150 research outputs found

    Soil and landscape changes in ancient agricultural areas (exemplified by antique Olbia)

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    We report results from studying the landscapes of the rural surroundings of antique Olbia and substantiate the indicators of long-term agrogenic transformation of the physicochemical properties of dry- steppe soils which have experienced long-lasting agricultural pressuresyesBelgorod State Universit

    Soil catenas in archeological landscapes

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    Soil catenas crossing various archeological objects with an age of 360-1800 years have been studied in the subzones of dark chestnut soils and typical, ordinary, and southern chernozems in the East European PlainyesBelgorod State Universit

    Interannual Variation in Productivity of Steppe Pastures as Related to Climatic Changes

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    The results of long-term stationary research on the assessment of aboveground phytomass and soil moisture dynamics in a steppe pasture are presented. An analysis of annual and interannual variation in meteorological parameters over the study period has been performed, and, on this basis, the dependence of productivity on climatic changes has been determined = Результаты многолетних стационарных исследований по оценке массы растительного вещества в надземном ярусе степного пастбища и динамики почвенной влаги. Анализ зависимости продуктивности от метеорологических условийyesБелГ

    Peculiarities of Soils on the Sand Bar of the Evpatoria Group of Lakes = Особенности почв на песчаном баре Евпаторийской группы озер

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    Рассмотрено морфологическое строение и физико-химические свойства разновозрастных почв, которые сформированы на аккумулятивных формах морских берегов Северо-Западного Крым

    Soil reproduction in steppe ecosystems of different ages

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    Features of the development of steppe chernozems were established based on the study of soils of different age groups at archaeological sites. Differences in the formation of phytomass and morphological maturity of the soil profile in the recovery of different age successions were shown. A regional model of the humus horizon steppe soil over time allowed us to estimate the time interval at which the processes of humus accumulation and morphological maturity of the soil profile are relatively at equilibriumyesBelgorod State Universit

    Utilizzo come naturale antichi modelli di studio carriole pedo-geomorfologico rapporto

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    Definire la posizione di suoli moderne in scala temporale interno apre nuove prospettive per la comprensione delle loro capacità di informazione. Suolo, storia naturale come un corpo che serve autentici "banca" record di fondamentale importanza fasi di sviluppo dello spazio-tempo del paesaggio. Proprietà del suolo stabili e conservatori che si acquisiscono come risultato della loro evoluzione, di magazzinaggio e registrate nella memoria del terreno (pedomemory, pedorecor

    Restoration of agricultural lands affected by erosional degradation

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    The characteristics of bioclimatic dependence of restoration of the humus horizon of soils with different degrees of its preservation are established. The prospects of using an adaptation model of ecological restoration of lands degraded as a result of erosion are shownyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Periodization of anthropogenically determined evolution of steppe ecosystems

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    Analysis of the evolution of the vegetation cover of the Northern Black Sea Region. Dynamics of humus formation, biogeochemical transformation and erosion destructio

    Paleoecological Conditions Antiquity in the Northern Black Sea Region  (According to the Sedimentation in Lake Saki, Crimea)

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    Information about the processes of lake sedimentation in the northern Black Sea coast, and time series analysis of modern computer processing techniques opens up the possibility of a chronological correlation between the scale of climate change and the main ethnic-historical and economic processes which characterized the ancient statehood zone in its key historical manifestation

    Soil development in anthropogenically disturbed forest-steppe landscapes

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    The results of long-term studies of chernozem development in anthropogenically disturbed landscapes of the forest-steppe zone are discussed. Parameters characterizing the formation of the humus horizon of chernozems and the rate of this process are presented. Critical points and characteristic times of the formation of humus horizons are determined. The regeneration of soil properties as dependent on the degree of anthropogenic disturbance of chernozems is estimated