26 research outputs found

    Does a detachment level exist beneath the Ceraunius Fossae? Insights from graben mapping and lost-area balancing analysis

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    We took advantage of the close relationship between graben width and rheology of the involved materials (e.g., number, thickness and spacing of rheological layers, presence of mechanical discontinuities of different nature) and attempted to obtain information about the mechanical stratigraphy of the Ceraunius Fossae area (Northern Tharsis Region). The possible existence of detachment levels beneath the Ceraunius Fossae area were investigated using the lost-area balancing method and a topographic profile derived from Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data. Results suggest a marked difference in structural style between the western and eastern sectors of the study area, which is interpreted as a result of different mechanical stratigraphies. On the western sector the maximum depth reached by grabens is well localized within 1000 m from the topographic surface suggesting the existence of a detachment level, which we interpret as a weak horizon at the base of the Late Hesperian-Early Amazonian units. The ductile behaviour of this horizon could be favoured by the presence of volatile reservoir or ice. In the eastern sector of the profile (HNf and Hf units) the maximum depth reached by the grabens is scattered and does not support the existence of clearly defined detachment horizons suggesting that Noachian Fractured Rocks are mechanically homogeneous. A maximum depth, however, could be established

    Endocrine aspects of coeliac disease

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    Oral pathology in young people with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

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    The oral pathology that affects young people with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is little known, but represents a non-marginal aspect of the disease and is important for a good quality of life. We have studied the oral health and the composition of the saliva of a group of young people of age ranging from 5 to 17 years (mean 11.74; SD ± 3.17), 15 boys and 8 girls who have been affected by IDDM for a minimum of 26 to a maximum of 72 months (mean 41.22; SD ± 41.14). The IDDM group was compared to 24 healthy subjects of the same age (p = 0.33) ranging from 5 to 16 years (mean 10.79; SD ± 3.44), 14 boys and 10 girls. Salivary composition, during fast, of IDDM differentiates from the saliva of healthy subjects for a more alkaline pH and for a higher concentration of glucose. Among bacteria notoriously related to caries, Lactobacilli are significantly higher in IDDM and Streptococcus mutans is extremely variable but higher on average, also if without statistical significance, than healthy subjects. The presence of Candida albicans is similar in the two groups. Salivary IgA are higher in the IDDM. Odonto-stomatological health reveals in the IDDM a higher approximal plaque and sulcus bleeding indexes; the latter is related to mean HbA(1c) of the last 12 months. In one case of IDDM there are wide gingival pouches and in another one there is loss of bone bearing with dental mobility. In IDDM decay indexes are slightly lower, probably in relation to the diet of the diabetic patient; gingivitis and tartar are more frequent in diabetics. These data, that need to be confirmed by an increase of the number of cases, show, in the young diabetic, a good dental health with precocious periodontal disease inversely proportional to the glycemic balance probably due to the damage of the connective and vascular tissues in IDDM. It follows that an antibacterial prevention and periodical odonto-stomatological examinations are necessary