8 research outputs found

    Anomalous Hopping Exponents of Ultrathin Films of Metals

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    The temperature dependence of the resistance R(T) of ultrathin quench-condensed films of Ag, Bi, Pb and Pd has been investigated. In the most resistive films, R(T)=Roexp(To/T)^x, where x=0.75. Surprisingly, the exponent x was found to be constant for a wide range of Ro and To in all four materials, possibly implying a consistent underlying conduction mechanism. The results are discussed in terms of several different models of hopping conduction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Short-Range Interactions and Scaling Near Integer Quantum Hall Transitions

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    We study the influence of short-range electron-electron interactions on scaling behavior near the integer quantum Hall plateau transitions. Short-range interactions are known to be irrelevant at the renormalization group fixed point which represents the transition in the non-interacting system. We find, nevertheless, that transport properties change discontinuously when interactions are introduced. Most importantly, in the thermodynamic limit the conductivity at finite temperature is zero without interactions, but non-zero in the presence of arbitrarily weak interactions. In addition, scaling as a function of frequency, ω\omega, and temperature, TT, is determined by the scaling variable ω/Tp\omega/T^p (where pp is the exponent for the temperature dependence of the inelastic scattering rate) and not by ω/T\omega/T, as it would be at a conventional quantum phase transition described by an interacting fixed point. We express the inelastic exponent, pp, and the thermal exponent, zTz_T, in terms of the scaling dimension, −α<0-\alpha < 0, of the interaction strength and the dynamical exponent zz (which has the value z=2z=2), obtaining p=1+2α/zp=1+2\alpha/z and zT=2/pz_T=2/p.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Onset of Superfluidity in 4He Films Adsorbed on Disordered Substrates

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    We have studied 4He films adsorbed in two porous glasses, aerogel and Vycor, using high precision torsional oscillator and DC calorimetry techniques. Our investigation focused on the onset of superfluidity at low temperatures as the 4He coverage is increased. Torsional oscillator measurements of the 4He-aerogel system were used to determine the superfluid density of films with transition temperatures as low as 20 mK. Heat capacity measurements of the 4He-Vycor system probed the excitation spectrum of both non-superfluid and superfluid films for temperatures down to 10 mK. Both sets of measurements suggest that the critical coverage for the onset of superfluidity corresponds to a mobility edge in the chemical potential, so that the onset transition is the bosonic analog of a superconductor-insulator transition. The superfluid density measurements, however, are not in agreement with the scaling theory of an onset transition from a gapless, Bose glass phase to a superfluid. The heat capacity measurements show that the non-superfluid phase is better characterized as an insulator with a gap.Comment: 15 pages (RevTex), 21 figures (postscript

    A cryogenic GaAs PHEMT/ferroelectric Ku-band tunable oscillator

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    A Ku-band tunable oscillator operated at and below 77 K is described. The oscillator is based on two separate technologies : a 0.25 ”m GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (PHEMT) circuit optimized for cryogenic operation, and a gold micostrip ring resonator patterned on a thin ferroelectric (SrTiO3) film which was laser ablated onto a LaAlO3 substrate. A tuning range of up to 3% of the center frequency was achieved by applying dcbias between the ring resonator and ground plane. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first tunable oscillator based on a thin film ferroelectric structure demonstrated in the microwave frequency range. The design methodology of the oscillator and the performance characteristics of the tunable resonator are described


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