47 research outputs found

    Agenda for the Housing Market

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    The housing market is the theme of the Reports to the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Royal Netherlands Economic Association. Current housing market policies in the Netherlands generate substantial welfare losses. The direct and indirect subsidies on housing distort the housing market, house moving behaviour, the labour market and the asset portfolio of households. The welfare loss is estimated at more than 6 billion euro per year. In addition, physical planning restrictions cost at least 3 billion euro per year, a price which is paid for the conservation of open space and nature, especially in the Green Heart of the Randstad. Developments on the housing market over the last fifteen years and the sizeable welfare losses from current policies are sufficient reason to develop an agenda for reform. The Reports suggest several elements for such an agenda, including a gradual reduction of housing subsidies in the owner-occupier sector as well as in the rental sector, an easier land policy to better meet the qualitative housing needs of the population, and an extension of the social tasks for the housing societies

    Ambitie en voorzichtigheid in het economisch beleid

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    De ambitie van het begrotingsbeleid van het nieuwe kabinet valt tegen. Dit stelt prof. dr. Henk Don in zijn inaugurele rede 'Ambitie en voorzichtigheid in het economisch beleid'De nieuwe hoogleraar concludeert dat de coalitiepartners het laten vervallen van de voorzichtigheids­marge in het begrotingsbeleid niet hebben gecompenseerd met een hogere ambitie voor het wegwerken van het houdbaarheids­tekort in de overheidsfinanciën. Ook de hogere levensverwachting heeft nog geen beleidsmatig antwoord gekregen.Rede, in verkorte vorm uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar aan de Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam vanwege de Vereniging Trustfonds EUR met de leeropdracht Econometrie en economisch beleid, op 5 april 200

    Terugkeer naar de veertigurige werkweek

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    Nederlandse werknemers werken relatief weinig. Verschillen tussen OESO-landen in aantal gewerkte uren per werkende kunnen slechts deels worden verklaard door verschillen in arbeidsmarktinstituties. Sociale normen omtrent de gebruikelijke werktijd lijken veel belangrijker

    Introduction to the Tinbergen Centennial Issue

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    On April 12, 2003 it was hundred years ago that Jan Tinbergen was born. In 1969 he received, together with Ragnar Frisch, the first Nobel Prize in Economics 'for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes'. In this issue of De Economist, which commemorates Tinbergen's 100th anniversary, three other Nobel laureates, viz. Paul Samuelson, Lawrence Klein and Robert Solow, give their views on this and other contributions by Tinbergen to economic science. In addition this issue contains six articles giving present-day views on topics which were high on Tinbergen's research agenda, as well as an overview of articles Tinbergen wrote for De Economist