5 research outputs found

    Utilisation de l'irrigation déficitaire avec des eaux usées traitées pour améliorer la productivité des cultures du maïs sucré, pois chiche, féverole et quinoa

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    Several experiments were conducted in the south of Morocco (IAV-CHA, Agadir) during two seasons 2010 and 2011 in order to evaluate the effect of deficit irrigation with treated wastewater on several crops (quinoa, sweet corn, faba bean and chickpeas).  During the first season (2010) three crops were tested, quinoa, chickpeas and sweet corn applying 6 deficit irrigation treatments during all crop stages alternating 100% of full irrigation as non-stress condition and 50% of full irrigation as water deficit condition applied during vegetative growth, flowering and grain filling stage. For all crops, the highest water productivity and yield were obtained when deficit irrigation was applied during the vegetative growth stage. During the second season (2011) two cultivars of quinoa, faba bean and sweet corn have been cultivated applying 6 deficit irrigation treatments (rainfed, 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of full irrigation) only during the vegetative growth stage, while in the rest of crop cycle full irrigation was provided except for rainfed treatment. For quinoa and faba bean, treatment receiving 50% of full irrigation during vegetative growth stage recorded the highest yield and water productivity, while for sweet corn applying 75% of full irrigation was the optimal treatment in terms of yield and water productivity.Plusieurs essais ont Ă©tĂ© conduits dans le sud du Maroc (IAV-CHA, Agadir) durant deux saisons 2010 et 2011 dont le but d’évaluer l’effet de l’irrigation dĂ©ficitaire par les eaux usĂ©es traitĂ©es sur plusieurs cultures (quinoa, maĂŻs doux, fĂšve et pois chiche). Durant la premiĂšre saison (2010) trois cultures ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es, quinoa, maĂŻs doux et pois chiche en appliquant 6 traitements d’irrigation dĂ©ficitaire durant tout les stades culturaux en alternant 100% d’ETm comme condition de confort hydrique et 50% d’ETm comme conditions de stress durant le stade de croissance vĂ©gĂ©tative, floraison et remplissage des grains. Pour toutes les cultures, le rendement et la productivitĂ© d’eau les plus Ă©levĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus lorsque l’irrigation dĂ©ficitaire a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e durant le stade de croissance vĂ©gĂ©tative. Pendant la deuxiĂšme saison (2011) deux lignĂ©s du quinoa, la fĂšve et le maĂŻs doux ont Ă©tĂ© cultivĂ©es en adoptant 6 traitements d’irrigation dĂ©ficitaire (bour, 0, 25, 50, 75 et 100 d’ETm) appliquĂ©s juste pendant le stade de croissance vĂ©gĂ©tative, tandis que durant le reste du cycle cultural les cultures ont reçues une irrigation complĂšte sauf pour le traitement bour. Pour le quinoa et la fĂšve, appliquant 50% d’ETm durant le stade vĂ©gĂ©tatif a permis d’obtenir le rendement et la productivitĂ© d’eau les plus Ă©levĂ©s, tandis que pour le maĂŻs doux le traitement optimal qui a enregistrĂ© le rendement et la productivitĂ© d’eau les plus Ă©levĂ©s est celui qui a reçu 75% d’ETm.&nbsp

    Using deficit irrigation with treated wastewater to improve crop water productivity of sweet corn, chickpea, faba bean and quinoa

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    Several experiments were conducted in the south of Morocco (IAV-CHA, Agadir) during two seasons 2010 and 2011 in order to evaluate the effect of deficit irrigation with treated wastewater on several crops (quinoa, sweet corn, faba bean and chickpeas). During the first season (2010) three crops were tested, quinoa, chickpeas and sweet corn applying 6 deficit irrigation treatments during all crop stages alternating 100% of full irrigation as non-stress condition and 50% of full irrigation as water deficit condition applied during vegetative growth, flowering and grain filling stage. For all crops, the highest water productivity and yield were obtained when deficit irrigation was applied during the vegetative growth stage. During the second season (2011) two cultivars of quinoa, faba bean and sweet corn have been cultivated applying 6 deficit irrigation treatments (rainfed, 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of full irrigation) only during the vegetative growth stage, while in the rest of crop cycle full irrigation was provided except for rainfed treatment. For quinoa and faba bean, treatment receiving 50% of full irrigation during vegetative growth stage recorded the highest yield and water productivity, while for sweet corn applying 75% of full irrigation was the optimal treatment in terms of yield and water productivity