169 research outputs found

    Obasanjo: Nigeria And The World

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    Developing a Model for Employees’ Intrapreneurial Engagement and Organizational Survival

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    The survival of any organisation in the midst of economic hardship and competitiveness is becoming a serious concern. One of the strategies organisations can adopt is to tap into the intrapreneurial potentials of their employees. The main objective of this study examines the strategic roles of employees’ intrapreneurial engagement and its implication for organisational survival. A descriptive research method (Structural Equation Model {AMOS 22}) was applied to analyse the two hundred and fifty-nine (259) copies of valid questionnaire completed by the respondents using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. However, the study indicated that fostering employees’ intrapreneurial engagement have positive significant implications on organisational survival. This suggests that employees’ empowerment, involvement, autonomy, relationships and reward system have significant effects on organisational survival. It is therefore recommended that organisations should challenge their employees by providing them with autonomy and the freedom to innovate and carve out spaces for them to take risks and experiment

    Data Article on the Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Curriculum Contents on Entrepreneurial Interest and Knowledge of Nigerian University Students

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    The article presented data on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship curriculum contents on university students’entrepreneurial interest and knowledge. The study focused on the perceptions of Nigerian university students. Emphasis was laid on the first four universities in Nigeria to offer a degree programme in entrepreneurship. The study adopted quantitative approach with a descriptive research design to establish trends related to the objective of the study. Survey was be used as quantitative research method. The population of this study included all students in the selected universities. Data was analyzed with the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Mean score was used as statistical tool of analysis. The field data set is made widely accessible to enable critical or a more comprehensive investigation

    Data set on the effect of training and development Q2 on creativity of academic staff in a selected Nigerian university

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    This articlepresenteddataontheeffectoftraininganddevelop- ment onacademicstaffcreativityusingCovenantUniversityin Nigeria asthecasestudy.Thearticlewasabasedonadescriptive quantitativeresearchdesignusingSurveymethod.Thepopulation of thestudyincludedallacademicstaffintheselecteduniversity with atotalof535faculties.Asamplesizeof226facultieswas selected. Reliabilityandvalidityprocedureswereconfirmed. Data wasanalyzedwiththeuseofStatisticalPackageforSocialSciences (SPSS).Regressionanalysiswasemployedasstatisticaltoolof analysis.The field datasetismadepubliclyavailabletoenable critical orextendedanalysi

    Transnational marriages in Yiwu, China: tensions over money

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    In this article, I explore the role of transnational marriages in the activities and strategies of trading networks, through the lens of money and uncertainty in marriage. I argue that uncertainty in spousal relations challenges the durability of such unions and hence the effectiveness of their role in trading activities. These uncertainties are shaped by intertwined factors, including especially the embedded relationship between commercial and social networks (for example, business partners, kinship, friendship) and spousal relations, the differing cultural values and practices of the partners to such unions, stereotypes, varying forms and degrees of trust and mistrust, and the dynamics of global markets and state policy. Uncertainties driven by these factors exacerbate mistrust in both marriages and trading relations; they also shape shifting orientations toward future life. Therefore, I argue that the role of marriage in trading activities should be neither simplified nor romanticized
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