5 research outputs found

    Эффекты ингаляционного и внутривенного введения аллогенных мезенхимальных стромальных клеток костного мозга в блеомицин-индуцированной модели легочного фиброза у кроликов

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    Aim: to perform a comparative analysis of the effi cacy of the inhaled and intravenous delivery of equivalent doses of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) in rabbits according to the standard model of bleomycin pulmonary fi brosis.Materials and methods. After bronchoscopic instillation of bleomycin, 5 rabbits received intravenous transplantation of 2 × 106 allogeneic BMMSCs, other 5 rabbits – 2 × 107 MSCs inhaled via compressor nebulizer; control healthy and bleomycin group included 5 animals each.Results. Both groups treated with BMMSCs had a signifi cantly lower Ashcroft fi brosis index than the bleomycin control group. Expression of collagen in lung tissue in all groups with bleomycin injury was superior to healthy controls, but in animals underwent intravenous BMMSC transplantation collagen score was 0.74 points, and in inhaled treated group – 0.51 points, while in bleomycin controls – 2.1 point. Levels of TNF-α and TGF-β1 in BAL fl uids tended to decrease in treatment groups, but did not differ signifi cantly from control. A similar picture was observed in the cytological analysis of BAL.Conclusion. In general, both methods of delivering of BMMSCs to the lungs demonstrated similar therapeutic effects in inhibiting the development of experimental fi brosis, indicating that both intravenous and inhalational way of introduction can be used for subsequent clinical studies. Проведен сравнительный анализ эффективности ингаляционного и внутривенного пути доставки эквивалентных доз мезенхимальных стромальных клеток костного мозга у кроликов на стандартной модели блеомицинового легочного фиброза. После бронхоскопической инсталляции блеомицина в заднюю правую долю 5 кроликов получили внутривенную трансплантацию 2 × 106 аллогенных МСК, 5 – 2 × 107 МСК ингаляционно через компрессорный небулайзер; по 5 животных использовались в качестве здорового и блеомицинового контроля без лечения.Результаты. Обе группы, получавшие лечение МСК, имели достоверно более низкий индекс фиброза по морфометрической шкале Эшкрофта, чем контрольная группа блеомицинового фиброза. Экспрессия коллагена в ткани легких была существенно выше во всех группах с блеомициновой травмой, но у животных, подвергшихся внутривенной трансплантации МСК, она составила 0,79 балла, а при ингаляционном введении – 0,51 балла, тогда как группа блеомицина без лечения – 2,1 балла. Уровни TNF-α и TGF-β1в жидкости БАЛ имели тенденцию к уменьшению в группах лечения, но достоверно не различались от контроля. Похожая картина имела место при цитологическом анализе БАЛ.Выводы. В целом оба метода доставки клеточного материала в легкие продемонстрировали сходные терапевтические эффекты в отношении сдерживания развития экспериментального фиброза, существенно не отличаясь между собой, что свидетельствует о возможности использования как внутривенного, так и ингаляционного пути введения для последующих клинических исследований.

    Uterus and cervix uteri changes during pregnancy period (review)

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    The review considers the current understanding of mechanisms that regulate uterine contractions and the nemo-dynamic changes in the cervix uteri occurring prior to and during delivery. Disorders in hemodynamic transformation of cervix uteri are the most significant causes of delivery anomalies. The criteria for ultrasound diagnostics of the degree of maturity of cervix uteri have been analyzed. Cervix blood flow parameters have been taken into account. The further research perspectives in this field of scientific problems have been state

    Chemoembolization with HepaSpheres as a stage of comprehensive treatment for malignant pelvic tumors

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    Genital bleeding poses a serious threat to patients with progressive locally advanced malignant tumors. Surgical treatment is often impossible in these patients; therefore, to achieve reliable hemostasis, the patients should undergo embolization of vessels feeding the tumor. Good results have been achieved by selective catheterization of pelvic arteries using chemoembolization with HepaSphere microspheres (Biosphere Medical, France) delivering the therapeutic agent to the tumor. Hydrophilicity of microspheres loaded with cytostatics and their biological compatibility with tissues ensure long-term therapeutic effect by controlling tumor growth. Pronounced hemostatic and antitumor effects of this treatment method have been confirmed by a morphological study. This study analyzes 38 patients that underwent chemoembolization with HepaSpheres loaded with doxorubicin or irinotecan, which allowed surgery and further treatment

    Effects of inhalation and intravenous administration of allogeneic mesenchymal bone marrow stromal cells in a bleomycin-induced model of pulmonary fibrosis in rabbits

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    Aim: to perform a comparative analysis of the effi cacy of the inhaled and intravenous delivery of equivalent doses of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) in rabbits according to the standard model of bleomycin pulmonary fi brosis.Materials and methods. After bronchoscopic instillation of bleomycin, 5 rabbits received intravenous transplantation of 2 × 106 allogeneic BMMSCs, other 5 rabbits – 2 × 107 MSCs inhaled via compressor nebulizer; control healthy and bleomycin group included 5 animals each.Results. Both groups treated with BMMSCs had a signifi cantly lower Ashcroft fi brosis index than the bleomycin control group. Expression of collagen in lung tissue in all groups with bleomycin injury was superior to healthy controls, but in animals underwent intravenous BMMSC transplantation collagen score was 0.74 points, and in inhaled treated group – 0.51 points, while in bleomycin controls – 2.1 point. Levels of TNF-α and TGF-β1 in BAL fl uids tended to decrease in treatment groups, but did not differ signifi cantly from control. A similar picture was observed in the cytological analysis of BAL.Conclusion. In general, both methods of delivering of BMMSCs to the lungs demonstrated similar therapeutic effects in inhibiting the development of experimental fi brosis, indicating that both intravenous and inhalational way of introduction can be used for subsequent clinical studies