14 research outputs found

    Síndrome do desfiladeiro torácico tipo neurogênico verdadeiro: relato de dois casos

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    A síndrome do desfiladeiro torácico neurogênica verdadeira é entidade rara que resulta da compressão ou estiramento do tronco inferior do plexo braquial por costela cervical, banda fibrosa ou processo transverso da sétima vértebra cervical alongado. Descrevemos os casos de duas mulheres (23 e 19 anos de idade) com história de dor em membro superior direito, fraqueza e atrofia progressiva da musculatura intrínseca da mão. Estudos eletrofisiológicos mostraram diminuição da amplitude do potencial de ação muscular composto do nervo mediano e diminuição da amplitude do potencial de ação do nervo ulnar sensitivo. As velocidades de condução nervosa motora e sensitiva foram normais em ambos os casos. Eletromiografia de agulha mostrou desinervação crônica da musculatura intrínseca da mão direita de ambas as pacientes. Investigação radiológica mostrou costelas cervicais em um caso e processos transversos da sétima vértebra cervical alongados no outro. São revisados os aspectos clínicos, eletrofisiológicos e tratamento da síndrome

    Assessing the Safety of Craniotomy for Resection of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma: A Nationwide Inpatient Sample Analysis

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    BackgroundUnlike many other central nervous system (CNS) tumors, the surgical management of primary central nervous system lymphomas (PCNSL) is traditionally limited by diagnostic biopsy. Studies that predate the use of modern neurosurgical techniques have reported a prohibitive operative morbidity for this surgery. These early experiences have dictated the non-surgical management of PCNSL, whereas resection for cytoreduction is a mainstay of treatment in other CNS malignancies. Recent studies have suggested that craniotomy with the goal of cytoreduction might be associated with a favorable overall and progression-free survival for some patients with PCNSL. To challenge the traditional non-surgical paradigm, it is essential to first investigate the safety of resection for PCNSL.MethodsTo determine the operative morbidity of resection for this disease, we performed a population-based assessment of complications using the nationwide inpatient sample database for the years 1998–2013 for biopsies and open craniotomies for PCNSL and other brain tumors.ResultsAmong 95 patients who underwent biopsy and 34 patients who underwent craniotomy, we found no significant difference in complication rates between craniotomy for resection and biopsy procedures for PCNSL (23.16 versus 20.59%). The types of complications differ between diagnoses, with the PCNSL cohort suffering mainly medical complications and the non-PCNSL cohort suffering mainly from neurological complications.ConclusionThese findings support the safety of craniotomies in PCNSL and help provide a rationale for future prospective studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of resection for this disease

    A multi-institutional phase II trial of bevacizumab for recurrent and refractory meningioma

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    Background: Systemic therapies for refractory meningiomas are limited with no FDA-approved therapeutics. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a signaling protein associated with neovascularization, peritumoral edema, and meningioma tumorigenesis. Methods: This phase II study investigates the efficacy of bevacizumab (BEV), a VEGF binding monoclonal antibody, in patients with progressive Grade I (G1M), Grade II (G2M), Grade III (G3M) meningioma, and other non-parenchymal tumors including vestibular schwannoma (n = 4) and hemangiopericytoma (n = 4) with the primary endpoint of progression-free survival rate at 6-months (PFS-6). Non-meningiomas were included with the respective meningioma grade in the analysis. Secondary endpoints include median overall survival (mOS) and response rate. Results: Fifty Patients (26 women; median age 54 years; range 23-81), 42 with progressive meningioma were treated: 10 G1M, 20 G2M, and 12 G3M. Prior treatments include surgical resection (41 patients), radiosurgery (24 patients), external beam radiotherapy (28 patients), and chemotherapy (14 patients). Median infusions administered were 16 (range, 2-68). Response was graded using the Macdonald\u27s criteria. PFS-6, median PFS, and mOS were 87%, 22 months, 35 months for G1M; 77%, 23 months, 41 months for G2M; and 46%, 8 months, 12 months for G3M. Best radiographic responses include stable disease (G1M: 100%; G2M: 85%; G3M: 82%); partial response (G1M: 0%; G2M: 5%; G3M: 0%) and progressive disease (G1M: 0%; G2M: 10%; G3M:18%). The most common toxicities were hypertension (n = 19, 42.2%), proteinuria (n = 16, 35.6%), and fatigue (n = 14, 31.1%). Conclusion: This study showed BEV is well tolerated and appears to be a promising systemic treatment option for patients with recurrent and refractory meningiomas