345 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Human Placenta and Fetal Membrane and Their Response to Osteoactivin Stimulation

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are the most promising seed cells for cell therapy and can be isolated from various sources of human adult tissues such as bone marrow (BM-MSC) and adipose tissue. However, cells from these tissues must be obtained through invasive procedures. We, therefore, characterized MSCs isolated from fresh placenta (Pl-MSC) and fetal membrane (Mb-MSC) through morphological and fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS). MSC frequency is higher in membrane than placenta (2.14%  ± 0.65 versus 15.67%  ± 0.29%). Pl/Mb-MSCs in vitro expansion potential was significantly higher than BM-MSCs. We demonstrated that one of the MSC-specific marker is sufficient for MSC isolation and that culture in specific media is the optimal way for selecting very homogenous MSC population. These MSCs could be differentiated into mesodermal cells expressing cell markers and cytologic staining consistent with mature osteoblasts and adipocytes. Transcriptomic analysis and cytokine arrays demonstrated broad similarity between placenta- and membrane-derived MSCs and only discrete differences with BM-MSCs with enrichment of networks involved in bone differentiation. Pl/Mb-MSCs displayed higher osteogenic differentiation potential than BM-MSC when their response to osteoactivin was evaluated. Fetal-tissue-derived mesenchymal cells may, therefore, be considered as a major source of MSCs to reach clinical scale banking in particular for bone regeneration

    Performance of Repetitive Tasks Induces Decreased Grip Strength and Increased Fibrogenic Proteins in Skeletal Muscle: Role of Force and Inflammation

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    Background This study elucidates exposure-response relationships between performance of repetitive tasks, grip strength declines, and fibrogenic-related protein changes in muscles, and their link to inflammation. Specifically, we examined forearm flexor digitorum muscles for changes in connective tissue growth factor (CTGF; a matrix protein associated with fibrosis), collagen type I (Col1; a matrix component), and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1; an upstream modulator of CTGF and collagen), in rats performing one of two repetitive tasks, with or without anti-inflammatory drugs. Methodology/Results To examine the roles of force versus repetition, rats performed either a high repetition negligible force food retrieval task (HRNF), or a high repetition high force handle-pulling task (HRHF), for up to 9 weeks, with results compared to trained only (TR-NF or TR-HF) and normal control rats. Grip strength declined with both tasks, with the greatest declines in 9-week HRHF rats. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) analyses of HRNF muscles showed increased expression of Col1 in weeks 3–9, and CTGF in weeks 6 and 9. Immunohistochemistry confirmed PCR results, and also showed greater increases of CTGF and collagen matrix in 9-week HRHF rats than 9-week HRNF rats. ELISA, and immunohistochemistry revealed greater increases of TGFB1 in TR-HF and 6-week HRHF, compared to 6-week HRNF rats. To examine the role of inflammation, results from 6-week HRHF rats were compared to rats receiving ibuprofen or anti-TNF-α treatment in HRHF weeks 4–6. Both treatments attenuated HRHF-induced increases in CTGF and fibrosis by 6 weeks of task performance. Ibuprofen attenuated TGFB1 increases and grip strength declines, matching our prior results with anti-TNFα. Conclusions/Significance Performance of highly repetitive tasks was associated with force-dependent declines in grip strength and increased fibrogenic-related proteins in flexor digitorum muscles. These changes were attenuated, at least short-term, by anti-inflammatory treatments

    Coadministration of Anti-Viral Monoclonal Antibodies With Routine Pediatric Vaccines and Implications for Nirsevimab Use: A White Paper

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    Routine childhood vaccinations are key for the protection of children from a variety of serious and potentially fatal diseases. Current pediatric vaccine schedules mainly cover active vaccines. Active vaccination in infants is a highly effective approach against several infectious diseases; however, thus far, for some important viral pathogens, including respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), vaccine development and license by healthcare authorities have not been accomplished. Nirsevimab is a human-derived, highly potent monoclonal antibody (mAb) with an extended half-life for RSV prophylaxis in all infants. In this manuscript, we consider the potential implications for the introduction of an anti-viral mAb, such as nirsevimab, into the routine pediatric vaccine schedule, as well as considerations for coadministration. Specifically, we present evidence on the general mechanism of action of anti-viral mAbs and experience with palivizumab, the only approved mAb for the prevention of RSV infection in preterm infants, infants with chronic lung disease of prematurity and certain infants with hemodynamically significant heart disease. Palivizumab has been used for over two decades in infants who also receive routine vaccinations without any alerts concerning the safety and efficacy of coadministration. Immunization guidelines (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization, National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics, The Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany) support coadministration of palivizumab with routine pediatric vaccines, noting that immunobiologics, such as palivizumab, do not interfere with the immune response to licensed live or inactivated active vaccines. Based on the mechanism of action of the new generation of anti-viral mAbs, such as nirsevimab, which is highly specific targeting viral antigenic sites, it is unlikely that it could interfere with the immune response to other vaccines. Taken together, we anticipate that nirsevimab could be concomitantly administered to infants with routine pediatric vaccines during the same clinic visit

    Genetic analysis of four consanguineous multiplex families with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Background: Family studies support a genetic predisposition to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), but known genetic variants only partially explain the disease heritability. Families with multiple affected individuals potentially harbour rare and high-impact causal variants. Long regions of homozygosity due to recent inbreeding may increase the risk of individuals bearing homozygous loss-of-function variants. This study aimed to identify rare and homozygous genetic variants contributing to IBD. Methods: Four families with known consanguinity and multiple cases of IBD were recruited. In a family-specific analysis, we utilised homozygosity mapping complemented by whole-exome sequencing. Results: We detected a single region of homozygosity shared by Crohn's disease cases from a family of Druze ancestry, spanning 2.6 Mb containing the NOD2 gene. Whole-exome sequencing did not identify any potentially damaging variants within the region, suggesting that non-coding variation may be involved. In addition, affected individuals in the families harboured several rare and potentially damaging homozygous variants in genes with a role in autophagy and innate immunity including LRRK1, WHAMM, DENND3, and C5. Conclusion: This study examined the potential contribution of rare, high-impact homozygous variants in consanguineous families with IBD. While the analysis was not designed to achieve statistical significance, our findings highlight genes or loci that warrant further research. Non-coding variants affecting NOD2 may be of importance in Druze patients with Crohn's disease

    A QCD Sum Rule Approach to the sdγs\to d\gamma Contribution to the ΩΞγ\Omega^-\to \Xi^-\gamma Radiative Decay

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    QCD sum rules are used to calculate the contribution of short-distance single-quark transition sdγs\rightarrow d \gamma, to the amplitudes of the hyperon radiative decay, ΩΞγ\Omega^-\rightarrow \Xi^-\gamma. We re-evaluate the Wilson coefficient of the effective operator responsible for this transition. We obtain a branching ratio which is comparable to the unitarity limit.Comment: 15 pages, Revtex, 13 figures available as a uuencoded, gz-compressed ps fil

    The osteopetrotic mutation toothless (tl) is a loss-of-function frameshift mutation in the rat Csf1 gene: Evidence of a crucial role for CSF-1 in osteoclastogenesis and endochondral ossification

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    The toothless (tl) mutation in the rat is a naturally occurring, autosomal recessive mutation resulting in a profound deficiency of bone-resorbing osteoclasts and peritoneal macrophages. The failure to resorb bone produces severe, unrelenting osteopetrosis, with a highly sclerotic skeleton, lack of marrow spaces, failure of tooth eruption, and other pathologies. Injections of CSF-1 improve some, but not all, of these. In this report we have used polymorphism mapping, sequencing, and expression studies to identify the genetic lesion in the tl rat. We found a 10-base insertion near the beginning of the open reading of the Csf1 gene that yields a truncated, nonfunctional protein and an early stop codon, thus rendering the tl rat CSF-1null. All mutants were homozygous for the mutation and all carriers were heterozygous. No CSF-1 transcripts were identified in rat mRNA that would avoid the mutation via alternative splicing. The biology and actions of CSF-1 have been elucidated by many studies that use another naturally occurring mutation, the op mouse, in which a single base insertion also disrupts the reading frame. The op mouse has milder osteoclastopenia and osteopetrosis than the tl rat and recovers spontaneously over the first few months of life. Thus, the tl rat provides a second model in which the functions of CSF-1 can be studied. Understanding the similarities and differences in the phenotypes of these two models will be important to advancing our knowledge of the many actions of CSF-1

    An MPEG-7 scheme for semantic content modelling and filtering of digital video

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    Abstract Part 5 of the MPEG-7 standard specifies Multimedia Description Schemes (MDS); that is, the format multimedia content models should conform to in order to ensure interoperability across multiple platforms and applications. However, the standard does not specify how the content or the associated model may be filtered. This paper proposes an MPEG-7 scheme which can be deployed for digital video content modelling and filtering. The proposed scheme, COSMOS-7, produces rich and multi-faceted semantic content models and supports a content-based filtering approach that only analyses content relating directly to the preferred content requirements of the user. We present details of the scheme, front-end systems used for content modelling and filtering and experiences with a number of users

    Evidence that the rat osteopetrotic mutation toothless (tl) is not in the TNFSF11 (TRANCE, RANKL, ODF, OPGL) gene

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    The toothless (tl) osteopetrotic mutation in the rat affects an osteoblast-derived factor that is required for normal osteoclast differentiation. Although the genetic locus remains unknown, the phenotypic impact of the tl mutation on multiple systems has been well characterized. Some of its actions are similar to tumornecrosis factor superfamily member 11(TNFSF11; also called TRANCE, RANKL, ODF and OPGL) null mice. TNFSF11 is a recently described member of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily which, when expressed by activated T cells, enhances the survival of antigen-presenting dendritic cells, and when expressed by osteoblasts, promotes the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts. The skeletal similarities between tl rats and TNFSF11(-/-) mice include 1) profound osteoclastopenia (TNFSF11-null mice, 0% and tl rats 0-1% of normal); 2) persistent, non-resolving osteopetrosis that results from 3) a defect not in the osteoclast lineage itself, but in an osteoblast-derived, osteoclastogenic signal; and 4) a severe chondrodysplasia of the growth plates of long bones not seen in other osteopetrotic mutations. The latter includes thickening of the growth plate with age, disorganization of chondrocyte columns, and disturbances of chondrocyte maturation. These striking similarities prompted us to undertake studies to rule in or out a TNFSF11 mutation in the tl rat. We looked for expression of TNFSF11 mRNA in tl long bones and found it to be over-expressed and of the correct size. We also tested TNFSF11 protein function in the tl rat. This was shown to be normal by flow cytometry experiments in which activated, spleen-derived T-cells from tl rats exhibited normal receptor binding competence, as measured by a recombinant receptor assay. We also found that tl rats develop histologically normal mesenteric and peripheral lymph nodes, which are absent from TNFSF11-null mice. Next, we found that injections of recombinant TNFSF11, which restores bone resorption in null mice, had no therapeutic effect in tl rats. Finally, gene mapping studies using co-segregation of polymorphic markers excluded the chromosomal region containing the TNFSF11 gene as harboring the mutation responsible for the tl phenotype. We conclude that, despite substantial phenotypic similarities to TNFSF11(-/-) mice, the tl rat mutation is not in the TNFSF11 locus, and that its identification must await the results of further studies

    Hyperon weak radiative decays in chiral perturbation theory

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    We investigate the leading-order amplitudes for weak radiative decays of hyperons in chiral perturbation theory. We consistently include contributions from the next-to-leading order weak-interaction Lagrangian. It is shown that due to these terms Hara's theorem is violated. The data for the decays of charged hyperons can be easily accounted for. However, at this order in the chiral expansion, the four amplitudes for the decays of neutral hyperons satisfy relations which are in disagreement with the data. The asymmetry parameters for all the decays can not be accounted for without higher-order terms. We shortly comment on the effect of the 27-plet part of the weak interaction.Comment: 8 pages of REVTeX and using macro-package "feynman.tex" (available at http://xxx.lanl.gov/ftp/hep-ph/papers/macros) for the 2 figure