31,966 research outputs found

    Evidence for crossed Andreev reflection in superconductor-ferromagnet hybrid structures

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    We have measured the non-local resistance of aluminum-iron spin-valve structures fabricated by e-beam lithography and shadow evaporation. The sample geometry consists of an aluminum bar with two or more ferromagnetic wires forming point contacts to the aluminum at varying distances from each other. In the normal state of aluminum, we observe a spin-valve signal which allows us to control the relative orientation of the magnetizations of the ferromagnetic contacts. In the superconducting state, at low temperatures and excitation voltages well below the gap, we observe a spin-dependent non-local resistance which decays on a smaller length scale than the normal-state spin-valve signal. The sign, magnitude and decay length of this signal is consistent with predictions made for crossed Andreev reflection (CAR).Comment: RevTeX, 4 page

    Observation of heteronuclear atomic Efimov resonances

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    The Efimov effect represents a cornerstone in few-body physics. Building on the recent experimental observation with ultracold atoms, we report the first experimental signature of Efimov physics in a heteronuclear system. A mixture of 41^{41}K and 87^{87}Rb atoms was cooled to few hundred nanoKelvins and stored in an optical dipole trap. Exploiting a broad interspecies Feshbach resonance, the losses due to three-body collisions were studied as a function of the interspecies scattering length. We observe an enhancement of the three-body collisions for three distinct values of the interspecies scattering lengths, both positive and negative. We attribute the two features at negative scattering length to the existence of two kind of Efimov trimers, namely KKRb and KRbRb.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling Hybrid Stars with an SU(3) non-linear sigma model

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    We study the behavior of hybrid stars using an extended hadronic and quark SU(3) non-linear sigma model. The degrees of freedom change naturally, in this model, from hadrons to quarks as the density/temperature increases. At zero temperature, we reproduce massive neutron stars containing a core of hybrid matter of 2 km for the non-rotating case and 1.18 km and 0.87 km, in the equatorial and polar directions respectively, for stars rotating at the Kepler frequency (physical cases lie in between). The cooling of such stars is also analyzed.Comment: Revised version, references and figures added. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Gluon-Induced Weak Boson Fusion

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    The gluon-gluon induced terms for Higgs production through weak boson fusion (WBF) are computed. Formally, these are of NNLO in the strong coupling constant. This is the lowest order at which non-zero color exchange occurs between the scattering quarks, leading to a color field and thus additional hadronic activity between the outgoing jets. Using a minimal set of cuts, the numerical impact of these terms is at the percent level with respect to the NLO rate for weak boson fusion. Applying the so-called WBF cuts leads to an even stronger suppression, so that we do not expect a significant deterioration of the WFB signal by these color exchange effects.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures (21 included ps- and eps-files

    A New Phytochemical Screening Programme used for Crops grown with Organic and Conventional Methods

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    A broad screening programme, covering the most general phytochemical groups of compounds, was developed on the basis of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). A total of 46 TLC systems, comprising 26 derivatization reagents, 3 stationary phases, and 4 mobile phases, were included. The TLC systems were classified according to the groups of phytochemical compounds detected: Alcohols and phenolic compounds; Carbohydrates; N-containing compounds; Organic acids and lipids; P-containing compounds; S-containing compounds, and Terpenoids. Furthermore, one group of TLC systems detected compounds from several of the mentioned groups. The screening programme was applied in the screening of potatoes (S. tuberosum L.), peas (P. sativum L.), kale (B. oleracea L.), carrots (D. carota L.), and apples (M. domestica Borkh.), cultivated with combinations of organic and conventional methods for plant protection and nutrient supply, for phytochemical differences (biomarkers). Distinctive phytochemical differences were found between the differently cultivated samples of these crops. In peas and carrots only one biomarker was found. In peas the biomarker was related to the soil conditions, while the biomarker in carrots was related to the use of pesticides. In potato, two biomarkers related to the use of pesticides were found. Three biomarkers were found in kale. Two of these could be related to the use of pesticide, while the last was related to either fertiliser or soil conditions. Several biomarkers were found apples, but a relation to the cultivation methods was not clear. Three of the biomarkers in apples could be related to either the use of pesticides or fertiliser, while no conclusions could be drawn from the other biomarkers found. The results of the screening programme form the basis for a potential development of a kit to detect whether crops are organically- or conventionally cultivated. Furthermore, the results from this part and other parts of the project "Organic food and health – a multigenerational animal experiment" provide basis for the selection of which secondary compounds to quantify by specific chemical analysis, isolate, and/or structure elucidation

    Quark core impact on hybrid star cooling

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    In this paper we investigate the thermal evolution of hybrid stars, objects composed of a quark matter core, enveloped by ordinary hadronic matter. Our purpose is to investigate how important are the microscopic properties of the quark core to the thermal evolution of the star. In order to do that we use a simple MIT bag model for the quark core, and a relativistic mean field model for the hadronic envelope. By choosing different values for the microscopic parameters (bag constant, strange quark mass, strong coupling constant) we obtain hybrid stars with different quark core properties. We also consider the possibility of color superconductivity in the quark core. With this simple approach, we have found a set of microscopic parameters that lead to a good agreement with observed cooling neutron stars. Our results can be used to obtain clues regarding the properties of the quark core in hybrid stars, and can be used to refine more sophisticated models for the equation of state of quark matter.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Lubrication effects on the flow of wet granular materials

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    We investigate the dynamics of a partially saturated grain-liquid mixture with a rotating drum apparatus. The drum is partially filled with the mixture and then rotated about its horizontal axis. We focus on the continous avalanching regime and measure the impact of volume fraction and viscosity of the liquid on the dynamic surface angle. The inclination angle of the surface is observed to increase sharply to a peak and then decrease as a function of liquid volume fraction. The height of the peak is observed to increase with rotation rate. For higher liquid volume fractions, the inclination angle of the surface can decrease with viscosity before increasing. The viscosity where the minima occurs decreases with the rotation rate of the drum. Limited measurements of the flow depth were made, and these were observed to show only fractional changes with volume fraction and rotation speeds. We show that the qualitative features of our observations can be understood by analyzing the effect of lubrication forces on the timescale over which particles come in contact.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Hybrid Stars in an SU(3) Parity Doublet Model

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    We apply an extended version of the SU(3) parity model, containing quark degrees of freedom, to study neutron stars. The model successfully reproduces the main thermodynamic features of QCD which allows us to describe the composition of dense matter. Chiral symmetry restoration is realized inside the star and the chiral partners of the baryons appear, their masses becoming degenerate. Furthermore, quark degrees of freedom appear in a transition to a deconfined state. Performing an investigation of the macroscopic properties of neutron stars, we show that observational constraints, like mass and thermal evolution, are satisfied and new predictions can be made
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