32 research outputs found

    Superconducting Coherent States for an Extended Hubbard Model

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    An extended Hubbard model with phonons is considered. q-coherent states relative to the superconducting quantum symmetry of the model are constructed and their properties studied. It is shown that they can have energy expectation lower than eigenstates constructed via conventional processes and that they exhibit ODLRO.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Z3-graded Grassmann Variables, Parafermions and their Coherent States

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    A relation between the Z3Z_3-graded Grassmann variables and parafermions is established. Coherent states are constructed as a direct consequence of such a relationship. We also give the analog of the Bargmann-Fock representation in terms of these Grassmann variables.Comment: 8 page

    Hot electron cooling by acoustic phonons in graphene

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    We have investigated the energy loss of hot electrons in metallic graphene by means of GHz noise thermometry at liquid helium temperature. We observe the electronic temperature T / V at low bias in agreement with the heat diffusion to the leads described by the Wiedemann-Franz law. We report on T∝VT\propto\sqrt{V} behavior at high bias, which corresponds to a T4 dependence of the cooling power. This is the signature of a 2D acoustic phonon cooling mechanism. From a heat equation analysis of the two regimes we extract accurate values of the electron-acoustic phonon coupling constant Σ\Sigma in monolayer graphene. Our measurements point to an important effect of lattice disorder in the reduction of Σ\Sigma, not yet considered by theory. Moreover, our study provides a strong and firm support to the rising field of graphene bolometric detectors.Comment: 5 figure

    Entanglement in Coupled Harmonic Oscillators via Unitary Transformation

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    We develop an approach to study the entanglement in two coupled harmonic oscillators. We start by introducing an unitary transformation to end up with the solutions of the energy spectrum. These are used to construct the corresponding coherent states through the standard way. To evaluate the degree of the entanglement between the obtained states, we calculate the purity function in terms of the coherent and number states, separately. The result is yielded to two parameters dependance of the purity, which can be controlled easily. Interesting results are derived by fixing the mixing angle of such transformation as \pi/2. We compare our results with already published work and point out the relevance of these findings to a systematic formulation of the entanglement effect in two coupled harmonic oscillators.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, clarification and reference added, misprints corrected. Version published in JSTA

    New construction of coherent states for generalized harmonic oscillators

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal