56 research outputs found

    Low-density series expansions for directed percolation IV. Temporal disorder

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    We introduce a model for temporally disordered directed percolation in which the probability of spreading from a vertex (t,x)(t,x), where tt is the time and xx is the spatial coordinate, is independent of xx but depends on tt. Using a very efficient algorithm we calculate low-density series for bond percolation on the directed square lattice. Analysis of the series yields estimates for the critical point pcp_c and various critical exponents which are consistent with a continuous change of the critical parameters as the strength of the disorder is increased.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Anregung von Kern-Dipolschwingungen durch schnelle Elektronen

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    Produzierte Entropie als statistisches Ma�

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    Zur statistischen Begr�ndung der Onsagerschen Symmetrierelationen

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    Zur statistischen Theorie der Entropieproduktion in nicht abgeschlossenen Systemen

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    Chemical reaction models for non-equilibrium phase transitions

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    Monotoniegesetze der statistischen Theorie der Nichtgleichgewichte

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