35 research outputs found

    Stress analysis in a layered aortic arch model under pulsatile blood flow

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    BACKGROUND: Many cardiovascular diseases, such as aortic dissection, frequently occur on the aortic arch and fluid-structure interactions play an important role in the cardiovascular system. Mechanical stress is crucial in the functioning of the cardiovascular system; therefore, stress analysis is a useful tool for understanding vascular pathophysiology. The present study is concerned with the stress distribution in a layered aortic arch model with interaction between pulsatile flow and the wall of the blood vessel. METHODS: A three-dimensional (3D) layered aortic arch model was constructed based on the aortic wall structure and arch shape. The complex mechanical interaction between pulsatile blood flow and wall dynamics in the aortic arch model was simulated by means of computational loose coupling fluid-structure interaction analyses. RESULTS: The results showed the variations of mechanical stress along the outer wall of the arch during the cardiac cycle. Variations of circumferential stress are very similar to variations of pressure. Composite stress in the aortic wall plane is high at the ascending portion of the arch and along the top of the arch, and is higher in the media than in the intima and adventitia across the wall thickness. CONCLUSION: Our analysis indicates that circumferential stress in the aortic wall is directly associated with blood pressure, supporting the clinical importance of blood pressure control. High stress in the aortic wall could be a risk factor in aortic dissections. Our numerical layered aortic model may prove useful for biomechanical analyses and for studying the pathogeneses of aortic dissection

    Exogenous glucose oxidation during exercise in relation to the power output.

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    peer reviewedIn order to study the influence of the power output on the oxidation rate of exogenous glucose and on the contribution of the various substrates to the energy demand, we combined the use of artificially enriched 13C-glucose with classical indirect calorimetry during uphill treadmill exercise. Six young male healthy subjects underwent three exercise bouts, in a randomized order and at least two weeks apart, at a low (45% VO2max, 1822 +/- 194 ml O2/min for 4 hours), moderate (60% VO2max, 2582 +/- 226 ml O2/min for 3 hours), and high intensity (75% VO2max, 3036 +/- 287 ml O2/min for 2 hours). After 10 min of exercise, each subject ingested 100 g of artificially 13C-labelled glucose dissolved in 400 ml of water. Over the four hours of the exercise at 45% VO2max, the amount of exogenous glucose oxidized was 89.5 +/- 5.9 g from the 100 g ingested. In all exercise bouts, the oxidation of exogenous glucose already began during the first 30 min after ingestion and peaked at 120 min. The maximum oxidation rates averaged 0.64 +/- 0.07, 0.75 +/- 0.04, and 0.63 +/- 0.08 g/min, and the mean amounts of exogenous glucose oxidized over the first two hours averaged 51.7 +/- 8.0, 61.5 +/- 6.6 and 50.9 +/- 8.45 g, at 45, 60 and 75% VO2max respectively. The contribution of the oxidation of exogenous glucose to the total energy supply progressively decreased when the power output increased, from 19.6 to 12.2%. In the meantime, the contribution of total carbohydrates (exogenous+endogenous) progressively increased from 55.1 to 77.8% while the contribution of lipids decreased from 35.5 to 16.6%. In conclusion, exogenous glucose ingested during exercise is largely oxidized and strongly contributes to the energy supply. The oxidation rate first increases with the power output, but levels off or even decreases at high intensity exercise

    Effect of osmolality on availability of glucose ingested during prolonged exercise in humans.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether the osmolality of a glucose solution, ingested at the beginning of a prolonged exercise bout, affects exogenous glucose disposal. We investigated the hormonal and metabolic response to a 50-g glucose load dissolved in either 200 (protocol A), 400 (protocol B), or 600 (protocol C) ml of water and given orally 15 min after adaptation to exercise in five healthy male volunteers. Naturally labeled [13C]glucose was used to follow the conversion of the ingested glucose to expired-air CO2. Total carbohydrate oxidation (indirect calorimetry) was similar in the three protocols (A, 237 +/- 20; B, 258 +/- 17; C, 276 +/- 20 g/4 h), as was lipid oxidation (A, 128 +/- 4; B, 132 +/- 15; C, 124 +/- 12 g/4 h). Exogenous glucose oxidation rates were similar under the three experimental conditions, and the total amount of exogenous glucose utilized was slightly, but not significantly, increased with the more diluted solution (A, 42.6 +/- 4.4; B, 43.4 +/- 4.1; C, 48.7 +/- 7.2 g/4 h). The blood glucose response was similar in the three protocols. Thus, within the range investigated, the osmolality of the glucose solution ingested had no significant influence either on its oxidation (which was 86-98% of the load ingested) or on the utilization of endogenous carbohydrate, lipid, or protein stores

    Endogenous substrate oxidation during exercise and variations in breath 13CO2/12CO2.

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    This study attempted to induce a major shift in the utilization of endogenous substrates during exercise in men by the use of a potent inhibitor of adipose tissue lipolysis, Acipimox, and to see to what extent this affects the 13C/12C ratio in expired air CO2. Six healthy volunteers exercised for 3 h on a treadmill at approximately 45% of their maximum O2 uptake, 75 min after having ingested either a placebo or 250 mg Acipimox. The rise in plasma free fatty acids and glycerol was almost totally prevented by Acipimox, and no significant rise in the utilization of lipids, evaluated by indirect calorimetry, was observed. Total carbohydrate oxidation averaged 128 +/- 17 (placebo) and 182 +/- 21 g/3 h (Acipimox). Conversely, total lipid oxidation was 84 +/- 5 (placebo) and 57 +/- 6 g/3 h (Acipimox; P < 0.01). Under placebo, changes in expired air CO2 delta 13C were minimal, with only a 0.49/1000 significant rise at 30 min. In contrast, under Acipimox, the rise in expired air CO2 delta 13C averaged 1/1000 and was significant throughout the 3-h exercise bout; in these conditions calculation of a "pseudooxidation" of an exogenous sugar naturally or artificially enriched in 13C, but not ingested, would have given an erroneous value of 19.8 +/- 2.6 g/3 h. Thus under conditions of extreme changes in endogenous substrate utilization, an appropriate control experiment is mandatory when studying exogenous substrate oxidation by 13C-labeled substrates and isotope-ratio mass spectrometry measurements on expired air CO2

    Modelling the Arterial Wall by Finite Elements

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    The mechanical behaviour of the arterial wall was determined theoretically utilizing some parameters of blood flow measured in vivo. Continuous experimental measurements of pressure and diameter were recorded in anesthetized dogs on the thoracic ascending and midabdominal aorta. The pressure was measured by using a catheter, and the diameter firstly, at the same site, by a plethysmograph with mercury gauge and secondly, by a sonomicrometer with ferroelectric ceramic transducers. The unstressed radius and thickness were measured at the end of each experiment in situ. Considering that the viscous component is not important relatively to the nonlinear component of the elasticity and utilizing several equations for Young modulus calculation (thick and thin wall circular cylindrical tube formulas and Bergel's equation) the following values were obtained for this parameter: 0.6 MPa-2 MPa in midabdominal aorta and 2 MPa-6.5 MPa in thoracic ascending aorta. The behaviour of the aorta wall was modelled considering an elastic law and using the finite element program "Lagamine" working in large deformations. The discretized equilibrium equations are non-linear and a unique axi-symmetric, iso-parametric element of 1 cm in length with 8 knots was used for this bi-dimensional problem. The theoretical estimation of radius vessel, utilizing a constant 5 MPa Young modulus and also a variable one, are in good agreement with the experimental results, showing that this finite element model can be applied to study mechanical properties of the arteries in physiological and pathological conditions

    Changes in breath 13CO2/12CO2 during exercise of different intensities.

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    The measurement of breath 13CO2/12CO2 is commonly used during exercise to evaluate the oxidation rate of exogenous carbohydrates enriched in 13C. The aim of this study was to investigate whether exercise itself affects the 13C/12C ratio in expired air CO2 in relation to exercise intensity. The relative abundance of 13C and 12C in expired air CO2 was determined by isotoperatio mass spectrometry and expressed as delta 13C (in %o) by using Craig's formula and calibrated standards. Five healthy young men exercised on a treadmill after an overnight fast during > or = 105 min on four occasions and in a randomized order. Work rates were performed at approximately 30, 45, 60, and 75% of their maximal O2 uptake (VO2max). Delta 13C in expired air CO2 and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were determined every 15 or 30 min during exercise. At 30 and 45% VO2max, a slight and not statistically significant increase in delta 13C was observed at 30 min. In contrast, at 60 75% VO2max, the rise was statistically significant and averaged 0.83 and 0.99%o, respectively. Average delta 13C (between 0 and 105 min) progressively increased with the intensity of exercise. Individual values of delta 13C and RER were positively correlated (r = 0.653, P = 0.002) as were values of delta 13C and endogenous carbohydrates utilized (r = 0.752, P < 0.001). Factitious or "pseudooxidation" of a 13C-enriched exogenous glucose load (indeed noningested) was calculated from the changes in expired air delta 13C. Over the whole period of exercise it was not statistically significant at 30 and 40% VO2max. However, over the first 60 min of exercise, such pseudooxidation of exogenous glucose was significant at 30 and 45% VO2max. In conclusion, by modifying the mix of endogenous substrates oxidized, exercise at 60% VO2max and above significantly increases the 13C/12C ratio in expired air CO2. At these intensities, this could lead to overestimation of the oxidation of 13C-labeled substrates given orally. At lower intensities of exercise, such overestimation is much smaller an affects mainly the values recorded during the initial part of the exercise bout