7 research outputs found

    Density Dependent Hadron Field Theory

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    A fully covariant approach to a density dependent hadron field theory is presented. The relation between in--medium NN interactions and field--theoretical meson--nucleon vertices is discussed. The medium dependence of nuclear interactions is described by a functional dependence of the meson--nucleon vertices on the baryon field operators. As a consequence, the Euler--Lagrange equations lead to baryon rearrangement self--energies which are not obtained when only a parametric dependence of the vertices on the density is assumed. It is shown that the approach is energy--momentum conserving and thermodynamically consistent. Solutions of the field equations are studied in the mean--field approximation. Descriptions of the medium dependence in terms of the baryon scalar and vector density are investigated. Applications to infinite nuclear matter and finite nuclei are discussed. Density dependent coupling constants obtained from Dirac--Brueckner calculations with the Bonn NN-potentials are used. Results from Hartree calculations for energy spectra, binding energies and charge density distributions of 16O^{16}O, 40,48Ca^{40,48}Ca and 208Pb^{208}Pb are presented. Comparisons to data strongly support the importance of rearrangement in a relativistic density dependent field theory. Most striking is the simultanuous improvement of charge radii, charge densities and binding energies. The results indicate the appearance of a new "Coester line" in the nuclear matter equation of state.Comment: 48 LateX pages, 12 Figures, figures and full paper are available as postscript files by anonymous ftp at ftp://theorie.physik.uni-giessen.de/dd

    Spin-Orbit Splitting in Non-Relativistic and Relativistic Self-Consistent Models

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    The splitting of single-particle energies between spin-orbit partners in nuclei is examined in the framework of different self-consistent approachs, non-relativistic as well as relativistic. Analytical expressions of spin-orbit potentials are given for various cases. Proton spin-orbit splittings are calculated along some isotopic chains (O, Ca, Sn) and they are compared with existing data. It is found that the isotopic dependence of the relativistic mean field predictions is similar to that of some Skyrme forces while the relativistic Hartree-Fock approach leads to a very different dependence due to the strong non-locality.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, 4 new figs.in .zip format, unchanged conclusions, Phys. ReV.

    Spektroskopie von "4"1Ca und "3"2P mit hoher Energieaufloesung ueber die (d,p)-Reaktion mit polarisierten Deuteronen

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    SIGLETIB Hannover: DR 5195 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Atomic and molecular dynamics triggered by ultrashort light pulses on the atto- to picosecond time scale

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