90 research outputs found

    The Humble Charisma of a White-Dressed Man in a Desert Place: Pope Francis’ Communicative Style in the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The context of deep uncertainty, fear, and “social distancing” characterizing the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a need for cultural anchorages and charismatic leaders who may conjointly and effectively support human beings, strengthen their identity, and empower social commitment. In this perspective, the charismatic leadership of Pope Francis, which is widely shared not only within the religious world, may play a crucial role in facing emergency with existential reasons and psychological resources. The general aim of this work is to shed light on the communicative features of the charismatic leadership of Pope Francis during the pandemic emergency; in order to better understand his effectiveness, we analyzed both the core issues and his multimodal body signals in the global TV event of the Universal Prayer with the Urbi et Orbi Blessing. The multimodal and discursive analyses of the homily enabled us to define the “humble” charisma of the Pope, which is based upon on authentic and informal presence, manifested emotional signals (and, in particular commotion) showing features of equity and familiarity. From a discursive point of view, the common and overarching affiliation is constructed through a multiple focus on the “we” pronoun, which is constructed through socio-epistemic rhetoric. The results show how this integrated methodological perspectives, which is multimodal and discursive, may offer meaningful pathways detection of effective and persuasive signals

    Red hot chili pepper and hemorrhoids: The explosion of a myth: Results of a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial

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    PURPOSE: Spicy foods are appreciated by a large part of the world population but have been blamed for causing hemorrhoids or exacerbating their symptoms, although no epidemiologic studies have been performed supporting this hypothesis. In this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial, we have studied the effects of a single dose of red hot chili pepper on the hemorrhoidal symptoms. METHODS: Fifty patients with second-degree and third-degree symptomatic hemorrhoids were randomly assigned to take a capsule containing red hot chili powder or placebo during lunch, scoring five hemorrhoidal symptoms (bleeding, swelling, pain, itching, and burning) on a visual analog scale. After one week, crossover treatment was administered according to the same methodology. Other treatments and foods potentially related with anorectal symptoms were discontinued during the study periods. RESULTS: Patients assigned low scores to their hemorrhoidal symptoms before the study and the scores remained unchanged during the 48 hours after both placebo and chili pepper treatment, the latter showing no statistically significant effects. CONCLUSIONS: There is no scientific evidence that a spicy meal based on red hot chili pepper may worsen hemorrhoidal symptoms and, therefore, there is no reason to prevent these patients from occasionally enjoying a spicy dish if they so wish

    Magnetic resonance imaging for deep infiltrating endometriosis: current concepts, imaging technique and key findings

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    Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent chronic disease affecting about 10% of reproductive-age women with symptoms like pelvic pain and infertility. Pathologically, it is defined by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity responsible for a chronic inflammatory process. For decades the diagnosis of endometriosis was based on surgical exploration and biopsy of pelvic lesions. However, laparoscopy is not a risk-free procedure with possible false negative diagnosis due to an underestimate of retroperitoneal structures such as ureters and nerves. For these reasons nowadays, the diagnosis of endometriosis is based on a noninvasive approach where clinical history, response to therapy and imaging play a fundamental role. Trans-vaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging are suitable for recognizing most of endometriotic lesions; nevertheless, their accuracy is strictly determined by operators’ experience and imaging technique. This review paper aims to make radiologists aware of the diagnostic possibilities of pelvic MRI and familial with the MR acquisition protocols and image interpretation for women with endometriosis

    Health Technology Assessment: a value-based tool for the evaluation of healthcare technologies. Reassessment of the cell-culture-derived quadrivalent influenza vaccine: Flucelvax Tetra® 2.0

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    1. Health Technology Assessment: strumento value‑based per la valutazione delle tecnologie sanitarie 2. Il burden dell'influenza stagionale in Italia 3. Epidemiologia dell’influenza stagionale in Italia 4. Vaccini antinfluenzali attualmente disponibili in Italia 5. Flucelvax Tetra®, il vaccino quadrivalente su coltura cellulare: una revisione sistematica e meta-analisi di immunogenicità, efficacia e sicurezza 6. Valutazione economica dell’introduzione del nuovo vaccino antinfluenzale quadrivalente da coltura cellulare nel contesto di cura italiano (update da nuova indicazione) 7. Aspetti organizzativi della vaccinazione antinfluenzale in Italia 8. Valutazione etica dell'introduzione del vaccino antinfluenzale quadrivalente da coltura cellulare 9. Il valore della vaccinazione antinfluenzale nel quadro più complesso della Value-Based Healthcare 10. Elelemnti chiave per il processo decisional

    I giovani e la partecipazione.

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    L'istruzione come leva di inclusione e integrazione: l'esperienza degli studenti universitari rifugiati a Bari

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    L’integrazione di migranti e rifugiati è una necessità sociale strutturale. Pur essendo spesso gestita e vissuta come un’emergenza, richiede strumenti efficaci che sappiano creare opportunità di inclusione utili tanto ai nuovi arrivati tanto alle comunità di accoglienza. Il saggio si focalizza sulla esperienza “contestuale” di ricerca sociale applicata alla analisi ma anche all’intervento di meccanismi di integrazione accademica di giovani studenti titolari di asilo politico e di protezione internazionale facendo leva sulla dimensione culturale di riconoscimento e valutazione dei titoli e delle qualifiche dei rifugiati quale capitale umano da valorizzare per l’intera comunità accademica
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