238 research outputs found

    An epistatic mini-circuitry between the transcription factors Snail and HNF4a controls liver stem cell and hepatocyte features exhorting opposite regulation on stemness-inhibiting microRNAs

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    Preservation of the epithelial state involves the stable repression of EMT program while maintenance of the stem compartment requires the inhibition of differentiation processes. A simple and direct molecular mini-circuitry between master elements of these biological processes, may provide the best device to keep balanced such complex phenomena. In this work, we show that in hepatic stem cell Snail, a transcriptional repressor of the hepatocyte differentiation master gene HNF4, directly represses the expression of the epithelial microRNAs-200c and -34a, which in turn target several stem cell genes. Notably, in differentiated hepatocytes HNF4, previously identified as a transcriptional repressor of Snail, induces the microRNAs-34a and -200a, b, c that, when silenced, causes epithelial dedifferentiation and reacquisition of stem traits. Altogether these data unveiled Snail, HNF4 and microRNAs -200a, b, c and -34a as epistatic elements controlling hepatic stem cell maintenance/differentiation


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    After about 50 years since the Apollo missions, Space Agencies are planning new manned missions beyond LEO, aiming to full functional Lunar and Martian outposts. Leaving the protection of Earth’s magnetic field, human body will be exposed by a huge amount of harmful radiations coming from both solar wind and cosmic rays, which represent a risk for the astronauts. In order to prepare for future manned exploration missions, many biological experiments have been conducted inside and outside the International Space Station (ISS). From these experiments, engineers and scientists gained knowledge about biological degradation after a long period of exposure to space radiations. Similar experiments were also carried out in small free-flyers. For example, the O/OREOS mission is built with a 3U CubeSat that is evaluating how microorganisms can survive and can adapt to the harsh orbit environment. Small platforms, such as CubeSats, are gaining interest for many applications including science experiments. Biological payloads require very stable environmental conditions, implying that environment requirements are very stringent and that existing passive thermal control systems may not be sufficient to support these class of experiments. The goal of this paper is to describe and discuss the design of an active environmental control system suitable for supporting biological payloads hosted onboard nanosatellites. In particular, we focused the attention on the case of a payload constituted by a bacterial culture that needs oxygen supply for growing up. The rate of growth and vitality are measured through bacteria metabolic parameters. The reference mission is built with a 6U CubeSat in Lunar Polar Orbit, with the main scientific objective of measuring the effect of the lunar radiation environment on a culture of “Bacterium Deinococcus Radiodurans”. This kind of bacteria exhibits significant resistance to ionising radiation and the survival temperature range is 30°C ± 10°C. The thermal control system (TCS) is constituted by Stirling cryocooler, Peltier cells and heaters. The aforementioned pieces of equipment operate on the oxygen tank and test chamber in order to control temperature of the oxygen necessary for the growth of the bacteria. To verify the temperature requirements, two kinds of analysis are performed: radiative analysis, to have information about the heat fluxes from space environment; and lastly, a thermo-fluid dynamics analysis, to gather data about temperature in the test chamber. As result, it is possible to confirm that, with the chosen TCS, the temperature requirement is verified during the mission

    Autoantibodies in inflammatory arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic chronic inflammatory disease characterized by extensive synovitis resulting in erosions of articular cartilage and marginal bone with joint destruction. The lack of immunological tolerance in RA represents the first step toward the development of autoimmunity. Susceptible individuals, under the influence of environmental factors, such as tobacco smoke, and silica exposure, develop autoimmune phenomena that result in the presence of autoantibodies. HLA and non-HLA haplotypes play a major role in determining the development of specific autoantibodies differentiating anti-citrullinated antibodies (ACPA)-positive and negative RA patients. Rheumatoid factor (RF) and ACPA are the serological markers for RA, and during the preclinical immunological phase, autoantibody titers increase with a progressive spread of ACPA antigens repertoire. The presence of ACPA represents an independent risk factor for developing RA in patients with undifferentiated arthritis or arthralgia. Moreover, anti-CarP antibodies have been identified in patients with RA as well as in individuals before the onset of clinical symptoms of RA. Several autoantibodies mainly targeting post-translational modified proteins have been investigated as possible biomarkers to improve the early diagnosis, prognosis and response to therapy in RA patients. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is distinguished from RA by infrequent positivity for RF and ACPA, together with other distinctive clinical features. Actually, specific autoantibodies have not been described. Recently, anti-CarP antibodies have been reported in sera from PsA patients with active disease. Further investigations on autoantibodies showing high specificity and sensibility as well as relevant correlation with disease severity, progression, and response to therapy are awaited in inflammatory arthritides

    MiR-675-5p supports hypoxia induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition in colon cancer cells

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    The survival rates in colon cancer patients are inversely proportional to the number of lymph node metastases. The hypoxia-induced Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT), driven by HIF1\uce\ub1, is known to be involved in cancer progression and metastasis. Recently, we have reported that miR-675-5p promotes glioma growth by stabilizing HIF1\uce\ub1 here, by use of the syngeneic cell lines we investigated the role of the miR-675-5p in colon cancer metastasis. Our results show that miR-675-5p, over expressed in metastatic colon cancer cells, participates to tumour progression by regulating HIF1\uce\ub1 induced EMT. MiR-675- 5p increases Snail transcription by a dual strategy: i) stabilizing the activity of the transcription factor HIF1\uce\ub1 and ii) and inhibiting Snail's repressor DDB2 (Damage specific DNA Binding protein 2). Moreover, transcriptional analyses on specimens from colon cancer patients confirmed, in vivo, the correlation between miR-675-5p over-expression and metastasis, thus identifying miR-675-5p as a new marker for colon cancer progression and therefore a putative target for therapeutic strategies

    Rapamycin-loaded polymeric nanoparticles as an advanced formulation for macrophage targeting in atherosclerosis

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    Recently, rapamycin (Rapa) represents a potential drug treatment to induce regression of atherosclerotic plaques; however, its use requires site-specific accumulation in the vessels involved in the formation of the plaques to avoid the systemic effects resulting from its indiscriminate biodistribution. In this work, a stable pharmaceutical formulation for Rapa was realized as a dried powder to be dispersed extemporaneously before administration. The latter was constituted by man-nitol (Man) as an excipient and a Rapa-loaded polymeric nanoparticle carrier. These nanoparticles were obtained by nanoprecipitation and using as a starting polymeric material a polycaprolactone (PCL)/α,β-poly(N-2-hydroxyethyl)-DL-aspartamide (PHEA) graft copolymer. To obtain nanoparti-cles targeted to macrophages, an oxidized phospholipid with a high affinity for the CD36 receptor of macrophages, the 1-(palmitoyl)-2-(5-keto-6-octene-dioyl) phosphatidylcholine (KOdia-PC), was added to the starting organic phase. The chemical–physical and technological characterization of the obtained nanoparticles demonstrated that: both the drug loading (DL%) and the entrapment efficiency (EE%) entrapped drug are high; the entrapped drug is in the amorphous state, protected from degradation and slowly released from the polymeric matrix; and the KOdia-PC is on the nanoparticle surface (KP-Nano). The biological characterization demonstrated that both systems are quickly internalized by macrophages while maintaining the activity of the drug. In vitro studies demonstrated that the effect of KP-Nano Rapa-loaded, in reducing the amount of the Phospo-Ser757-ULK1 protein through the inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), is comparable to that of the free drug

    Antiphospholipid reactivity against cardiolipin metabolites occurring during endothelial cell apoptosis.

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    We have recently shown that cardiolipin (CL) and its metabolites move from mitochondria to other cellular membranes during death receptor-mediated apoptosis. In this study, we investigate the immunoreactivity to CL derivatives occurring during endothelial apoptosis in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We compared the serum immunoreactivity to CL with that of its derivatives monolysocardiolipin (MCL), dilysocardiolipin (DCL), and hydrocardiolipin (HCL) by means of both enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) immunostaining. In addition, we investigated the composition of phospholipid extracts from the plasma membrane of apoptotic endothelial cells and the binding of patients' sera to the surface of the same cells by using high-performance TLC and immunofluorescence analysis. The average reactivity to MCL was comparable with that of CL and significantly higher than that for DCL and HCL in patients studied, both in the presence or in the absence of beta2-glycoprotein I. Of relevance for the pathogenic role of these autoantibodies, immunoglobulin G from patients' sera showed an increased focal reactivity with the plasma membrane of endothelial cells undergoing apoptosis. Interestingly, the phospholipid analysis of these light membrane fractions showed an accumulation of both CL and MCL. Our results demonstrated that a critical number of acyl chains in CL derivatives is important for the binding of antiphospholipid antibodies and that MCL is an antigenic target with immunoreactivity comparable with CL in APS and SLE. Our finding also suggests a link between apoptotic perturbation of CL metabolism and the production of these antibodies

    The stable repression of mesenchymal program is required for hepatocyte identity: A novel role for hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α

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    The concept that cellular terminal differentiation is stably maintained once development is complete has been questioned by numerous observations showing that differentiated epithelium may undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) program. EMT and the reverse process, mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET), are typical events of development, tissue repair, and tumor progression. In this study, we aimed to clarify the molecular mechanisms underlying these phenotypic conversions in hepatocytes. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) was overexpressed in different hepatocyte cell lines and the resulting gene expression profile was determined by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. HNF4α recruitment on promoters of both mesenchymal and EMT regulator genes was determined by way of electrophoretic mobility shift assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation. The effect of HNF4α depletion was assessed in silenced cells and in the context of the whole liver of HNF4 knockout animals. Our results identified key EMT regulators and mesenchymal genes as new targets of HNF4α. HNF4α, in cooperation with its target HNF1α, directly inhibits transcription of the EMT master regulatory genes Snail, Slug, and HMGA2 and of several mesenchymal markers. HNF4α-mediated repression of EMT genes induces MET in hepatomas, and its silencing triggers the mesenchymal program in differentiated hepatocytes both in cell culture and in the whole liver. Conclusion: The pivotal role of HNF4α in the induction and maintenance of hepatocyte differentiation should also be ascribed to its capacity to continuously repress the mesenchymal program; thus, both HNF4α activator and repressor functions are necessary for the identity of hepatocytes. Copyright © 2011 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

    The stable repression of mesenchymal program is required for hepatocyte identity: A novel role for hepatocyte nuclear factor 4\uce\ub1

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    The concept that cellular terminal differentiation is stably maintained once development is complete has been questioned by numerous observations showing that differentiated epithelium may undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) program. EMT and the reverse process, mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET), are typical events of development, tissue repair, and tumor progression. In this study, we aimed to clarify the molecular mechanisms underlying these phenotypic conversions in hepatocytes. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4\uce\ub1 (HNF4\uce\ub1) was overexpressed in different hepatocyte cell lines and the resulting gene expression profile was determined by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. HNF4\uce\ub1 recruitment on promoters of both mesenchymal and EMT regulator genes was determined by way of electrophoretic mobility shift assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation. The effect of HNF4\uce\ub1 depletion was assessed in silenced cells and in the context of the whole liver of HNF4 knockout animals. Our results identified key EMT regulators and mesenchymal genes as new targets of HNF4\uce\ub1. HNF4\uce\ub1, in cooperation with its target HNF1\uce\ub1, directly inhibits transcription of the EMT master regulatory genes Snail, Slug, and HMGA2 and of several mesenchymal markers. HNF4\uce\ub1-mediated repression of EMT genes induces MET in hepatomas, and its silencing triggers the mesenchymal program in differentiated hepatocytes both in cell culture and in the whole liver. Conclusion: The pivotal role of HNF4\uce\ub1 in the induction and maintenance of hepatocyte differentiation should also be ascribed to its capacity to continuously repress the mesenchymal program; thus, both HNF4\uce\ub1 activator and repressor functions are necessary for the identity of hepatocytes. Copyright \uc2\ua9 2011 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
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