9 research outputs found

    Relative periodic orbits in point vortex systems

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    We give a method to determine relative periodic orbits in point vortex systems: it consists mainly into perform a symplectic reduction on a fixed point submanifold in order to obtain a two-dimensional reduced phase space. The method is applied to point vortices systems on a sphere and on the plane, but works for other surfaces with isotropy (cylinder, ellipsoid, ...). The method permits also to determine some relative equilibria and heteroclinic cycles connecting these relative equilibria.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figure

    Deformation of geometry and bifurcation of vortex rings

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    We construct a smooth family of Hamiltonian systems, together with a family of group symmetries and momentum maps, for the dynamics of point vortices on surfaces parametrized by the curvature of the surface. Equivariant bifurcations in this family are characterized, whence the stability of the Thomson heptagon is deduced without recourse to the Birkhoff normal form, which has hitherto been a necessary tool.Comment: 26 page

    Point vortices on the sphere: a case with opposite vorticities

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    We study systems formed of 2N point vortices on a sphere with N vortices of strength +1 and N vortices of strength -1. In this case, the Hamiltonian is conserved by the symmetry which exchanges the positive vortices with the negative vortices. We prove the existence of some fixed and relative equilibria, and then study their stability with the ``Energy Momentum Method''. Most of the results obtained are nonlinear stability results. To end, some bifurcations are described.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure


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