8 research outputs found

    Significance of the load shift in single-edge notch tension tests

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    Ameliorative avian gut environment and bird productivity through the application of safe antibiotics alternatives: a comprehensive review

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    ABSTRACT: The avian digestive tract is an important system for converting ingested food into the nutrients their bodies need for maintenance, growth, and reproduction (meat, table eggs, and fertile eggs). Therefore, preserving digestive system integrity is crucial to bird health and productivity. As an alternative to antibiotics, the world has recently turned to the use of natural products to enhance avian development, intestinal health, and production. Therefore, the primary goal of this review is to explain the various characteristics of the avian digestive tract and how to enhance its performance with natural, safe feed additives such as exogenous enzymes, organic acids, photogenic products, amino acids, prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, and herbal extracts. In conclusion, the composition of the gut microbiome can be influenced by a number of circumstances, and this has important consequences for the health and productivity of birds. To better understand the connection between pathogens, the variety of therapies available, and the microbiome of the gut, additional research needs to be carried out

    Avian campylobacteriosis, prevalence, sources, hazards, antibiotic resistance, poultry meat contamination, and control measures: a comprehensive review

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    ABSTRACT: Avian campylobacteriosis is a vandal infection that poses human health hazards. Campylobacter is usually colonized in the avian gut revealing mild signs in the infected birds, but retail chicken carcasses have high contamination levels of Campylobacter spp. Consequently, the contaminated avian products constitute the main source of human infection with campylobacteriosis and result in severe clinical symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, spasm, and deaths in sensitive cases. Thus, the current review aims to shed light on the prevalence of Campylobacter in broiler chickens, Campylobacter colonization, bird immunity against Campylobacter, sources of poultry infection, antibiotic resistance, poultry meat contamination, human health hazard, and the use of standard antimicrobial technology during the chicken processing of possible control strategies to overcome such problems