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3 research outputs found
Smooth statistical modeling of bivariate non-monotonic data by a three-stage LUT neural system
A El-Shafie
A Najah
+30 more
DE Specht
E Goetghebeur
E Klassen
F Evrendilek
F Saâdaoui
G Simsion
HJ Motulsky
J Wu
JS Domínguez-Menchero
L Esaki
M Smith
Nicola Fioranelli
P Hájek
R Luss
R Yu
RB Conolly
RE Barlow
RJ Tibshirani
RW Duren
S Fiori
S Fiori
S Fiori
S Fiori
S Fiori
S Prabhu
Simone Fiori
TO Owolabi
WW Guo
Y-J Feng
Z Abdolahzare
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Short-term prediction of market-clearing price of electricity in the presence of wind power plants by a hybrid intelligent system
A Aghajani
A Dukpa
+64 more
A Kaur
Afshin Aghajani
Afshin Ebrahimi
AJ Conejo
AJ Turner
AM González
AS Pandey
AU Haque
C Lucas
CH Jin
CP Rodriguez
F Camastra
F Camastra
F Jolai
F Manzano-Agugliaro
F Saâdaoui
FG Montoya
FJ Nogales
G Osório
H Madsen
H Shayeghi
H Taherian
HS Sandhu
IG Damousis
IP Panapakidis
J Catalao
J Catalao
J Catalão
J Jung
J Kabouris
J MacCormack
L Exizidis
M Hibon
M Shahidehpour
M Tripathi
N Amjady
N Amjady
N Amjady
N Amjady
N Amjady
N Amjady
N Azizi
N Bigdeli
O Abedinia
O Abedinia
P Hu
P Mandal
Q Hernandez-Escobedo
R Arjmand
R Koppejan
Rasool Kazemzadeh
S Anbazhagan
S Fan
S Li
S Shafiee
S Voronin
SG Mallat
SK Aggarwal
T Niknam
T Senjyu
V Vahidinasab
Y He
YY Hong
Z Liu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Maximal tachycardia and high cardiac strain during night shifts of emergency physicians
A Khaleque
A Klasan
+79 more
A Lopez-Gonzalez
A Steptoe
AA Kamal
AB Blum
Alain Chamoux
AN Garman
AR Goldstone
B O Hartaigh
BN Uchino
BS McEwen
C Sanderson
CC Grant
Christophe Perrier
DD Christou
DL Streiner
E Kamon
F Dutheil
F Dutheil
F Gordon
F Lille
Farès Moustafa
FG Pajonk
Fouad Marhar
Foued Saâdaoui
Frédéric Dutheil
FX Lesage
FX Lesage
G Calcagnini
G Costa
G Costa
Geraldine Naughton
Gil Boudet
GR Schmitz
H Zeier
HP Mulders
I Hadjiolova
J Dugan
JE Manning
Jeannot Schmidt
JR Frank
JS Petrofsky
K Levesque
K Ogungbenro
K Ueshima
KP Savonen
KP Savonen
KY Chen
L Sandvik
L Schmitt
LM Riggs Jr
M Estryn-Behar
M Garet
M Kivimaki
Martial Mermillod
MV Vyas
Pascal Huguet
PG Jorna
PJ Baldwin
PL Wong del
PO Astrand
PS McKinley
R Biswas
RC Kruijsdijk van
RJ Simpson
RL Gellish
S Genovesi
S Hunziker
S Hunziker
S Pieper
SI Lindeberg
SM Schneider
T Chandola
T Klonowicz
T Makowiec-Dabrowska
T Tomas
TG Vrijkotte
TH Holmes
YK Lee
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text