16 research outputs found

    Lead pre-concentration using a novel manganese dioxide resin

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    A novel manganese dioxide (MnO2) resin is suitable for the determination and decontamination of lead isotopes (208Pb, 207Pb, 206Pb) in aqueous solutions at trace concentrations. This is desirable due to the toxic nature and high abundance of lead in the environment. Current techniques are both time consuming, expensive and not suitable for low-level lead decontamination. The MnO2 resin has been demonstrated to pre-concentrate with extraction efficiency above 90% for a range of pH values, and with a mean extraction of 92.5% from fresh waters at a flow rate of 100 ml min?1. The lead distribution coefficient is 1.3 × 104 (pH 7) with tolerance to calcium and sodium. Adsorption isotherms have been investigated and the resin shown to follow the Langmuir adsorption isotherm with a saturation point of 41.5 mg per g of MnO2 resin

    Incorporação das ciências sociais na produção de conhecimentos sobre trabalho e saúde Incorporation of the social sciences in the production of knowledge about work and health

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    Este artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a influência das ciências sociais para a superação de concepções reducionistas de relação trabalho-saúde, nas duas últimas décadas. Trata-se de um tipo de diagnóstico da produção científica, no qual destacam-se: as contribuições para a caracterização da saúde do trabalhador, como campo de conhecimento e de intervenção, e para a análise da política e das práticas das instituições públicas; as abordagens compreensivas e as questões de gênero. Efetuou-se um levantamento de artigos de periódicos indexados e de dissertações e teses de pós-graduação. Foram consultados: o banco de dissertações e teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior e do Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia; a Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde da Biblioteca Regional de Medicina e o site do Scientific Electronic Library On-line. Constatou-se a predominância de estudos sobre temáticas específicas e determinadas categorias de trabalhadores, em contraposição a tentativas de abordagens totalizadoras. Apesar dos notáveis avanços em termos de conhecimento, existe carência significativa de investigações sobre segmentos da população trabalhadora que apresentam maior vulnerabilidade social.<br>This article presents a bibliographical revision on the influence of the social sciences to overcome the reducing conceptions of relationship work-health, in the last two decades. It is a type of diagnosis of the scientific production, in which outstanding aspects are: the contributions for the characterization of the worker’s health, as knowledge field and of intervention, and for the analysis of the politics and of the practices of the public institutions; the comprehensive approaches and gender questions. It was conducted an assessment of indexed journals and masters degree dissertations and doctoral thesis. It was consulted: the bank of dissertations and thesis organized by the Coordination of Improvement of the Higher Education and for the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology; the Virtual Library in Health of the Regional Library of Medicine and Scientific Electronic site On-line Library. It was verified the predominance of studies on specific themes and certain categories of workers, in opposition to attempts of totalizing approaches. In spite of the outstanding progresses in knowledge terms and of enlargement of study objects, significant lack of investigations exists on segments of the working population that present larger social vulnerability