1,918 research outputs found

    Comparison between high-energy proton and charged pion induced damage in Lead Tungstate calorimeter crystals

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    A Lead Tungstate crystal produced for the electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at the LHC was cut into three equal-length sections. The central one was irradiated with 290 MeV/c positive pions up to a fluence of (5.67 +- 0.46)x10^13 /cm^2, while the other two were exposed to a 24 GeV/c proton fluence of (1.17 +- 0.11) x 10^13/ cm^2. The damage recovery in these crystals, stored in the dark at room temperature, has been followed over two years. The comparison of the radiation-induced changes in light transmission for these crystals shows that damage is proportional to the star densities produced by the irradiation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Detection of Cherenkov light from air showers with Geiger-APDs

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    We have detected Cherenkov light from air showers with Geiger-mode APDs (G-APDs). G-APDs are novel semiconductor photon-detectors, which offer several advantages compared to conventional photomultiplier tubes in the field of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. In a field test with the MAGIC telescope we have tested the efficiency of a G-APD / light catcher setup to detect Cherenkov light from air showers. We estimate a detection efficiency, which is 60% higher than the efficiency of a MAGIC camera pixel. Ambient temperature dark count rates of the tested G-APDs are below the rates of the night sky light background. According to these recent tests G-APDs promise a major progress in ground-based gamma-ray astronomy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Merida, July 200

    High frequency longitudinal and transverse dynamics in water

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    High-resolution, inelastic x-ray scattering measurements of the dynamic structure factor S(Q,\omega) of liquid water have been performed for wave vectors Q between 4 and 30 nm^-1 in distinctly different thermodynamic conditions (T= 263 - 420 K ; at, or close to, ambient pressure and at P = 2 kbar). In agreement with previous inelastic x-ray and neutron studies, the presence of two inelastic contributions (one dispersing with Q and the other almost non-dispersive) is confirmed. The study of their temperature- and Q-dependence provides strong support for a dynamics of liquid water controlled by the structural relaxation process. A viscoelastic analysis of the Q-dispersing mode, associated with the longitudinal dynamics, reveals that the sound velocity undergoes the complete transition from the adiabatic sound velocity (c_0) (viscous limit) to the infinite frequency sound velocity (c_\infinity) (elastic limit). On decreasing Q, as the transition regime is approached from the elastic side, we observe a decrease of the intensity of the second, weakly dispersing feature, which completely disappears when the viscous regime is reached. These findings unambiguously identify the second excitation to be a signature of the transverse dynamics with a longitudinal symmetry component, which becomes visible in the S(Q,\omega) as soon as the purely viscous regime is left.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    A novel camera type for very high energy gamma-ray astronomy based on Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes

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    Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (G-APD) are promising new sensors for light detection in atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. In this paper, the design and commissioning of a 36-pixel G-APD prototype camera is presented. The data acquisition is based on the Domino Ring Sampling (DRS2) chip. A sub-nanosecond time resolution has been achieved. Cosmic-ray induced air showers have been recorded using an imaging mirror setup, in a self-triggered mode. This is the first time that such measurements have been carried out with a complete G-APD camera.Comment: 9 pages with 11 figure


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    PMID: 10011126PMID: 10011126 This work at the University of Sussex at supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council, U.K.PMID: 10011126 This work at the University of Sussex at supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council, U.K.PMID: 10011126 This work at the University of Sussex at supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council, U.K.We report the results of neutron-diffraction and low-energy neutron-inelastic-scattering experiments on high-purity solid C-70 between 10 and 640 K. Thermal hysteresis effects are found to accompany structural changes both on cooling and on heating. The observed diffuse scattering intensity does not change with temperature. At 10 K broad librational peaks are observed at 1.82(16) meV [full width at half maximum=1.8(5) meV]. The peaks soften and broaden further with increasing temperature. At and above room temperature, they collapse into a single quasielastic line. At 300 K, the diffusive reorientational motion appears to be somewhat anisotropic, becoming less so with increasing temperature. An isotropic rotational diffusion model, in which the motions of adjacent molecules are uncorrelated, describes well the results at 525 K. The temperature dependence of the rotational diffusion constants is consistent with a thermally activated process having an activation energy of 32(7) meV.This work at the University of Sussex at supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council, U.K

    Phonon spectrum and soft-mode behavior of MgCNi_3

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    Temperature dependent inelastic neutron-scattering measurements of the generalized phonon density-of-states for superconducting MgCNi_3, T_c=8 K, give evidence for a soft-mode behavior of low-frequency Ni phonon modes. Results are compared with ab initio density functional calculations which suggest an incipient lattice instability of the stoichiometric compound with respect to Ni vibrations orthogonal to the Ni-C bond direction.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    FACT -- The G-APD revolution in Cherenkov astronomy

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    Since two years, the FACT telescope is operating on the Canary Island of La Palma. Apart from its purpose to serve as a monitoring facility for the brightest TeV blazars, it was built as a major step to establish solid state photon counters as detectors in Cherenkov astronomy. The camera of the First G-APD Cherenkov Telesope comprises 1440 Geiger-mode avalanche photo diodes (G-APD), equipped with solid light guides to increase the effective light collection area of each sensor. Since no sense-line is available, a special challenge is to keep the applied voltage stable although the current drawn by the G-APD depends on the flux of night-sky background photons significantly varying with ambient light conditions. Methods have been developed to keep the temperature and voltage dependent response of the G-APDs stable during operation. As a cross-check, dark count spectra with high statistics have been taken under different environmental conditions. In this presentation, the project, the developed methods and the experience from two years of operation of the first G-APD based camera in Cherenkov astronomy under changing environmental conditions will be presented.Comment: Proceedings of the Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE-NSS/MIC), 201

    FACT - The First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope: Status and Results

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    The First G-APD Cherenkov telescope (FACT) is the first telescope using silicon photon detectors (G-APD aka. SiPM). It is built on the mount of the HEGRA CT3 telescope, still located at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, and it is successfully in operation since Oct. 2011. The use of Silicon devices promises a higher photon detection efficiency, more robustness and higher precision than photo-multiplier tubes. The FACT collaboration is investigating with which precision these devices can be operated on the long-term. Currently, the telescope is successfully operated from remote and robotic operation is under development. During the past months of operation, the foreseen monitoring program of the brightest known TeV blazars has been carried out, and first physics results have been obtained including a strong flare of Mrk501. An instantaneous flare alert system is already in a testing phase. This presentation will give an overview of the project and summarize its goals, status and first results

    FACT -- the First Cherenkov Telescope using a G-APD Camera for TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy (HEAD 2010)

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    Geiger-mode Avalanche Photodiodes (G-APD) bear the potential to significantly improve the sensitivity of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT). We are currently building the First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope (FACT) by refurbishing an old IACT with a mirror area of 9.5 square meters and construct a new, fine pixelized camera using novel G-APDs. The main goal is to evaluate the performance of a complete system by observing very high energy gamma-rays from the Crab Nebula. This is an important field test to check the feasibility of G-APD-based cameras to replace at some time the PMT-based cameras of planned future IACTs like AGIS and CTA. In this article, we present the basic design of such a camera as well as some important details to be taken into account.Comment: Poster shown at HEAD 2010, Big Island, Hawaii, March 1-4, 201
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