522 research outputs found

    Acupuncture in Postdate Pregnancy Management

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    Pharmacological labor induction is obtained through prostaglandins application and/or oxytocin infusion; however, the use seems to be related to fetal and maternal side effects. Traditional Chinese Medicine advocates the use of acupuncture to soften the cervix and induce uterine contractions. at which presented for The primary outcome was the rate of women admitted for labour induction in case of prolonged pregnancy at 41 + 5 weeks, and the secondary outcome was the rate of induction planning for other indications

    Phyto-progestins for the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding without organic cause in women at high risk for breast cancer and breast cancer survivors: a prospective, pilot study

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    Objectives: Some plants, such as Dioscorea Villosa (DV), Vitex Agnus Castus (VAC) and Turnera diffusa (D) have some 'progesterone-like' properties. We have investigated their simultaneous administration in breast cancer (BC) survivors or carriers of specific genetic mutations that can increase the risk of developing BC suffering from abnormal uterine bleeding without organic cause. Methods: Women with irregular cycles in terms of length (interval between ≤ 24 or ≥ 38 days) without a uterine organic disease (polyps, adenomyosis, fibroids, hyperplasia/malignancy) were included. A daily diary of bleeding, questionnaires about health-related quality of life (Short Form 36) and menstrual psychophysical well-being (PGWB-1) and the Greene Climacteric Scale (GCS) (in women older than 40 years old) questionnaire were used. The presence of some premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms was also evaluated. Results: In the analyzed group of women (n = 15), all experienced a regularization of the menstrual cycles, with a mean duration in the three months of use of 27.1 ± 3.2 days, with a significant reduction of menstrual pain (p = 0.02) and flow (p = 0.02) intensity. Women with PMS (7/15) reported an impovement in depression, headache and abdominal pain scores (p < 0.05). No specific deterioration of different questionnaires evaluated during treatment were observed. General satisfaction with the treatment was 6.8 ± 0.3/10 on a 10 point. Conclusions: A combination of DV, VAC and D could be a promising candidate to treat menstrual irregularities without an organic cause, with a significant reduction of menstrual pain and flow intensity and possible additional benefits in PMS symptoms treatment in women at genetic risk for BC and BC survivors

    Effects of three different stimulations (acupuncture, moxibustion, acupuncture plus moxibustion) of BL.67 acupoint at small toe on fetal behavior of breech presentation

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate cardiovascular effects and fetal behavior during moxibustion, acupuncture or acupuncture plus moxibustion applied on the BL.67 acupoint of women (beside the outer corner of the 5th toenail) in fetal breech presentation. During the acupoint stimulation (20 min, two times a week), the women were submitted to computerized non-stress test. Fourteen cases were treated by both acupuncture and moxibustion, 15 cases by moxibustion and 10 cases by acupuncture. In 56% of cases, fetal position was converted from breech position to cephalic one; the success share was 80% for moxibustion, 28% for acupuncture, 57% for acupuncture plus moxibustion; the conversion, on average, was achieved after 3 sessions. Statistical analysis indicated that acupuncture plus moxibustion was able to reduce fetal heart rate during the application of stimuli while acupuncture and moxibustion separately did not affect such parameter. Moreover, moxibustion and acupuncture with moxibustion reduced fetal movements while acupuncture only appears ineffective. The present study suggests that fetal movements were reduced by both acupuncture plus moxibustion and moxibustion and that fetal heart rate was reduced just by acupuncture plus moxibustion. The mechanisms leading the effect on fetal heart rate and fetal movements remain to be clarified. Even though further studies are needed, such preliminar report mainly investigated the impact of different stimula on the BL.67 acupoint. Unfortunately these small series of data do not allow us to draw any conclusion about the effectiveness of the different treatments

    L-Arginina e ipertensione in gravidanza

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    Il ruolo svolto dal sistema L-Arginina-ossido d’azoto (L-Arg-NO) nella genesi dell’ipertensione gestazionale è consolidato da numerosi studi in vitro ed in vivo. Infatti è stato dimostrato che l’inibizione della produzione di NO determina nell’animale da esperimento i medesimi segni e sintomi che si verificano in corso di preeclampsia (1-4). Recentemente la nostra attenzione si è focalizzata sulla capacità della L-Arginina di modificare la storia ostetrica delle donne affette da ipertensione cronica, che come è noto rappresenta un importante fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo di preeclampsia. A questo proposito sono state prese in esame 62 gravide affette da ipertensione preesistente alla gravidanza afferenti all’Ambulatorio di Patologia Ostetrica del Dipartimento Integrato Materno-Infantile dell’Università di Modena. Scopo dello studio è la valutazione della percentuale di conversione in preeclampsia, la quantità complessiva di farmaco antipertensivo utilizzato durante la gravidanza ed inoltre la valutazione dell’effetto della L-Arginina sulla pressione arteriosa misurato tramite Holter-24 ore. Considerando l’outcome materno-fetale, è stato osservato come il gruppo trattato con L-Arginina presenti rispetto al gruppo osservazione un’epoca gestazionale al parto più avanzata (38.1±2.8 vs 36.9±3.7), peso fetale maggiore (3048±741 vs 2933±950) e minor ricorso al taglio cesareo (20.6% vs 27.6%). Inoltre, il gruppo trattato con L-Arginina presenta una minor percentuale di parti al di sotto della 37ª settimana (26.5% vs 34.5%) e minor percentuale di neonati con peso inferiore a 2500 grammi (20.6% vs 24.1%

    Implementation of guidelines about women with previous cesarean section through educational/motivational interventions in providers

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    Objective: The study reports the effect of a quality improvement project with an educational/motivational intervention, in northern Italy on the implementation of the trial of labor after Caesarean Section (CS). Method: A pre-post study design was used. Every birth center (23) of the Emilia-Romagna region was included. Gynecologists' opinion leaders were first trained about CS Italian recommendations. Barriers to implementation were discussed and shared. Educational/motivational interventions were implemented. Data of multipara with previous CS, with a single, cephalic pregnancy at term, were collected in 2 periods, before (2012-2014) and after (2017-2019) the intervention (2015-2016). The primary outcome was the rate of vaginal birth after CS (VBAC) and perinatal outcomes. Results: A total of 20,496 women were included. The VBAC rate increased from 18.1% to 23.1% after intervention (p<0.001). The likelihood of VBAC, adjusted for age ≥40, Caucasian, BMI ≥30, previous vaginal delivery, and labor induction, was increased by the intervention of 42% (OR=1.42, 95% CI 1.31-1.54). Neonatal well-being was improved by intervention, indeed neonates requiring resuscitation decreased from 2.1% to 1.6% (p=0.001). Conclusion: Educating and motivating gynecologists toward the trial of labor after CS is worth pursuing. Health quality improvement is demonstrated by increased VBAC even improving neonatal well-being

    How adenomyosis changes throughout pregnancy: A retrospective cohort study

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    Objective To study how adenomyosis changes during pregnancy and to possibly correlate these changes to maternal and fetal outcomes. Methods Retrospective exploratory cohort study including 254 women with a pre-conceptional/first-trimester scan to document adenomyosis and known obstetric outcome. If visible, adenomyosis signs were documented in each trimester and postpartum. Mann-Whitney U tests or chi(2) tests were used for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. Results A globular uterus was reported in 79% (n = 52) of women with adenomyosis in the first trimester, in 38% (n = 20) and 2% (n = 1) of women in the second and third trimesters, respectively, and postpartum in 77% (n = 34) of women. Asymmetrical thickening (n = 20, 30%) and cysts (n = 15, 23%) were only visible in 1st trimester. Adenomyosis was associated with miscarriage (odds ratio [OR] 5.9, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.4-14.9, P < 0.001) also in normal conception only (OR 5.1, 95% CI 1.8-14.2, P = 0.002) or adjusting for maternal age (adjusted OR 5.9, 95% CI 2.3-15.2, P < 0.001). Gestational age at delivery was lower in adenomyosis (P = 0.004); the cesarean section rate was higher than in controls (OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.3-4.8, P = 0.007) also adjusting for age (adjusted OR 2.07, 95% CI 1.06-4.08, P = 0.035). Conclusions Signs of adenomyosis were visible but progressively disappeared in pregnancy; adenomyosis was associated with an increased risk of early miscarriage. Prospective studies are needed to confirm our results
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