710 research outputs found

    Predicting the public health benefit of vaccinating cattle against Escherichia coli O157

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    Identifying the major sources of risk in disease transmission is key to designing effective controls. However, understanding of transmission dynamics across species boundaries is typically poor, making the design and evaluation of controls particularly challenging for zoonotic pathogens. One such global pathogen is Escherichia coli O157, which causes a serious and sometimes fatal gastrointestinal illness. Cattle are the main reservoir for E. coli O157, and vaccines for cattle now exist. However, adoption of vaccines is being delayed by conflicting responsibilities of veterinary and public health agencies, economic drivers, and because clinical trials cannot easily test interventions across species boundaries, lack of information on the public health benefits. Here, we examine transmission risk across the cattle–human species boundary and show three key results. First, supershedding of the pathogen by cattle is associated with the genetic marker stx2. Second, by quantifying the link between shedding density in cattle and human risk, we show that only the relatively rare supershedding events contribute significantly to human risk. Third, we show that this finding has profound consequences for the public health benefits of the cattle vaccine. A naïve evaluation based on efficacy in cattle would suggest a 50% reduction in risk; however, because the vaccine targets the major source of human risk, we predict a reduction in human cases of nearly 85%. By accounting for nonlinearities in transmission across the human–animal interface, we show that adoption of these vaccines by the livestock industry could prevent substantial numbers of human E. coli O157 cases

    Controlling magnetic order and quantum disorder in molecule-based magnets.

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    We investigate the structural and magnetic properties of two molecule-based magnets synthesized from the same starting components. Their different structural motifs promote contrasting exchange pathways and consequently lead to markedly different magnetic ground states. Through examination of their structural and magnetic properties we show that [Cu(pyz)(H 2 O)(gly) 2 ](ClO 4 ) 2 may be considered a quasi-one-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas the related compound [Cu(pyz)(gly)](ClO 4 ) , which is formed from dimers of antiferromagnetically interacting Cu 2+ spins, remains disordered down to at least 0.03 K in zero field but shows a field-temperature phase diagram reminiscent of that seen in materials showing a Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons

    Ricci flow and black holes

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    Gradient flow in a potential energy (or Euclidean action) landscape provides a natural set of paths connecting different saddle points. We apply this method to General Relativity, where gradient flow is Ricci flow, and focus on the example of 4-dimensional Euclidean gravity with boundary S^1 x S^2, representing the canonical ensemble for gravity in a box. At high temperature the action has three saddle points: hot flat space and a large and small black hole. Adding a time direction, these also give static 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein solutions, whose potential energy equals the 4-dimensional action. The small black hole has a Gross-Perry-Yaffe-type negative mode, and is therefore unstable under Ricci flow. We numerically simulate the two flows seeded by this mode, finding that they lead to the large black hole and to hot flat space respectively, in the latter case via a topology-changing singularity. In the context of string theory these flows are world-sheet renormalization group trajectories. We also use them to construct a novel free energy diagram for the canonical ensemble.Comment: 31 pages, 14 color figures. v2: Discussion of the metric on the space of metrics corrected and expanded, references adde

    Controlling magnetic order and quantum disorder in molecule-based magnets

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    We investigate the structural and magnetic properties of two molecule-based magnets synthesized from the same starting components. Their different structural motifs promote contrasting exchange pathways and consequently lead to markedly different magnetic ground states. Through examination of their structural and magnetic properties we show that [Cu(pyz)(H2O)(gly)2](ClO4)2 may be considered a quasi-one-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas the related compound [Cu(pyz)(gly)](ClO4), which is formed from dimers of antiferromagnetically interacting Cu2+ spins, remains disordered down to at least 0.03 K in zero field but shows a field-temperature phase diagram reminiscent of that seen in materials showing a Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons

    Lifespan theorem for constrained surface diffusion flows

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    We consider closed immersed hypersurfaces in R3\R^{3} and R4\R^4 evolving by a class of constrained surface diffusion flows. Our result, similar to earlier results for the Willmore flow, gives both a positive lower bound on the time for which a smooth solution exists, and a small upper bound on a power of the total curvature during this time. By phrasing the theorem in terms of the concentration of curvature in the initial surface, our result holds for very general initial data and has applications to further development in asymptotic analysis for these flows.Comment: 29 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1201.657

    Double excitation transitions in Mn2+ -doped alkali halides

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    4 págs.; 4 figs.It is shown in this work that the room-temperature excitation spectra of as-grown crystals of LiF, NaF, NaCl, KCl, and KBr doped with Mn2+ reveal the existence of double excitation peaks. These peaks are related to the formation of precipitated phases containing Mn2+ in the alkali halide lattice. In the case of LiF:Mn2+ the position of the [A14(G), E4(G)] and T14(G) peaks suggests an anomalously small Mn2+- F- distance for the precipitated phase. © 1983 The American Physical Society.Financial support by the Comision Asesora para la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica, is gratefully acknowledged.Peer Reviewe
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