studies that examine exercise interventions in osteoporotic populations with vertebral fracture and few studies that examine the effects on balance with instrumental measurements. In this paper we present a case of a woman with fragility vertebral fractures and a related balance impairment and the effects of a specific rehabilitation program using both clinical evaluations that instrumental measurement

    Underdiagnosis of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in patients with fragility fractures: retrospective analysis of over 300 patients

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    Osteoporosis (OP) is a silent disease unless a fracture occurs; it is a major health problem, mainly due to fragility fractures, that occur at vertebral and peripheral sites. Vertebral fractures (VF) are probably the most common fragility fractures, but they go often unrecognized. The main clinical symptoms of VF are acute and chronic back pain, spinal deformity, reduced mobility and impaired quality of life. They are frequently associated with other fragility fractures. We examined 478 patients at our outpatient clinic, who were referred for fragility fracture occurrence. The most common fragility fractures was hip fractures. However, after execution of spine X-rays in patients who had sustained hip fracture, we found that a large proportion of them had VF, which had not been reported in their medical history

    La valutazione del paziente con fratture vertebrali da fragilitĂ : compliance ad un protocollo riabilitativo

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    La valutazione del paziente con fratture vertebrali da fragilitĂ : compliance ad un protocollo riabilitativ

    The impact of rehabilitation on the health-related quality of life in patients with vertebral fragility fractures

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    Vertebral fractures are one of the most frequent and serious osteoporotic fractures. Rehabilitation plays an important role in these patients through its potential impact on pain and physical function, not only in the short-term, but also in the long term. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of a 10 days-rehabilitation program on quality of life in the long term. This study was an observational study conducted on patients with fragility vertebral fractures. At baseline and after 6 months the following parameters were evaluated: height and occiput wall distance, Visual Analogue Scale for dorsal and lumbar pain, 20 meters walk test for gait's performance. For quality of life assessment we used the Italian version of EuroQuol-5-dimensions-3-level. Patients were divided in two groups: 39 patients underwent a 10 days-rehabilitation program specific for fragility vertebral fractures, 15 patients did not receive any rehabilitation treatment. Patients who underwent a specific physiotherapy program had better quality of life-related outcomes after 6 months than patients did not perform any rehabilitation, in particular in EQ-Global Health and in the mobility and selfcare dimension of EQ-index. In conclusions this study shows that in the management of fragility vertebral fractures the exercises have an important role. © 2019 CIC Edizioni Internazionali s.r.l.. All rights reserve

    Water Sound Design - i suoni dell’acqua nella progettazione del paesaggio sonoro urbano e naturale

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    La progettazione di fontane ornamentali o installazioni da giardino che fanno uso dell’acqua è tradizionalmente affrontata dagli architetti solo in termini visivi ed estetici, con l’effetto di introdurre all’interno del contesto urbanizzato, nella maggioranza dei casi, ulteriori sorgenti di rumore anziché nuove armonie. Il suono dell’acqua è tradizionalmente paragonato al rumore bianco: la sua energia si staglia in ugual modo lungo l’intero spettro dell’udibile ma cambia in continuo la sua distribuzione. In un momento predominano le vibrazioni gravi, in un altro acuti effetti sibilanti; nessun suono è però mai completamente assente e l’unico cambiamento consiste nel variare della loro intensità relativa. Le esperienze di ascolto di suoni d’acqua, naturali e artificiali, di differenti origini, permettono tuttavia di riscontrare ampie differenziazioni psicoacustiche, estetiche, semantiche, emozionali, ecc. Ogni torrente, fontana, o canale parla in sostanza un proprio linguaggio che, se riconosciuto, può diventare un elemento in grado di guidare la progettualità. Nella prima parte sperimentale della ricerca è stata svolta una fase conoscitiva di campionamenti audio di suoni d’acqua naturali (cascata) e artificiali (fontane, canali). La Fontana del Cervo della Reggia di Venaria Reale ha successivamente fornito l’occasione di rilevare, in condizioni controllate, svariate coreografie statiche e dinamiche. Nella seconda parte è stata svolta l’analisi delle caratteristiche fisiche del suono (spettrogramma, forma d’onda, …) e il confronto tra i suoni emessi dall’acqua nelle sue varie manifestazioni naturali e antropiche. All’analisi delle registrazioni è seguita la selezione di dieci tracce audio che hanno rappresentato la base di un questionario finalizzato alla valutazione soggettiva dei campioni audio in termini di volume, altezza, timbro, direzionalità e gradevolezza complessiva del suono

    Sarcopenia e fratture vertebrali da fragilitĂ  : studio retrospettivo

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    Sarcopenia e fratture vertebrali da fragilitĂ  : studio retrospettiv