31 research outputs found

    Splenotoxic Potentials of Chloroquine, Fansidar, Cotecxin and Amalar

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    The Histologic studies on the spleen was carried out with Chloroquine, Fansidar, Cotecxin and Amalar to observe any pathologic effect(s) on the tissue on comparative basis. The study revealed some degenerated white pulps and wider interstitial spaces with chloroquine drug not observed in control samples. Also animals with fansidar administration showed clumping of periateriolar lymphoid cells in the white pulp not shown in the control group without any drug. In the Amalar group the spleen showed sinuisoidal dilation in the red pulp with macrophages scattered around it but not in the form of activation. For cotecxin drug there was the degeneration of periarteriolar lymphoid sheaths with residue of the infiltrated cells in the arterioles. It is concluded that chloroquine, fansidar, cotecxin may induce jaundice and splenic disorders. Keywords: splenomegaly, splenic rupture, anti-malaria drugs

    Assessment of Intracellular and Extracellular Fluids (Icf, Ecf) Compartments with Antimal, Chloroquine, Coartem, Fansidar and Malareich

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    Quantitative assay with spectrophotometer was used in the determination of plasma sodium, potassium and chloride concentration in the administration of antimal, chloroquine, coartem, fansidar and malareich antimalaria drugs. In the antimal group there was no significant difference in the sodium, potassium and chloride concentration in the plasma when compared with control (P>0.05). Also in the chloroquine group, the sodium and chloride concentrations were not significantly different from the control (P>0.05). However, there was low concentration of potassium which was significant when compared with control (P<0.05). In the Fansidar administration there was no significant difference in sodium, potassium and chloride concentration when compared with control, (P>0.05). Also in the malareich group, the sodium and chloride concentrations showed no significant difference with the control (P>0.05). But there was significant difference in potassium concentration when compared with control (P<0.05). The study observed that chloroquine and malareich therapy affect extracellular fluid compartment of the body and induced hypokalaemia which may result in deficit cell membrane potential and the related general body muscle weakness. Keyword: Hypokalaemia, antimalarials, ICF, ECF

    Phytochemical screening and effect of aqueous root extract of Raphia hookeri (raffia palm) on metabolic clearance rate of ethanol in rabbits

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    The phytochemical screening of the aqueous root extract of Raphia hookeri (Raffia palm) and its effect on plasma ethanol level in male rabbits were investigated. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of tannins, flavonoids sterol/triterpenes and saponins in high concentrations. Cardiac ghycosides and alkaloids were detected in moderate amounts while cyanogenetic glycosides and deoxysugars were present in trace amounts. The extract was however devoid of reducing sugars, phlobatannins, chlorogenic acid and anthraquinone glycosides. Rabbits given root extract of Raphia hookeri orally prior to ethanol adminstration were found to metabolize ethanol faster than the control. The metabolic clearnce rate (MCR) of the test animals was 12% higher than the control. This suggest the effect of the extract on ethanol clearance rate in Rabbit

    Effective Angle of Attack Control of a Flat Plate Flapping-Foil Turbine

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