352 research outputs found
Profil Wanita Penyalahguna Narkoba Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II B Anak Pekanbaru
Drug abuse is a crime, because it will give bad impact for people around the abuser her self, drug abuse is generally done by men, but as the growth of era, women did not escape the threat of drugs. Drug abuse among women is one case that has increased in recent years, especially in Pekanbaru. In institution of class II B for children Pekanbaru drug abuse conducted by women is the most cases compared to other criminal cases that is as much as 167 inmates at the end of 2016. This study is to find out what the characteristics of the perpetrators of drug abusers from the first story begins to use, the type of drugs that is consume up to the chronology of arrest and what factors that cause a drug abuse. The theory that is used is the theory of deviance and social action. Technique of sampling that is used in this research is purposive informant in selective according to criteria, informant amounted of 7 person, that is 5 main informant of woman\u27s drug abuse and 2 person as a key informant, 1 from BNN Riau province and 1 person investigator from Polresta Drug Units . Method of data analysis is use a qualitative descriptive data retrieval use interview technique and documentation. The result of research explain that the background that cause woman abusing drugs interrelated. Both the background from within and from outside such as family disharmony to the most influential is the social environment
The purpose of this research is to reflect back 200 years of the eruption of Tambora on the island of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara through travel with a photographic study approach, specifically travel photography. Since its inception, photography has played a constitutive role in shaping a travel record, this is also comparable to the importance of that role as a depiction of social identity (Osborne, 2000). In addition, travel photography is also a way to see experiences through visual authentication (Hilman Wendy, 2007). Mount Tambora erupted in April 1815, impacting global climate change and natural disasters which claimed 84,000 lives on the island of Sumbawa, and buried the Tambora kingdom and Concentrated .. Based on the results of research, researchers see the occurrence of reconstruction in the history of the eruption of Tambora which is not only seen as a mountain, but also as an identity in the social structure of society in the form of photography. A photographer has the authority to create a reality from pre-travel to post-travel.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merefleksikan kembali 200 tahun letusan gunung Tambora yang berada di pulau Sumbawa Nusa Tenggara Barat melalui perjalanan dengan pendekatankajian fotografi,khususnyatravel photography. Sejak awal kehadirannyafotografi telah memainkan peran secara konstitutif dalam membentuk sebuah catatan perjalanan, hal ini juga sebanding dengan pentingnya peran tersebut sebagai penggambaran identitas sosial (Osborne, 2000). Selain itu, travel photography juga menjadi cara untuk melihat pengalaman melalui otentikasi visual (Hilman Wendy, 2007).Gunung Tambora meletus pada April 1815, berdampak pada perubahan iklim dunia dan bencana alam yang memakan korban 84.000 jiwa di pulau Sumbawa, serta mengubur kerajaan Tambora dan Pekat.. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti melihat terjadinya rekonstruksi pemaknaan dalam sejarah letusan gunung Tambora yang tidak hanya dilihat sebagai sebuah gunung, namun juga sebagai sebuah identitas dalam struktur sosial kemasyarakatan dalam bentuk karya fotografi. Seorang fotografer berperandalam menciptakan sebuah realitas sejak pre-travel hingga post-travel.
This research is to examine the use of the influence of the traditional congklak the social-emotional development of children aged 5-6 years in Pontianak Kindergarten. The experimental method is a quasi- experimental design, and an experimental non-equivalent control group design. the study population is all group B children aged 5-6 years in Pontianak Kindergarten. Sample with sample namely; class The lavender 15 children as the experimental class and the cherry blossoms 15 children as the control. Using a data collection tool in the form of observation sheets. the growing category according to expectations (BSH) from the results of data analysis after treatment in the lavender with an average value of 45.00 and after treatment in the cherry blossoms in the growing category (MB) with an average value of 41.40. The results of the independent sample t-test were 2.53 with a significance level of ( ) = 5% dk in the numerator (15 + 15) β 2 = 28 which was 2.048, thus the value was (2.503) > (2.048). Then the alternative hypothesis is accepted and it can be concluded that the use of the media.in playing the traditional congklak game can affect the social-emotional development of children The result of the effect size is 0.70 (medium criterion). This means that the congklak game media has a moderate influence on the social-emotional development of children aged 5-6 years in Pontianak Kindergarten
Pengaruh Fasilitas dan Minat Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Pemasaran Siswa Smk Negeri 1 Pontianak
This study examines the influence of the facility and interest in learning on learning outcomes of subjects marketing of goods and services in class XI marketing course student of SMK Negeri 1 Pontianak. Indicators of learning facilities in the study include learning media, learning tools and school supplies, indicators of interest to learn that taste like/ pleasure in learning activities, an interest in learning, the awareness to learn without prompting, participate in learning activities, give attention large in the study. This study uses a quantitative approach to the form of multiple linear regression. Collecting data using questionnaires, interview and observation sheet. The results of the analysis are: (1) there is the influence of the facility on student learning outcomes was 35,8% as evidenced by tcount> ttable, is 4.016> 2.007; (2) a significant difference between the interest on student learning outcomes was 71,2% as evidenced by tcount> ttable, is 15.341> 2.007; (3) a significant difference between the facility to the students' interest was 37,2% as evidenced by tcount> ttable, is 5.017> 2.007; (4) a significant difference between the facility and the interest on student learning outcomes was 71,2% as evidenced by the value of Fcount> F table, is 117.124> 3.179
Pelatihan Pembuatan Nugget Kelor sebagai Alternatif Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Anak Balita
Moringa leaf processing has not been widely carried out in Indonesia. This is due to the lack of public knowledge in utilizing Moringa leaves and the community does not know Moringa leaves as a source of food. Moringa leaves are a natural ingredient with a high nutritional content is also an option to provide additional food for toddlers. This service activity is carried out to increase public knowledge about the importance of nutritious food for children and provide training on making naget from Moringa leaves as an additional food for toddlers. This method of activity is through counseling and training in making Moringa nuggets. This community service provides a change in perspective and increases mothers' knowledge in making supplementary food for toddlers sourced from local food. One of this series of devotions is to train mothers to make breast milk complementary foods and healthy snacks easily and simply but with high nutritional value and hygienic. This service activity has a positive impact on the community, where mothers can do it independently at home about how to make complementary foods and healthy snacks for their children.Pengolahan daun kelor secara luas belum banyak dilakukan di Indonesia. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam melakukan pemanfaatan daun kelor dan masyarakat belum mengenal daun kelor sebagai sumber pangan. Daun kelor merupakan bahan alami dengan kandungan gizi yang tinggi juga menjadi pilihan untuk memberikan makanan tambahan bagi balita. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masayarakat tentang pentingnya makanan bergizi bagi anak dan memberikan pelatihan membuat nugget dari daun kelor sebagai makanan tambahan bagi balita. Metode kegiatan ini melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan membuat nugget kelor. Pengabdian masyarakat ini memberikan perubahan mengenai cara pandang dan menambah pengetahuan ibu dalam membuat makanan tambahan bagi balita yang bersumber dari pangan lokal. Salah satu rangkaian pengabdian ini adalah melatih para ibu untuk membuat makanan pendamping ASI dan jajanan sehat secara mudah dan sederhana namun bernilai gizi tinggi dan higienis. Kegiatan pengabdian ini membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat, dimana ibu dapat melalukan secara mandiri di rumah tentang cara membuat makanan pendamping dan jajanan sehat bagi anaknya
AbstractAn analysis of the rights of road users in Gresikan Market where traders sell to eat the highway, causing congestion and causing motorists to feel disturbed. The congestion comes from buyers who park their vehicles not neatly and by chance, and also caused by traders selling too far into the highway. Not only this cause, this research also provides suggestions for roads around Gresikan Market so that they do not continue to cause congestion on the highway. This research was conducted on traders in Gresikan Market and buyers as well as the police or Satpol PP. With the results of the study will show how the opinions of traders and buyers who cause congestion on the road. This study aims to determine the main consequences of congestion that occurs on the highway around Gresik Market which makes road users or motorists feel disturbed, it also cannot be separated from the security side, namely Satpol PP. From the discussion carried out, it can be concluded that Gresikan Market is actually not feasible in any way because of the less extensive land and lack of security because there are many criminal acts of motorcycle theft when the buyer parks and forgets the key. sometimes the sellers are also visited and warned by the Satpol PP for selling the shoulder of the road. But apart from this, actually the traders who have sold in Gresikan Market already have special land to sell but the perpetrators admit that they are reluctant to sell the land because they feel that their merchandise is not and the traders already have customers in Gresikan Market.Keywords: road user rights, traffic jam, marketAbstrakAnalisa mengenai hak pengguna jalan di Pasar Gresikan yang mana para pedagang berjualan hingga memakan bahu jalan raya, sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan dan menyebabkan para pengendara merasa terganggu.Rupanya, kemacetan tersebut berasal dari para pembeli yang memarkir kendaraan tidak rapi dan sembarangan, dan juga disebabkan karena pedagang berjualan terlalu maju hingga ke jalan raya.Bukan hanya penyebab tersebut adanya penelitian ini juga menyajikan saran untuk jalan di sekitar Pasar Gresikan agar tidak terus-menerus menyebabkan kemacetan di jalan raya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada para pedagang di Pasar Gresikan dan para pembeli serta polisi atau Satpol PP. Dengan hasil penelitian akan menunjukkan bagaimana pendapat para pedagang dan pembeli yang mengakibatkan kemacetan di jalan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan guna mengetahui dan mempelajari akibat utama timbulnya kemacetan yang terjadi di jalan raya sekitar Pasar Gresikan yang membuat para pengguna jalan atau para pengendara merasa terganggu, hal itu pula tak lepas dari peran para pihak keamanan yaitu Satpol PP. Dari pembahasan yang dilakukan dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa Pasar Gresikan sebenarnya tidak layak dari segi apapun karena lahan yang kurang luas dan keamanan yang kurang pula karena banyak terjadi tindak kriminal pencurian motorsaat pembeli memarkir dan lupa mencabut kunci. Terkadang para penjual juga didatangi dan diperingatkan oleh Satpol PP karena berjualan memakan bahu jalan.Namun terlepas dari hal tersebut sebenarnya para pedagang yang berjualan di Pasar Gresikan sudah diberi lahan khusus untuk berjualan namun para pedagang mengaku enggan berjualan di lahan tersebut karena merasa dagangannya tidak laku dan para pedagang tersebut sudah memiliki langganan di Pasar Gresikan
Pengaruh Konflik Peran dan Kecerdasan Emosional terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Guru Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri Pembina Provinsi Riau
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of role conflict and emotional intelligence on job satisfaction of teachers. The experiment was conducted on teacher Special School Pembina of Riau Province. The population in this study is a teacher Special School Pembina of Riau Province. The samples were 35 respondents in this study. Indipendent variables in this research is role conflict and emotional intelligence as dependent variable is teachers job satisfaction. This study using Multiple Linier Regression Analysis as a method, with using SPSS version 18. Simultanous regression (F test) showed the independent variables had a significant influences on the dependent variable (Job Satisfaction). The magnitude of influence independent variables was 70,8% and the remaining 29,5% was influenced by other variables.The result of this research showed that role conflict and emotional intelligent had significant influence on teachers job satisfaction. Partially, role conflict have negative significant influence to teachers job satisfaction, while emotional intelligence on teachers job satisfaction in positive significant. Keywords: Role Conflict, Emotional Intelligance and Job Satisfactio
Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, Leverage Dan Ukuran Dewan Pengawas Syariah Terhadap Pengungkapan Islamic Social Reporting (Studi Empiris Pada Bank Umum Syariah Di Indonesia Tahun 2010-2014)
This study aims to examines the influence firm size, profitability, leverage and sharia supervisory board size to the Islamic Social Reporting disclosure. The population of this research are all of Islamic Banks in Indonesia in 2010-2014. The method of determining the sample is by using purposive sampling method and obtained 45 observations. The data processing method used in this study is the multiple regression analysis with the help of a computer program SPSS version 17.0. The result of this study indicates: (1) firm size has a significant influence toward the Islamic Social Reporting disclosure with significance value 0,000, (2) leverage has a significant influence toward the the Islamic Social Reporting disclosure with significance value 0,002, (3) sharia supervisory board size has a significant influence toward the Islamic Social Reporting disclosure with significance value 0,006, (4) but profitability does not have a significant influence toward the Islamic Social Reporting disclosure. The magnitude of the effect (R2) of firm size, profitability, leverage and sharia supervisory board size to the Islamic Social Reporting disclosure is 67,8% while the remaining 32,2% is influenced by other independent variabels that are not observeved in this study
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