5 research outputs found
Utjecaj uvjeta grijanja na strukturnu jednolikost i lomno naprezanje aluminijske pjene
In this paper, the possibility to create uniform porous structure for non- symmetric precursor heating was investigated together with changes in collapse stress and their reproducibility. The statistic relative standard deviation (RSD) of pore size was used to determine the structural uniformity. It was shown that proper adjustment of the foaming parameters leads to formation of the uniform foam structure. The compression testing showed that standard deviation of collapse stress was higher for uniform structure than those obtained for non- uniform structure.U ovome radu istražena je mogućnost stvaranja jednolike porozne strukture nesimetričnim zagrijavanjem prekursora, te su isto tako istražene promjene lomnog naprezanja i njihova ponovljivost. Statistička relativna standardna devijacija (RSD) veličine pora koristila se za određivanje strukturne jednolikosti. Pokazano je da pravilan odabir parametara upjenjavanja dovodi do nastajanja jednolike strukture. Tlačna proba je pokazala da je vrijednost standardne devijacije lomnog naprezanja veća za jednoličnu strukturu od onih ostvarenih za nejednoliku strukturu
Extending consequence-based reasoning to SRIQ
Consequence-based calculi are a family of reasoning algorithms for description logics (DLs), and they combine hypertableau and resolution in a way that often achieves excellent performance in practice. Up to now, however, they were proposed for either Horn DLs (which do not support disjunction), or for DLs without counting quantifiers. In this paper we present a novel consequence-based calculus for SRIQ—a rich DL that supports both features. This extension is nontrivial since the intermediate consequences that need to be derived during reasoning cannot be captured using DLs themselves. The results of our preliminary performance evaluation suggest the feasibility of our approach in practice