12,270 research outputs found

    Mode fluctuations as fingerprint of chaotic and non-chaotic systems

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    The mode-fluctuation distribution P(W)P(W) is studied for chaotic as well as for non-chaotic quantum billiards. This statistic is discussed in the broader framework of the E(k,L)E(k,L) functions being the probability of finding kk energy levels in a randomly chosen interval of length LL, and the distribution of n(L)n(L), where n(L)n(L) is the number of levels in such an interval, and their cumulants ck(L)c_k(L). It is demonstrated that the cumulants provide a possible measure for the distinction between chaotic and non-chaotic systems. The vanishing of the normalized cumulants CkC_k, k≥3k\geq 3, implies a Gaussian behaviour of P(W)P(W), which is realized in the case of chaotic systems, whereas non-chaotic systems display non-vanishing values for these cumulants leading to a non-Gaussian behaviour of P(W)P(W). For some integrable systems there exist rigorous proofs of the non-Gaussian behaviour which are also discussed. Our numerical results and the rigorous results for integrable systems suggest that a clear fingerprint of chaotic systems is provided by a Gaussian distribution of the mode-fluctuation distribution P(W)P(W).Comment: 44 pages, Postscript. The figures are included in low resolution only. A full version is available at http://www.physik.uni-ulm.de/theo/qc/baecker.htm

    Dynamic scaling and universality in evolution of fluctuating random networks

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    We found that models of evolving random networks exhibit dynamic scaling similar to scaling of growing surfaces. It is demonstrated by numerical simulations of two variants of the model in which nodes are added as well as removed [Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5587 (1999)]. The averaged size and connectivity of the network increase as power-laws in early times but later saturate. Saturated values and times of saturation change with paramaters controlling the local evolution of the network topology. Both saturated values and times of saturation obey also power-law dependences on controlling parameters. Scaling exponents are calculated and universal features are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Europhysics Letters for

    Testing the performance and accuracy of the RELXILL model for the relativistic X-ray reflection from accretion disks

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    The reflection spectroscopic model RELXILL is commonly implemented in studying relativistic X-ray reflection from accretion disks around black holes. We present a systematic study of the model's capability to constrain the dimensionless spin and ionization parameters from ∼\sim6,000 NuSTAR simulations of a bright X-ray source employing the lamppost geometry. We employ high count spectra to show the limitations in the model without being confused with limitations in signal-to-noise. We find that both parameters are well-recovered at 90% confidence with improving constraints at higher reflection fraction, high spin, and low source height. We test spectra across a broad range - first at 106−^6-107^7 and then ∼\sim105^5 total source counts across the effective 3-79 keV band of NuSTAR, and discover a strong dependence of the results on how fits are performed around the starting parameters, owing to the complexity of the model itself. A blind fit chosen over an approach that carries some estimates of the actual parameter values can lead to significantly worse recovery of model parameters. We further stress on the importance to span the space of nonlinear-behaving parameters like log ξlog~\xi carefully and thoroughly for the model to avoid misleading results. In light of selecting fitting procedures, we recall the necessity to pay attention to the choice of data binning and fit statistics used to test the goodness of fit by demonstrating the effect on the photon index Γ\Gamma. We re-emphasize and implore the need to account for the detector resolution while binning X-ray data and using Poisson fit statistics instead while analyzing Poissonian data.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Escape Orbits for Non-Compact Flat Billiards

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    It is proven that, under some conditions on ff, the non-compact flat billiard Ω={(x,y)∈R0+×R0+; 0≤y≤f(x)}\Omega = \{ (x,y) \in \R_0^{+} \times \R_0^{+};\ 0\le y \le f(x) \} has no orbits going {\em directly} to +∞+\infty. The relevance of such sufficient conditions is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 3 postscript figures available at http://www.princeton.edu/~marco/papers/ . Minor changes since previously posted version. Submitted to 'Chaos

    The equation of state of neutron star matter and the symmetry energy

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    We present an overview of microscopical calculations of the Equation of State (EOS) of neutron matter performed using Quantum Monte Carlo techniques. We focus to the role of the model of the three-neutron force in the high-density part of the EOS up to a few times the saturation density. We also discuss the interplay between the symmetry energy and the neutron star mass-radius relation. The combination of theoretical models of the EOS with recent neutron stars observations permits us to constrain the value of the symmetry energy and its slope. We show that astrophysical observations are starting to provide important insights into the properties of neutron star matter.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure, talk given at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    X-ray Reflection Spectroscopy of the Black Hole GX 339-4: Exploring the Hard State with Unprecedented Sensitivity

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    We analyze {\it simultaneously} six composite {\it RXTE} spectra of GX 339--4 in the hard state comprising 77 million counts collected over 196 ks. The source spectra are ordered by luminosity and spanthe range 1.6\% to 17\% of the Eddington luminosity. Crucially, using our new tool {\tt pcacorr}, we re-calibrate the data to a precision of 0.1\%, an order of magnitude improvement over all earlier work. Using our advanced reflection model {\tt relxill}, we target the strong features in the component of emission reflected from the disk, namely, the relativistically-broadened Fe K emission line, the Fe K edge and the Compton hump. We report results for two joint fits to the six spectra: For the first fit, we fix the spin parameter to its maximal value (a∗=0.998a_*=0.998) and allow the inner disk radius RinR_{\rm in} to vary. Results include (i) precise measurements of RinR_{\rm in}, with evidence that the disk becomes slightly truncated at a few percent of Eddington; and (ii) an order-of-magnitude swing with luminosity in the high energy cutoff, which reaches >890>890 keV at our lowest luminosity. For the second fit, we make the standard assumption in estimating spin that the inner edge of the accretion disk is located at the innermost stable circular orbit (Rin=RISCOR_\mathrm{in} = R_\mathrm{ISCO}) and find a∗=0.95−0.05+0.03a_* = 0.95^{+0.03}_{-0.05} (90\% confidence, statistical). For both fits, and at the same level of statistical confidence, we estimate that the disk inclination is i=48±1i = 48\pm 1 deg and that the Fe abundance is super-solar, AFe=5±1A_\mathrm{Fe} = 5\pm1.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 20 pages, 13 figure

    Energy-dependent evolution in IC10 X-1: hard evidence for an extended corona and implications

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    We have analyzed a ~130 ks XMM-Newton observation of the dynamically confirmed black hole + Wolf-Rayet (BH+WR) X-ray binary (XB) IC10 X-1, covering ~1 orbital cycle. This system experiences periodic intensity dips every ~35 hr. We find that energy-independent evolution is rejected at a >5σ level. The spectral and timing evolution of IC10 X-1 are best explained by a compact disk blackbody and an extended Comptonized component, where the thermal component is completely absorbed and the Comptonized component is partially covered during the dip. We consider three possibilities for the absorber: cold material in the outer accretion disk, as is well documented for Galactic neutron star (NS) XBs at high inclination; a stream of stellar wind that is enhanced by traveling through the L1 point; and a spherical wind. We estimated the corona radius (r ADC) for IC10 X-1 from the dip ingress to be ~106 km, assuming absorption from the outer disk, and found it to be consistent with the relation between r ADC and 1-30 keV luminosity observed in Galactic NS XBs that spans two orders of magnitude. For the other two scenarios, the corona would be larger. Prior BH mass (M BH) estimates range over 23-38 M ☉, depending on the inclination and WR mass. For disk absorption, the inclination, i, is likely to be ~60-80°, with M BH ~ 24-41 M ☉. Alternatively, the L1-enhanced wind requires i ~ 80°, suggesting ~24-33 M ☉. For a spherical absorber, i ~ 40°, and M BH ~ 50-65 M ☉

    Genralized Robustness of Entanglement

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    The robustness of entanglement results of Vidal and Tarrach considered the problem whereby an entangled state is mixed with a separable state so that the overall state becomes non-entangled. In general it is known that there are also cases when entangled states are mixed with other entangled states and where the sum is separable. In this paper, we treat the more general case where entangled states can be mixed with any states so that the resulting mixture is unentangled. It is found that entangled pure states for this generalized case have the same robustness as the restricted case of Vidal and Tarrach.Comment: Final version. Editorial changes and references added to independent wor

    Categorification of persistent homology

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    We redevelop persistent homology (topological persistence) from a categorical point of view. The main objects of study are diagrams, indexed by the poset of real numbers, in some target category. The set of such diagrams has an interleaving distance, which we show generalizes the previously-studied bottleneck distance. To illustrate the utility of this approach, we greatly generalize previous stability results for persistence, extended persistence, and kernel, image and cokernel persistence. We give a natural construction of a category of interleavings of these diagrams, and show that if the target category is abelian, so is this category of interleavings.Comment: 27 pages, v3: minor changes, to appear in Discrete & Computational Geometr
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