62 research outputs found

    Same title, new contents.Saint-Venant\u2019s revised edition (1864) of Navier'sR\ue9sum\ue9 des Le\ue7ons sur l'application de la m\ue9canique (1826, 1833)

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    Following up some previous papers on Saint-Venant\u2019s early unpublished studies of the years 1837-1853, on this occasion particular attention will be devoted to the improvement given by Saint-Venant to the third edition (1864) of Navier\u2019s R\ue9sum\ue9 des le\ue7ons \u2026 sur l\u2019application de la m\ue9canique \ue0 l\u2019\ue9tablissement, first published in 1826 and reprinted in 1833 with few additions by Navier himself. Despite the great importance of Navier\u2019s treatise, a comparison of his original textbook with Saint-Venant\u2019s \u2018revised\u2019 edition shows the deep gap between the two works. This gap is of threefold nature: 1) methodological, in relation to Saint-Venant\u2019s deductive approach starting from the general theory of elasticity; 2) theoretical, as far as concerns the correctness and generality of the derived formulae and their application to technical problems; 3) episthemological, in connection with Saint-Venant\u2019s philosophical position in favour of the m\ue9canique mol\ue9culaire and its disputed consequences on the number of elastic constants

    Sym\ue9tries en \ue9lasticit\ue9. Aspects du d\ue9bat du XIX si\ue8cle sur le probl\ue8me des "relations de Cauchy"

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    The essay analyses the 19th century debate concerning the problem of the so-called "Cauchy's relations" among the elastic constants of solid bodies/Il saggio analizza il dibattito ottocentesco intorno al problema delle cosiddette "relazioni di Cauchy" fra le costanti elastiche che descrivono il comportamento meccanico dei solid

    Unpublished Saint-Venant. Studies of Structural Mechanics (1837-1853)

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    Facendo seguito ad una estesa indagine bibliografica svolta sul Fonds Saint-Venant custodito press l'Ecole Polytechnique di Parigi, l'articolo offre un primo quadro ragionato degli studi inediti di Saint-Venant nell'ambito della teoria dell'elasticit\ue0 e della resistenza dei materiali precedenti le due grandi memorie sulla torsione e la flessione dei prism

    On the safety of the masonry arch. Different formulations from the history of structural mechanics

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    The paper provides a critical discussion of the 19th century theoretical formulations on the stability of masonry vaulted structures/Il lavoro offre una discussione critica delle formulazioni teoriche che sono state proposte nel XIX secolo per valutare la stabilit\ue0 delle strutture voltate in muratur

    Saint-Venant prima del "problema di Saint-Venant". Studi sulla resistenza dei materiale nel periodo 1837-1853

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    Il lavoro offre una ricostruzione storico-critica dello sviluppo delle ricerche di Saint-Venant che precedono la formulazione del cosiddetto "problema di Saint-Venant" relativo alla torsione e alla flessione dei prism