35 research outputs found

    F015 Role des fibroblastes cardiaques dans la tolĂ©rance des cardiomyocytes Ă  l’ischĂ©mie reperfusion

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    ObjectifLes fibroblastes cardiaques sont la population cellulaire majoritaire du tissu cardiaque. Leurs possibles implications au cours de la sĂ©quence ischĂ©mie-reperfusion n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e. Le prĂ©sent travail a donc pour but de dĂ©terminer si les fibroblastes sont impliquĂ©s dans une modulation de la cardioprotection.MatĂ©riel et MĂ©thodesNous avons utilisĂ© dans cette Ă©tude un modĂšle de cardiomyocytes de rats nouveau-nĂ©s soumis Ă  une sĂ©quence d’ischĂ©mie-reperfusion simulĂ©es. Les cellules ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©es Ă  partir de ventricules de rats nouveau nĂ©s. Les myocytes cardiaques ont Ă©tĂ© purifiĂ©s par attachements diffĂ©rentiels puis cultivĂ©s en prĂ©sence d’un milieu de culture supplĂ©mentĂ© en cytosine arabinoside (Ara C, 10ÎŒm). Les cardiomyocytes et les fibroblastes ont Ă©tĂ© cultivĂ©s sĂ©parĂ©ment puis placĂ©s en contact direct (cultures mixtes) ou indirect (insert). Ces co-cultures ont subi une ischĂ©mie de 3H en absence de nutriments et d’O2 suivie d’une reperfusion de 20H en prĂ©sence de nutriments et d’O2. Des tests de viabilitĂ© (test MTT) et de mortalitĂ© cellulaire (dosage de l’activitĂ© LDH et Troponine I) ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s Ă  la fin de la reperfusion.RĂ©sultatsNous avons montrĂ© qu’il Ă©tait possible de simuler des sĂ©quences d’ischĂ©mie reperfusion et d’induire une souffrance cellulaire dĂ©tectable pour une durĂ©e d’ischĂ©mie de 3H et de reperfusion de 20H. Dans les cultures mixtes (cardiomyocytes + fibroblastes), les tests MTT et LDH ont montrĂ© une amĂ©lioration de la viabilitĂ© cellulaire globale en comparaison avec la viabilitĂ© spĂ©cifique de chaque type cellulaire seul. Pour les cultures placĂ©es en insert, les tests MTT et Troponine I ont montrĂ© une amĂ©lioration de la viabilitĂ© des cardiomyocytes en prĂ©sence des fibroblastes (p<0.001).ConclusionsNos rĂ©sultats indiquent que les fibroblastes cardiaques semblent ĂȘtre impliquĂ©s dans une modulation de la cardioprotection lors de l’ischĂ©mie reperfusion. Cette modulation passe au moins en partie par des mĂ©canismes de type paracrine et elle est dĂ©pendante de la quantitĂ© de fibroblastes en co-culture avec les cardiomyocytes

    D010 Mesenchymal stem cells protect cardiomyocytes from reperfusion injury through a paracrine activation of the PI3 kinase pathway

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    ObjectivesPrevious data suggest that implantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) improves heart function after myocardial infarction. We investigated whether protection afforded by MSCs might involve a paracrine activation of the PI3 kinase pathway in reperfused cardiomyocytes.MethodMSCs and neonatal rat cardiomyocytes (NRCs) were isolated and cultured separately. NRCs (2.106) were subjected to 5 hours of ischemia followed by 16 hours of reperfusion. At the time of reperfusion, NRCs (n=8-14/group) received either fresh medium (control group), or the following treatments: MSCs (2.105 MSCs in fresh medium), conditioned SN (MSCs supernatant alone (i.e. without MSCs) obtained after 8 hours of serum deprived culture), [conditioned SN + LY294002] (15 microM of LY294002 a specifi c inhibitor of PI3K), [conditioned SN + Wortmannin] (100 nM of wortmannin, a non specifi c inhibitor of PI3K), or CsA (200 nM in fresh medium) a potent inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Cell death was assessed by LDH release in NRCs supernatant at the end of reperfusion.ResultsAs expected, LDH activity was dramatically reduced by CsA, averaging 4 % of control values. LDH activity was signifi cantly reduced by MSCs alone and by conditioned SN, averaging 29 % and 12 % of control value, respectively. Both LY294002 and wortmannin signifi cantly attenuated conditioned SN induced protection.Conclusionour data suggest that MSCs can protect NRCs from reperfusion injury through a paracrine activation of the PI3K pathway

    L'information gĂ©ographique au service de la forĂȘt : dĂ©finitions et enjeux.

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    Introduction et sommaire dĂ©taillĂ© des travaux du groupe "SystĂšmes d information, informatique et forĂȘt mĂ©diterranĂ©enne" de ForesterranĂ©e 99

    New zebrafish models of neurodegeneration

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    In modern biomedicine, the increasing need to develop experimental models to further our understanding of disease conditions and delineate innovative treatments has found in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) an experimental model, and indeed a valuable asset, to close the gap between in vitro and in vivo assays. Translation of ideas at a faster pace is vital in the field of neurodegeneration, with the attempt to slow or prevent the dramatic impact on the society's welfare being an essential priority. Our research group has pioneered the use of zebrafish to contribute to the quest for faster and improved understanding and treatment of neurodegeneration in concert with, and inspired by, many others who have primed the study of the zebrafish to understand and search for a cure for disorders of the nervous system. Aware of the many advantages this vertebrate model holds, here, we present an update on the recent zebrafish models available to study neurodegeneration with the goal of stimulating further interest and increasing the number of diseases and applications for which they can be exploited. We shall do so by citing and commenting on recent breakthroughs made possible via zebrafish, highlighting their benefits for the testing of therapeutics and dissecting of disease mechanisms

    Reduction of the ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) leads to visual impairment in vertebrates

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    In vertebrates, mitochondria are tightly preserved energy producing organelles, which sustain nervous system development and function. The understanding of proteins that regulate their homoeostasis in complex animals is therefore critical and doing so via means of systemic analysis pivotal to inform pathophysiological conditions associated with mitochondrial deficiency. With the goal to decipher the role of the ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) in brain development, we employed the zebrafish as elected model reporting that the Atpif1a−/− zebrafish mutant, pinotage (pnttq209), which lacks one of the two IF1 paralogous, exhibits visual impairment alongside increased apoptotic bodies and neuroinflammation in both brain and retina. This associates with increased processing of the dynamin-like GTPase optic atrophy 1 (OPA1), whose ablation is a direct cause of inherited optic atrophy. Defects in vision associated with the processing of OPA1 are specular in Atpif1−/− mice thus confirming a regulatory axis, which interlinks IF1 and OPA1 in the definition of mitochondrial fitness and specialised brain functions. This study unveils a functional relay between IF1 and OPA1 in central nervous system besides representing an example of how the zebrafish model could be harnessed to infer the activity of mitochondrial proteins during development

    The pharmacological regulation of cellular mitophagy

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    Small molecules are pharmacological tools of considerable value for dissecting complex biological processes and identifying potential therapeutic interventions. Recently, the cellular quality-control process of mitophagy has attracted considerable research interest; however, the limited availability of suitable chemical probes has restricted our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved. Current approaches to initiate mitophagy include acute dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Διm) by mitochondrial uncouplers (for example, FCCP/CCCP) and the use of antimycin A and oligomycin to impair respiration. Both approaches impair mitochondrial homeostasis and therefore limit the scope for dissection of subtle, bioenergy-related regulatory phenomena. Recently, novel mitophagy activators acting independently of the respiration collapse have been reported, offering new opportunities to understand the process and potential for therapeutic exploitation. We have summarized the current status of mitophagy modulators and analyzed the available chemical tools, commenting on their advantages, limitations and current applications

    L'information gĂ©ographique au service de la forĂȘt : dĂ©finitions et enjeux.

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    International audienceIntroduction et sommaire dĂ©taillĂ© des travaux du groupe "SystĂšmes d information, informatique et forĂȘt mĂ©diterranĂ©enne" de ForesterranĂ©e 99

    Ischaemic postconditioning reduces infarct size: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Infarct size (IS) is a major determinant of patient outcome after acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Interventions aimed at reducing reperfusion injury, such as cardiac ischaemic postconditioning (IPost), may reduce IS and improve clinical outcomes. IPost has been shown to be feasible in patients with STEMI treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI). AIMS: To provide an updated summary of the efficacy of IPost, assessed by analysing accurate surrogate markers of IS. METHODS: We performed a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that evaluated the efficacy of IPost in STEMI patients undergoing PPCI. The main outcome was area under the curve of serum creatine kinase release (CK-AUC). Secondary outcomes were other surrogate biomarkers of IS, complete ST-segment resolution, direct measurement of IS by single-photon emission computed tomography and estimation of IS by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR-IS). RESULTS: Eleven studies were retrieved, including 1313 STEMI patients undergoing PPCI with or without IPost. Compared with controls, we observed a significant reduction in CK-AUC (standard mean difference [SMD] -2.84 IU/L, 95% CI -5.43 to -0.25 IU/L; P=0.03). Other surrogate markers, such as CMR-IS (SMD -0.36, 95% CI -0.88 to 0.15; P=0.16), showed a non-significant IS reduction in the IPost group. CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis, dealing with accurate surrogate markers of IS, suggests that IPost reduces IS. However, results should be interpreted cautiously because of limited sample sizes and significant heterogeneity. Whether this translates into improvements in cardiac function and patient prognosis still needs to be demonstrated in larger prospective randomized controlled studies that are powered sufficiently