9,380 research outputs found

    Irrigação na cultura da bucha vegetal.

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    Curva de embebição em sementes de quixabeira Sideroxylon obtusifolium Roem & Schult. (Sapotaceae).

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    O experimento foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Análises de Sementes/Fisiologia Vegetal da Embrapa Semi-¡rido, Petrolina, PE, com o objetivo de avaliar a curva de embebição em sementes de quixabeira. As sementes foram coletadas em plantas matrizes na Reserva Legal do Projeto Salitre, localizada no distrito de Juremal, Município de Juazeiro. BA

    Impacts of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on tropical forage grass in Brazil.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria effects on anatomical characteristics and nutritional value of Brachiaria (Syn. Urochloa) brizantha cv. BRS Piatã. The experimental design applied was completely randomized design with three treatments: (1) non-inoculated unfertilized-control plants (C-), (2) non-inoculated fertilized-control plants (C+) and (3) B. brizantha inoculated with Pseudomonas fluorescens (BRM-32111) and Burkholderia pyrrocinia (BRM-32113). The following parameters were evaluated at 35 days after seedling emergence: biomass production, plant height, net photosynthesis (A), water-use efficiency (WUE), chlorophyll (SPAD), anatomical and nutritional. The rhizobacteria modified the anatomy of the leaf, culm and roots of B. brizantha. They also increased the chlorophyll content, A, WUE, total soluble carbohydrates, starch and crude protein contents, N, P, Mg and Fe concentrations, plant height, root area and biomass production. Therefore, we conclude that co-inoculation with P. fluorescens (BRM-32111) and B. pyrrocinia (BRM-32113) modified the anatomy and biochemistry of B. brizantha, promoting growth and nutrient accumulation. Therefore, these findings set up the basis for additional exploratory studies, using these rhizobacteria as biotechnological innovation with potential of use as biofertilizer in B. brizantha, aiming higher productivity and nutritive value in a more eco-friendly and sustainable pasture production system

    Reflectance of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for Xenon Scintillation Light

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    Gaseous and liquid xenon particle detectors are being used in a number of applications including dark matter search and neutrino-less double beta decay experiments. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is often used in these detectors both as electrical insulator and as a light reflector to improve the efficiency of detection of scintillation photons. However, xenon emits in the vacuum ultraviolet wavelength region (175 nm) where the reflecting properties of PTFE are not sufficiently known. In this work we report on measurements of PTFE reflectance, including its angular distribution, for the xenon scintillation light. Various samples of PTFE, manufactured by different processes (extruded, expanded, skived and pressed) have been studied. The data were interpreted with a physical model comprising both specular and diffuse reflections. The reflectance obtained for these samples ranges from about 47% to 66% for VUV light. Fluoropolymers, namely ETFE, FEP and PFA were also measured

    Low-energy electron scattering from methanol and ethanol

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    Measured and calculated differential cross sections for elastic (rotationally unresolved) electron scattering from two primary alcohols, methanol (CH3OH) and ethanol (C2H5OH), are reported. The measurements are obtained using the relative flow method with helium as the standard gas and a thin aperture as the collimating target gas source. The relative flow method is applied without the restriction imposed by the relative flow pressure conditions on helium and the unknown gas. The experimental data were taken at incident electron energies of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, and 100 eV and for scattering angles of 5°–130°. There are no previous reports of experimental electron scattering differential cross sections for CH3OH and C2H5OH in the literature. The calculated differential cross sections are obtained using two different implementations of the Schwinger multichannel method, one that takes all electrons into account and is adapted for parallel computers, and another that uses pseudopotentials and considers only the valence electrons. Comparison between theory and experiment shows that theory is able to describe low-energy electron scattering from these polyatomic targets quite well

    Potencial pedológico para o cultivo de cana-de-açúcar com manejo de alta tecnologia no município de Buenos Aires (PE).

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    O município de Buenos Aires (PE) está situado na Microrregião da Mata Setentrional e ocupa uma área de 111 km2. Inicialmente foram adquiridas cartas plani-altimétricas, escala 1:25.000 e com curvas de nível equidistantes em 10 metros, utilizadas como material básico para o levantamento dos solos. O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial pedológico para o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar com uso de alta tecnologia ? manejo C. As terras do município possuem 14,5 km2 de potencial pedológico Alto e Muito Alto para o cultivo de cana-de-açúcar Essas áreas estão localizadas, nos topos planos das elevações e dispersas, principalmente, nas partes norte, oeste e sudeste do município. Para o potencial pedológico Médio essa classe ocupa 21,6 km2 e localiza-se principalmente nas várzeas. Quanto aos potenciais pedológicos Baixo e Muito Baixo, observa-se que no total eles abrangem 74,9 km2 e estão localizados em todas as partes do município

    Diagnóstico ambiental do Município de Delmiro Gouveia - Estado de Alagoas.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivos uma abordagem metodológica visando subsidiar os planos diretores das áreas rurais dos municípios através de documentos cartográficos temáticos e sintéticos e de elaboração de relatório. O presente estudo apresenta, de forma objetiva e resumida, a espacialização e a quantificação dos diversos ambientes (de desenvolvimento e de preservação) que integram as paisagens na área municipal. Para cada compartimento ambiental identificado, são apresentadas, de forma sistemática, as principais potencialidades e limitações das terras e é sugerido seu potencial de uso agrícola. Este documento constitui um instrumento para subsidiar o planejamento de atividades agrícolas, pecuárias e florestais, incluindo recomendações de áreas para preservação ambiental. Não pode ser considerado um diagnóstico completo do município, pois não apresenta dados agrários, sociais e econômicos, nem sobre a disponibilidade de água para irrigação.bitstream/item/159377/1/circtec-12-2002-delmiro-gouveia.pd