24,332 research outputs found

    Surface phase separation in nanosized charge-ordered manganites

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    Recent experiments showed that the robust charge-ordering in manganites can be weakened by reducing the grain size down to nanoscale. Weak ferromagnetism was evidenced in both nanoparticles and nanowires of charge-ordered manganites. To explain these observations, a phenomenological model based on surface phase separation is proposed. The relaxation of superexchange interaction on the surface layer allows formation of a ferromagnetic shell, whose thickness increases with decreasing grain size. Possible exchange bias and softening of the ferromagnetic transition in nanosized charge-ordered manganites are predicted.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Hall coefficient and Hc2 in underdoped LaFeAsO0.95F0.05

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    The electrical resistivity and Hall coefficient of LaFeAsO0.95F0.05 polycrystalline samples were measured in pulsed magnetic fields up to m0H = 60 T from room temperature to 1.5 K. The resistance of the normal state shows a negative temperature coefficient (dr/dT < 0) below 70 K for this composition, indicating insulating ground state in underdoped LaFeAsO system in contrast to heavily doped compound. The charge carrier density obtained from Hall effect can be described as constant plus a thermally activated term with an energy gap DE = 630 K. Upper critical field, Hc2, estimated from resistivity measurements, exceeds 75 T with zero-field Tc = 26.3 K, suggesting an unconventional nature for superconductivity.Comment: 12 pages and 4 figure

    Possibility of Unconventional Pairing Due to Coulomb Interaction in Fe-Based Pnictide Superconductors: Perturbative Analysis of Multi-Band Hubbard Models

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    Possibility of unconventional pairing due to Coulomb interaction in iron-pnictide superconductors is studied by applying a perturbative approach to realistic 2- and 5-band Hubbard models. The linearized Eliashberg equation is solved by expanding the effective pairing interaction perturbatively up to third order in the on-site Coulomb integrals. The numerical results for the 5-band model suggest that the eigenvalues of the Eliashberg equation are sufficiently large to explain the actual high Tc for realistic values of Coulomb interaction and the most probable pairing state is spin-singlet s-wave without any nodes just on the Fermi surfaces, although the superconducting order parameter changes its sign between the small Fermi pockets. On the other hand the 2-band model is quite insufficient to explain the actual high Tc.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the Intl. Symposium on Fe-Oxypnictide Superconductors (Tokyo, 28-29th June 2008

    Magnetic Interaction in the Geometrically Frustrated Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet CuFeO2\rm CuFeO_2

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    The spin wave excitations of the geometrically frustrated triangular lattice antiferromagnet (TLA) CuFeO2\rm CuFeO_2 have been measured using high resolution inelastic neutron scattering. Antiferromagnetic interactions up to third nearest neighbors in the ab plane (J_1, J_2, J_3, with J2/J1≈0.44J_2/J_1 \approx 0.44 and J3/J1≈0.57J_3/J_1 \approx 0.57), as well as out-of-plane coupling (J_z, with Jz/J1≈0.29J_z/J_1 \approx 0.29) are required to describe the spin wave dispersion relations, indicating a three dimensional character of the magnetic interactions. Two energy dips in the spin wave dispersion occur at the incommensurate wavevectors associated with multiferroic phase, and can be interpreted as dynamic precursors to the magnetoelectric behavior in this system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Recurrence interval analysis of high-frequency financial returns and its application to risk estimation

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    We investigate the probability distributions of the recurrence intervals τ\tau between consecutive 1-min returns above a positive threshold q>0q>0 or below a negative threshold q<0q<0 of two indices and 20 individual stocks in China's stock market. The distributions of recurrence intervals for positive and negative thresholds are symmetric, and display power-law tails tested by three goodness-of-fit measures including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic, the weighted KS statistic and the Cram\'er-von Mises criterion. Both long-term and shot-term memory effects are observed in the recurrence intervals for positive and negative thresholds qq. We further apply the recurrence interval analysis to the risk estimation for the Chinese stock markets based on the probability Wq(Δt,t)W_q(\Delta{t},t), Value-at-Risk (VaR) analysis and VaR analysis conditioned on preceding recurrence intervals.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    The branch processes of vortex filaments and Hopf Invariant Constraint on Scroll Wave

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    In this paper, by making use of Duan's topological current theory, the evolution of the vortex filaments in excitable media is discussed in detail. The vortex filaments are found generating or annihilating at the limit points and encountering, splitting, or merging at the bifurcation points of a complex function Z(x⃗,t)Z(\vec{x},t). It is also shown that the Hopf invariant of knotted scroll wave filaments is preserved in the branch processes (splitting, merging, or encountering) during the evolution of these knotted scroll wave filaments. Furthermore, it also revealed that the "exclusion principle" in some chemical media is just the special case of the Hopf invariant constraint, and during the branch processes the "exclusion principle" is also protected by topology.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Plasmon assisted transmission of high dimensional orbital angular momentum entangled state

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    We present an experimental evidence that high dimensional orbital angular momentum entanglement of a pair of photons can be survived after a photon-plasmon-photon conversion. The information of spatial modes can be coherently transmitted by surface plasmons. This experiment primarily studies the high dimensional entangled systems based on surface plasmon with subwavelength structures. It maybe useful in the investigation of spatial mode properties of surface plasmon assisted transmission through subwavelength hole arrays.Comment: 7 pages,6 figure
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