204 research outputs found

    Rilevazione statistica della diffusione dei fenomeni di binge drinking, drunkoressia e gambling tra gli adolescenti palermitani

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    L\u2019obiettivo dello studio \ue8 l\u2019analisi della diffusione dei comportamenti riconducibili ai fenomeni di Binge Drinking, Drunkoressia e Gambling in individui che possiedono un\u2019et\ue0 compresa tra i 13 e 20 anni: si \ue8 deciso di analizzare nello specifico tale fascia d\u2019et\ue0 poich\ue9 la propensione di alcuni soggetti ad assumere condotte pericolose per la propria salute risulta essere particolarmente alta proprio durante la fase adolescenziale. Quest\u2019ultimo \ue8 infatti un periodo di intenso sviluppo neuro- cognitivo che conduce a cambiamenti importanti ai fini del comportamento, dell\u2019affettivit\ue0, della ricerca e della selezione di stimoli pi\uf9 gratificanti: il risultato \ue8 un aumento della predisposizione ad assumere atteggiamenti rischiosi, quali ad esempio abusare d\u2019alcool o giocare d\u2019azzardo.Al fine di ottenere informazioni inerenti all\u2019epidemiologia dei fenomeni sopracitati e ai rischi sulle problematicit\ue0 correlate, \ue8 stato creato un questionario che si articola in otto quesiti totali distribuiti all\u2019interno di due sezioni: in una prima parte si \ue8 deciso di formulare quattro domande relative alle abitudini sul consumo di alcoolici per ricercare atteggiamenti connessi al binge drinking e alla drunkoressia; invece la seconda sezione \ue8 riservata al gambling ed \ue8 anch\u2019essa costituita da quattro quesiti mirati, volti ad evidenziarne la diffusione. Il test \ue8 stato somministrato singolarmente ed in forma anonima, nel periodo compreso fra gennaio e maggio 2017, a studenti dai 13 e ai 20 anni, durante l\u2019orario scolastico. Hanno partecipato a questo studio 2831 studenti palermitani, di cui 1882 femmine e 949 maschi, provenienti dai seguenti istituti secondari di secondo grado: Istituto Magistrale Statale C. Finocchiaro Aprile, Istituto di istruzione superiore Francesco Ferrara, IPSSAR Francesco Paolo Cascino, Istituto profes- sionale e commerciale Luigi Einaudi, Liceo Artistico Statale Catalano, Liceo Classico Vittorio Emanuele II, Istituto magistrale statale De Cosmi. Lo studio ha fatto emergere un preoccupante incremento, tra la popolazione giovanile, di comportamenti correlabili al binge drinking, alla drunkoressia ed al gambling, suggerendo una sempre pi\uf9 mirata azione di prevenzione primaria e promozione della salute, soprattutto in una fascia molto vulnerabile quale quella adolescenzial

    Medicinal Mushrooms: Bioactive Compounds, Use, and Clinical Trials

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    Medicinal mushrooms have important health benefits and exhibit a broad spectrum of pharmacological activities, including antiallergic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiviral, cytotoxic, immunomodulating, antidepressive, antihyperlipidemic, antidiabetic, digestive, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, nephroprotective, osteoprotective, and hypotensive activities. The growing interest in mycotherapy requires a strong commitment from the scientific community to expand clinical trials and to propose supplements of safe origin and genetic purity. Bioactive compounds of selected medicinal mushrooms and their effects and mechanisms in in vitro and in vivo clinical studies are reported in this review. Besides, we analyzed the therapeutic use and pharmacological activities of mushrooms

    Rilevazione statistica della diffusione e della conoscenza di sostanze dopanti, integratori e dell' Exercise Addiction

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    I benefici derivanti dalla pratica dell'esercizio fisico sono stati ampiamente documentati. Tuttavia, l’eccessivo ricorso alla attività fisica può condurre alla messa in atto di pattern compulsivi di allenamento che possono evolversi in una vera e propria patologia: l' exercise addiction. Studi recenti suggeriscono l'espansione di due fenomeni: il doping amatoriale e l'abuso di integratori per lo sport. Sono stati somministrati 686 test. I partecipanti allo studio sono stati scelti tra studenti di scuola media superiore, studenti universitari e frequentatori di ambienti sportivi. Il 42,5% degli intervistati dichiara di assumere sostanze per migliorare le prestazioni sportive e quindi di doparsi. Il 30,23% assume integratori. Una percentuale compresa tra il 35 e l'88,35 % dichiara di non conoscere le sostanze proposte.Il 15,8% dei rispondenti è a “rischio” di exercise addiction, il 71,7% è classificato come “sintomatico”. E' stata infine indagata quale possibile correlazione potesse esserci tra le variabili in esame. La statistica test X2 evidenzia che non vi è alcuna associazione , in altre parole non sembra esserci relazione tra il rischio di dipendenza dall' esercizio fisico e l'assunzione di sostanze. L'analisi dei dati raccolti suggerisce invece che vi sia un'espansione del fenomeno del doping in ambiente amatoriale e che vi sia una scriteriata e incongrua assunzione di integratori per lo sport. La presente ricerca suggerisce che occorre compiere interventi immediati sia a livello di informazione che di prevenzione , in cui al farmacista sia affidato un ruolo di primo piano

    The Checklist of Sicilian Macrofungi: Second Edition

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    Approximately 30 years after the publication of the first Sicilian checklist of macrofungi,a new updated version is presented here. The census of macromycetes was carried out through periodic observations in different agricultural and forest ecosystems, in urban areas, in public and private gardens, and in botanical gardens. The 1919 infraspecific taxa included in 508 genera belonging to 152 families were collected in the Sicilian territory. Ectomycorrhizal fungi are the most represented ecological category, followed by saprotrophs on wood, saprotrophs on litter, and terricolous saprotrophs. The interest in this rich group of organisms is evidenced by the nutritional and therapeutic value of a high percentage of species. The actions linked to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and The Network for the Study of Mycological Diversity will further increase the number of macrofungi for Sicily in the future

    CA-IX-Expressing Small Extracellular Vesicles (sEVs) Are Released by Melanoma Cells under Hypoxia and in the Blood of Advanced Melanoma Patients

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    Cutaneous melanoma is a highly aggressive skin cancer, with poor prognosis. The tumor microenvironment is characterized by areas of hypoxia. Carbonic anhydrase IX (CA-IX) is a marker of tumor hypoxia and its expression is regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). CA-IX has been found to be highly expressed in invasive melanomas. In this study, we investigated the effects of hypoxia on the release of small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) in two melanoma in vitro models. We demonstrated that melanoma cells release sEVs under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions, but only hypoxia-induced sEVs express CA-IX mRNA and protein. Moreover, we optimized an ELISA assay to provide evidence for CA-IX protein expression on the membranes of the sEVs. These CA-IX-positive sEVs may be exploited as potential biomarkers for liquid biopsy

    Microbial Safety of Black Summer Truffle Collected from Sicily and Umbria Regions, Italy

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    Background: Tuber aestivum Vittad., known as black summer truffle, represents high-value food especially used as garnishment in nouvelle cuisine. The aim of this study was to investigate on the viable microbial populations associated with T. aestivum ascomata collected in different sites of Sicily and one locality of Umbria (Italy). Methods: The ripe ascomata of black summer truffles were collected from Central Italy. Cell densities of spoilage bacteria, fecal indicators, potential pathogens, yeasts, and molds were analyzed. Statistical analysis was conducted with XLSTAT software. Results: The microbiological counts of truffles ranged between 6.00 and 9.63 log Colony Forming Unit (CFU)/g for total mesophilic count and between 6.18 and 8.55 log CFU/g for total psychrotrophic count; pseudomonads were in the range 6.98-9.28 log CFU/g. Listeria spp. and coagulase-positive streptococci detected in no samples. Coagulasenegative streptococci were found in some samples with 2.11-4.76 log CFU/g levels. Yeasts and filamentous fungi were detected at consistent levels of 3.60-7.81 log CFU/g. Significant differences (p<0.01) were found between samples and also for all microbial groups. Conclusion: This study evidenced that the common brushing procedure applied for preparation of truffles is not sufficient to eliminate microbial risks for consumers. The application of an efficient decontamination treatment is strongly suggested before consumption of fresh truffles

    Forest nurseries and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan: the case of Sicily and Apulia (Italy)

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    In Italy, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) foresees the planting of ca. 6.6 million trees to establish urban and peri-urban forests in 14 metropolitan cities. This ambitious project requires a significant number of native trees and shrubs, currently unavailable in Italian public and private nurseries. This survey analyzes the state of forest nurseries in two administrative regions of southern Italy, i.e. the “Filici” forest nursery (province of Agrigento, Sicily) and the Gargano Mountain Reclamation Consortium (province of Foggia, Apulia), to evaluate the adequacy of Sicilian and Apulian forest nurseries as potential sources of plant material to meet the requirements of the NRRP. The census carried out at the “Filici” nursery revealed the presence of more than 22,000 seedlings in cultivation, comprising 55 species, 26 genera, and 26 families. The autochthonous species are 43 (78.2%), while the exotic ones are 12 (21.8%). The Gargano Mountain Reclamation Consortium forest nursery has 190,876 seedlings in cultivation. A total of 80 species are present, belonging to 59 genera and 32 families. Of these, 68 (85%) are native species, 12 (15%) are exotic. An analysis of the plant material being cultivated in these forest nurseries shows the presence of a share of autochthonous species of interest for urban reforestation initiatives, however these are still insufficient in number