63 research outputs found

    Circadian rhythm of hepatic cytosolic and nuclear estrogen receptors

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    The distribution of estrogen receptor between the cytosolic and nuclear compartments were evaluated in liver of male rats to determine whether a circadian rhythm exists. Cytosolic receptor reached a maximum level at 400 hours and a minimum at 2000 and 2400 hr. Nuclear receptor reached a maximum level at 800 hr and was lowest at 1600 and 2000 hr. Serum estradiol levels were also highest at 800 hr and lowest at 1600 hr. The variations in cytosolic and nuclear receptors are not reciprocal; in fact, the overall content of receptor in the liver is not constant and also displays a circadian rhythm. © 1986 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Regulation of human endometrial function: mechanisms relevant to uterine bleeding

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    This review focuses on the complex events that occur in the endometrium after progesterone is withdrawn (or blocked) and menstrual bleeding ensues. A detailed understanding of these local mechanisms will enhance our knowledge of disturbed endometrial/uterine function – including problems with excessively heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriosis and breakthrough bleeding with progestin only contraception. The development of novel strategies to manage these clinically significant problems depends on such new understanding as does the development of new contraceptives which avoid the endometrial side effect of breakthrough bleeding